3 Mini-Game (2/2)
'Hello Player, you've arrived at a mini-game known as Clown Mashing. You are tasked to eliminate the Five Advanced Clowns or survive a total of twenty minutes without dying. If you manage to defeat all five of the clowns, then you'll obtain a rare treasure chest! Please prepare yourself you've got five minutes before the timer starts.' A childlike voice float through the air, from an unknown point.
In front of me on the far wall where the yellow blob had taken the form of a busty female a huge digital timer appeared. It began to tick down. Pushing myself to my feet, I feel slightly fatigued. However, it also feels like I'm slowly recovering. The sweat had stopped pouring down my face.
Reaching my hand out, I pat the head of my snake. He- I'm assuming it's a he- looks at me with his huge amber eyes that have a black slit in the middle of them. ”Can you kill them all by yourself?” I ask him.
He shakes his huge head, signaling 'no'. I sigh to myself, that was to be expected. These five clowns gave off a completely different vibe from the ones that had spawned out of the hallway. Each of the clowns had a distinctive look, compared to the ones in the hallway.
The clown that had spawned out of the black substance was male and had a frownie face on his mask, while the clown that had come from the yellow was busty and had a smiling mask, the yellow paint seemed to pour out of the eye sockets of her mask. She was dressed like a traditional clown with goofy shoes and big pants, yet her boobs were being supported by just a thin strip of material.
The green clown was a young boy that had moved closer towards the blue blob which was a clown that looked almost identical to him. Just the clothes were different colors and their mask respectively only had half a face the rest was left plain.
The red clown had rather androgens features and had a mask that had a red star over the left eye. A huge hammer was resting lightly between its fingers. Other than watching me, none of the clowns had moved an inch towards me.
Casting a glance back at the timer it read 3:24 and it kept ticking down.
”How many clowns can you handle?” I ask.
Three sharp hisses ring out and he begins to unwrap from around me. Letting his long body completely unravel. Its slitters to stand next to me. ”Three huh? Well, that's not too bad, I think I can take the other two. I should come up with a name for you.” I mutter to myself as I shrug off the backpack and unclip it before shoving my hands into it.
Again, the images of objects are projected into my mind as I search for more weapons. A sword comes into my mind. It's emitted a biting cold frost and glowed a vibrant purple, well a futuristic sword check.
Withdrawing the sword from the bag, I push the bag to the side of the room. I didn't need anything to weight me down. I dropped the ax, twisting the sword a couple times to get a handle on everything.
”You need a name, don't you?” I ask the snake, as I continue to rotate the sword in my hand before I clench it between my hands. ”This sword reminds me of you, it's got a regal feeling to it. How about Royal as your name?” I ask, looking towards him.
His two eyes close and then open and he nods his head.
”Great, Royal it is then.” I smile, turning my attention back towards the five clowns.
'Beep!' The sound ripples through the air. 'The time is up, please begin the game!' The childlike voice sounds again and the timer appeared on the wall in front of us.