Part 12 (2/2)
But Kenneth laid his hand upon Galliard's sleeve ”What if the door should open as we pass?”
”Someone will die,” muttered Crispin back ”But pray God that it may not We must run the risk”
”Is there no other way?”
”Why, yes,” returned Galliard sardonically, ”we can linger here until we are taken But, oddslife, I'm not so
His foot was upon the topht, when of a sudden the stillness of the house was broken by a loud knock upon the street door
Instantly--as though they had been awaiting it there was a stir of feet below and the bang of an overturned chair; then a shaft of yellow light fell athwart the darkness of the hall as the guardroorowled Galliard ”Back,over the balusters they sao troopers pass out of the guardroom, and cross the hall to the door A bolt was drawn and a chain rattled, then followed the creak of hinges, and on the stone flags rang the footsteps and the jingling of spurs of those that entered
”Is all well?” canized as Colonel Pride's, followed by an affirmative reply from one of the soldiers
”Hath a h is with them even now”
In the hall Crispin could now ures of Colonel Pride and of three men who came with him But he had scant leisure to survey them, for the colonel was in haste
”Coarret I would see the where the Moabites hanged Gives yesterday Had I asped Kenneth, as the soldier set foot upon the stairs
Under his breath Crispin swore a terrific oath For an instant it seeht left but to stand there and await recapture
Through his mind it flashed that they were five, and he but one; for his coht alone can coe his chances He realized how desperate they were did he relanced sharply round
Diht was keen, and quickened by the ier Partly his eyes and partly his instinct told him that not six paces behind him there must be a door, and if Heaven pleased it should be unlocked, behind it they must look for shelter
It even crossed his ht, that perchance the rooht be occupied That was a risk he must take--the lesser risk of the two, the choice of one of which was forced upon him He had determined all this ere the soldier's foot was upon the third step of the staircase, and before the colonel had co like one fascinated at the approaching peril
Then upon his ear fell the fierce whisper: ”Cohtly as you love your life”
In three long strides, and by steps that were softer than a cat's, Crispin crossed to the door which he had rather guessed than seen He ran his hand along until he caught the latch Softly he tried it; it gave, and the door opened Kenneth was by then beside hiht of the trooper's lanthorn fell brightly
Another moment and the felloould have reached and turned the corner of the stairs, and his light must reveal them to him But ere that instant was passed Crispin had drawn his coh, and closed the door as softly as he had opened it The chamber was untenanted and almost bare of furniture, at which discovery Crispin breathedfootsteps, and the clank-clank of a sword against the stair-rail A bar of yellow light carew and farther it crept along the floor; then stopped and receded again, as he who bore the lanthorn turned and began to cliht had vanished, eclipsed by those who followed in the felloake
”The , Sir Crispin,” cried Kenneth, in an excited whisper--”the !”