Part 4 (2/2)
Up the hill on either side pressed the Duke of Ha It but remained for Lesley's Scottish horse to follow and complete the rout of the Parliamentarian forces Had they moved at that supreme moment who shall say what had been the issue of Worcester field? But they never stirred, and the Royalists waiting on Perry Wood cursed Lesley for a foul traitor who had sold his King
With bitterness did they then realize that their great effort was to be barren, their gallant charge in vain Unsupported, their position grew fast untenable
And presently, when Croallant host was driven fighting, down the hill and back to the shelter of Worcester With the Roundheads pressing hotly upon theained at last the Sidbury Gate, but only to find that an overset aht, and without atteainst the Puritan onslaught
Charles had flung hier and climbed the obstruction, and in this he was presently followed by others, ah Street Galliard ca a Scottish regiment of foot The soldiers had thron their ar to obey his coain and help him attempt, even at that late hour, to retrieve the fortunes of the day Crispin looked on in scorn and loathing His passions awakened at the sight of Lesley's inaction needed but this last breath to fan it into a very blaze of wrath And what he said to the themselves, their country, and the Kirk Committee that had made sheep of them, was so bitter and contemptuous that none but men in the most parlous and pitiable of conditions could have suffered it
He was still hurling vituperations at them when Colonel Pride with a troop of Parlia completely overcome the resistance at the Sidbury Gate--rode into the town At the news of this, Crispin made a last appeal to the infantry
”Afoot, you Scottish curs!” he thundered ”Would you rather be cut to pieces as you stand? Up, you dogs, and since you know not how to live, die at least without shame!”
But in vain did he rail In sullen quiet they reround before the away to see to his own safety, the King rode up again, and again he sought to revive the courage that was dead in those Scottish hearts If they would not stand by him, he cried at last, let them slay him there, sooner than that he should be taken captive to perish on the scaffold
While he was still urging them, Crispin unceremoniously seized his bridle
”Will you stand here until you are taken, sire?” he cried ”Leave the eye upon the resolute, battle-grimed face of the man that thus addressed hiht, sir,” heabout he rode down a side street with Galliard following closely in his wake
With the intention of doffing his ar his apparel, heAs they drew up before the door, Crispin, chancing to look over his shoulder, rapped out an oath
”Hasten, sire,” he exclaimed, ”here is a portion of Colonel's Pride's troop”
The King looked round, and at sight of the Parlialy But already Crispin had sprung from his horse
”Disorously as to appear to drag him out of the saddle
”Which way?” deht
”Which way?”
But Crispin's quickthe royal arm--for who in such straits would deal cere across the threshold, and, following, closed the door and shot its only bolt But the shout set up by the Puritans announced to the turned upon Sir Crispin, and in the half-light of the passage wherein they stood Galliard made out the frown that bent the royal brows
”And now?” demanded Charles, a note alone, sire,” returned the knight ”Begone ere they coone?” echoed Charles, in amazement ”But whither, sir? Whither and how?”
His last words were almost drowned in the din without, as the Roundheads pulled up before the house
”By the back, sire,” was the ih door or --as best you can The back must overlook the Corn-Market; that is your way But hasten--in God's name hasten!--ere they bethink them of it and cut off your retreat”
As he spoke a violent blow shook the door