Part 52 (1/2)

She left us an hour and a half before dae letting her return alone because of the greater danger of detection if we had tried to escort her It was after she had gone, while we sat listening for the sound of a challenge that would have ruined all her hopes, if not ours, that Will conceived the bright idea which finally saved us

”The Heinies don't know that we're wise to their ga out froed wisdom ”Why don't we play that card for all it's worth?”

”We need five cards to make even a poker hand,” Fred objected

”Will a full house suit you--aces and queens?” he answered ”I've named you one ace already Ace number two is the fact that these German officials are brutes pure and si else, with brutal low cunning and no other cleverness”

”That sounds like the joker!” said Fred

”It's ace number two, I tell you! The third is the fact that Brown of Luated iron partition! Three aces--count 'eo! The other's the dhow! We'll call that blessed boat the Queen of Sheba for luck! The Queen of Sheba got to her journey's end, and found hts of little old Broadway, so shall we! I've dealt the cards--is it up to me to play theh! There's an awful lot hangs on the gaued over the points of Will's strategy

Africa is a land of sudden death and swift recoveries, but for a convalescent ht to be tired out It was broad daylight when I awoke, and breakfast was ready Fred and Will had returned from their march around the townshi+p with the native band, and toin front of their tent, talking with them I threw on a jacket and joined them at table

”I don't understand you,” said the commandant ”Either talk German or speak more slowly!”

Will took a purchase on his stock of patience and began again

”If our porters run away, you'll blame us We don't care to be blamed for what is none of our fault So if you don't put 'e to discontinue paying for their keep That's flat! You can work 'em if you like Let 'em help keep the townshi+p clean We'll pay their board and wages as long as you're responsible for their not escaping! And say! If you want to get real work out of 'ee like that Kazi Put him on the same chain with the lot of 'e your jail, but I' you facts that'll hurt nobody Those porters 'ud be a darn sight better off with plenty of exercise”

”Do I understand you to ask that your porters be et runted, nodded, waited for us to get up and salute hi of the sort, turned on his heel, and walked off We spent an hour on tenterhooks, and I began to believe the German had simply become more suspicious than ever and would keep closer watch on us without troubling at all about the men

But at the end of an hourthe porters rounded up, and a chain fetched out that was long enough to hold them all They disappeared within the boma wall Ten minutes later suddenly Will pointed toward the southward

”Look! See what happens when the roofs of shanty-town take fire!”

Flaular Swahili huts Within thirty seconds the askaris on guard at the bo their rifles in the air as fast as they could pull the trigger and reload Within twowas headed for jail, where it was locked behind doors, in order that every askari in Muanza ht be free to pile arms and hurry to the fire

It was not only askaris; the whole townshi+p turned out as to the circus, with Schubert and his long kiboko ruling the riot The other sergeants were in evidence, but quiet, i their kibokos without wasting words, stirring the whole world within their reach into action--if not orderly and purposeful, action, at least

Schubert climbed on a roof well to ard and safe fros in a voice that out-thundered thehe seized handsful of the thatch on which he stood and tore thee discontent of the owner The crohat he wanted and began at once tearing off roofs in a wide circle around the fire so as to isolate it, Schubert de until scarcely a handful of thatch remained on the roof he honored and he had to stand aardly on the crisscross poles, while the owner and his women wept

Within ten minutes after the coy of roof pulling Whoever had an enemy ran and tore his roof off, and there were several instances of reciprocity, two fa the other to be at the fire

Muanza was a furious place--a riot--a home of din and tumult while the fire lasted, and when it was put out it took another hour to stop the fights between victiet the idea of it?” asked Will ”D'ye see the Achilles heel?”

In that second, I believe, Fred Oakes and I betrayed ourselves genuine adventurers Any fool could have talked glibly about setting the town on fire; any coward could have yelped about the danger of it, and improbability of success It needed adventurers to size up instantly all the odds against the idea, recognize the one infinitesimal chance, and plump for it And ere there!

”It's the only chance we've got!” agreed Fred ”I'm for it! Lead on Aame!”

After that it seele detail of our plan had to be thought out beforehand and mentally rehearsed, if we hoped to have even the one slischen continued drunk, which ive Lady Waldon another chance to pay us a nocturnal visit One of our boys told us that according towith hied native nautch they had staged in seclusion on the hill