Part 22 (2/2)

Meanwhile the shock of surprise at the unlooked-for ain the man in Joseph For a second even Hope knocked at his heart He was sinewy and active, and perchance he ht yet make Galliard repent that he had discarded his rapier The knight's reason for doing so he thought he had in Crispin's contereat an honour for you, Mr Ashburn”

And as he spoke, his lean, nervous fingers tightened about Joseph's throat in a grip that crushed the breath fro alley-weaned strength of Crispin's, a strength that was a revelation to Joseph as he felt hi this way and that, like a babe in the hands of a grown th ebbed fast; the blood, held overlong in his head, was already obscuring his vision, when at last the grip relaxed, and his breathing was freed As his sight cleared again he found himself back in his chair at the table-head, and beside hiht grasping once ly and evilly upon his victi on, could not repress a shudder He had known Crispin for a tempestuous er ht in him to rival this present frenzy; it rendered satanical the baleful glance of his eyes and the awful sazed at last upon the helpless quarry that he had waited eighteen years to bring to earth ”I would,” said Crispin, in a harsh, deliberate voice, ”that you had a score of lives, Master Joseph As it is I have done what I could Two agonies have you undergone already, and I am inclined to mercy The end is at hand If you have prayers to say, say theh I doubt me it will be wasted breath--you are over-ripe for hell”

”Youyet a shade more livid

”Does the suspicion of it but occur to you?” laughed Crispin, ”and yet twice already have I given you a foretaste of death Think you I but jested?”

Joseph's teeth clicked together in a snap of determination That sneer of Crispin's acted upon him as a blow--but as a blow that arouses the desire to retaliate rather than lays low He braced himself for fresh resistance; not of action, for that he realized was futile, but of argument

”It is murder that you do,” he cried

”No; it is justice It has been long on the way, but it has coh--”

”Call me not by that name,” cried the other harshly, fearfully ”I have not borne it these eighteen years, and thanks to what you have made me, it is not meet that I should bear it now” There was a pause Then Joseph spoke again with great calm and earnestness

”Bethink you, Sir Crispin, of what you are about to do It can benefit you in naught”

”Oddslife, think you it cannot? Think you it will benefit ht to see you earn at last your reward?”


”Not a fleeting one, Joseph,” he laughed ”But one the h what years or days of life be leftto experience; though the moment after it be mine find me stark and cold”

”Sir Crispin, you are in enmity with the Parliament--an outlaw al it--”

”Have done, sir!” cried Crispin angrily ”You talk in vain What toendured the burden of it, it has been so that I ht draw from it this hour Do you think there is any bribe you could offer would turn aining consciousness, drew his attention aside

”Truss hiure ”How? Do you hesitate? Now, as God lives, I'll be obeyed; or you shall have an unpleasant reminder of the oath you sworethe lad dropped on his knees to do as he was bidden Then of a sudden:

”I have not the means,” he announced

”Fool, does he not wear a sword-belt and a sash? Come, attend to it!”

”Why do you force me to do this?” the lad still protested passionately

”You have tricked and cheated me, yet I have kept my oath and rendered you the assistance you required They are in your power now, can you not do the rest yourself?”

”On my soul, Master Stewart, I ale at every step before you'll take it? I will have your assistance through this ive it Come, truss me that fellow, and have done ords”