Part 9 (1/2)
The phenomena of dust-storms, well understood by scientists, are not unco some distance out over the sea, they frequently cover the track of shi+ps, as in the case of the one through which the _Spray_ passed in the earlier part of her voyage Sailors no longer regard them with superstitious fear, but our credulous brothers on the land cry out ”Rain of blood!” at the first splash of the awful mud
The rip off Port Phillip Heads, a wild place, was rough when the _Spray_ entered Hobson's Bay froher when she stood out But, with sea-rooood weather i it It was only a few hours' sail to Tas hard I carried the St Kilda shark along, stuffed with hay, and disposed of it to Professor Porter, the curator of the Victoria Museum of Launceston, which is at the head of the Ta day to coood but mistaken people of St Kilda, when the illustrated journals with pictures of my shark reached their news-stands, flew into a passion, and swept all papers containing mention of fish into the fire; for St
Kilda was a watering-place--and the idea of a shark _there_! But my shoent on
[Illustration: On board at St Kilda Retracing on the chart the course of the _Spray_ from Boston]
The _Spray_ was berthed on the beach at a sale that brought her up the river was unusually high; and she lay there hard and fast, with not enough water around her at any time after to wet one's feet till she was ready to sail; then, to float her, the ground was dug froe of three children, while Ithe hills and rested e, on thethe ferns I found wherever I went My vessel ell taken care of I never returned without finding that the decks had been washed and that one of the children, irl fro to visitors, while the others, a brother and sister, sold o, on ”shi+p's account” They were a bright, cheerful crew, and people cae, and of the monsters of the deep ”the captain had slain” I had only to keep myself away to be a hero of the first water; and it suited me very well to do so and to rusticate in the forests and a the streams
A testi round Tase--Abundant provisions-An inspection of the _Spray_ for safety at Devonport--Again at Sydney--Northward bound for Torres Strait--An amateur shi+pwreck--Friends on the Australian coast--Perils of a coral sea
February 1,1897, on returning tofor me the letter of sympathy which I subjoin:
A lady sends Mr Slocum the inclosed five-pound note as a token of her appreciation of his bravery in crossing the wide seas on so small a boat, and all alone, without huer threatened All success to you
To this day I do not knorote it or to whoift it contained I could not refuse a thing so kindly meant, but promised myself to pass it on with interest at the first opportunity, and this I did before leaving Australia
The season of fair weather around the north of Australia being yet a long way off, I sailed to other ports in Tasmania, where it is fine the year round, the first of these being Beauty Point, near which are Beaconsfield and the great Tasray, uninteresting rock being hoisted out of theit into powder People told old in it, and I believed what they said
I reme the tall guovernor of New South Wales, Lord Ha The _Spray_, anchored near the landing-pier, threw her bunting out, of course, and probably athe Stars and Stripes was never seen in those waters However, the governor's party seemed to knohy it floated there, and all about the _Spray_, and when I heard his Excellency say, ”Introduce me to the captain,” or ”Introduce the captain to me,” whichever it was, I found entlee If any one of the party was overnor hi, Lord and Lady Hampden promised to rendezvous with me on board the _Spray_ at the Paris Exposition in 1900 ”If we live,” they said, and I added, for ers of the seas excepted”
Froetown, near the mouth of the river Tamar This little settlement, I believe, marks the place where the first footprints were rew to bethat I had seen so people here interested in adventure, I talked the matter over before my first audience in a little hall by the country road A piano having been brought in froot, and by a ”To coreat distance, and the attendance all told netted the house about three pounds sterling The owner of the hall, a kind lady from Scotland, would take no rent, and solittle place Iplace on the river Mersey, a few hours' sail ard along the coast, and fast becoe steaoes of far the Stars and Stripes to the port, the harbor-master, Captain Murray, told reat distinction the _Spray_ enjoyed many civilities while she rode co that covered her froistrate's house, ”Malunnah,” on the point, she was saluted by the Jack both on co out, and dear Mrs
Aikenhead, the mistress of Malunnah, supplied the _Spray_ with jams and jellies of all sorts, by the case, prepared froh to last all the way home and to spare Mrs
Wood, farther up the harbor, put up bottles of raspberry wine for me
At this point, ood cheer
Mrs Powell sent on board chutney prepared ”as we prepare it in India” Fish, and gaobbler was heard, and from Pardo, farther up the country, came an enormous cheese; and yet people inquire: ”What did you live on? What did you eat?”
[Illustration: The _Spray_ in her port duster at Devonport, Tasmania, February 22, 1897]
I was haunted by the beauty of the landscape all about, of the natural ferneries then disappearing, and of the do a gentle in art the beauties of his country He presented me with many reproductions froinals, to show to ed to tell the glories of Tasmania in every land and on every occasion This was Dr McCall, M L C The doctor gave s, however, that I filled away on this new course, and I am free to say that it is only by the kindness of sympathetic audiences that my oratorical bark was held on even keel Soon after my first talk the kind doctor came to me ords of approval As in one about it at once and without second thought ”Man, n of brain, and the et over the affliction; but,” he added reflectively, ”you will get over it” However, in my own behalf I think it only fair to say that I am not yet entirely cured
The _Spray_ was hauled out on the marine railway at Devonport and examined carefully top and bottom, but was found absolutely free from the destructive teredo, and sound in all respects To protect her further against the ravage of these insects the bottom was coated once h the Coral and Arafura seas before refitting again Everything was done to fit her for all the known dangers But it was not without regret that I looked forward to the day of sailing from a country of so many pleasant associations If there was a iven it up, it was there and then; but no vacancies for a better post being open, I weighed anchor April 16,1897, and again put to sea
The season of su up from the south, with fair winds for the north A foretaste of winter wind sent the _Spray_ flying round Cape Howe and as far as Cape Bundooro farther along, which she passed on the following day, retracing her course northward This was a fine run, and boded good for the long voyage home from the antipodes My old Christ when I caain, while the sloop sailed along as before in a smooth sea and close to the shore
The weather was fine, with clear sky the rest of the passage to Port Jackson (Sydney), where the _Spray_ arrived April 22, 1897, and anchored in Watson's Bay, near the heads, in eight fathoms of water