Part 50 (2/2)
I tumbled out of bed on the far side, and went to waken the other two
After a hurried consultation we decided ht that had burned in it nearly alhile I was so deathly ill We wrapped ourselves in blankets, and Fred went and shook Simba awake
”Watch those Greeks!” he ordered hiive the alarround in the back of athered There was one chair We three sat on the bed
”Before we begin,” said Fred, ”we'd like some kind of proof, Lady Waldon, that your overture is honest! I've no need to labor the point
Until now you have been our implacable eneht?”
She sighed ”I don't expect friendshi+p,” she answered ”You and I are in deep water, and must find a straw that may float us all! If I can help you to escape out of the country I will If you can help s in store for you than you iine! If you tell your secret now, they intend to prevent your telling it to any one else afterward! And unless you tell they intend to take terrible steps to compel you! As for , and am of no further use to them! They have not said so, but it is very clear to schen is drunk to-night; he ca, and has plied the whisky bottle freely ever since until he fell asleep an hour and a half ago He boasted over his cups
They are si wait for Major Schunk, who is supposed to be coainst you
They haveyour trail back by the way you caenuine evidence they will invent what they need; the purpose is to get you legally behind the bars; and if you ever coain alive that would not be their fault!”
”What do you propose?” asked Fred
”Escape!” she answered excitedly Then another thought made her clench her fists ”Is it possible you told Professor Schillingschen your secret to-day? Did one of you tell him? Is that why he is drunk?”
She saw by our faces that that fear was groundless, but a greater one, that she ht not be able to convince us, seized her next and she esture that the shawl she wore over her head and shoulders fell away and her long hair ca down like a witch's
”Listen! There is nothing that you men from your point of view could say too bad about me! I know! I have been in the pay of Gerot radation to another! They have dragged me down so far at last that I am not much more use to them If ere in British territory they would siovern hby, and Lord James Rait, and fifty others; it was so easy to put incriainst them in the hands of the public prosecutor Lord James Rait died in Dartmoor Prison--a common felon I shall not! But believe me--I am certain as I sit here that they only wait for ht start inconvenient rumors that would lead to unanswerable questions! It was proposed to me to-day that I should return to British East on the launch!”
”Then why talk about escaping?” Fred wondered ”Why not go?”
”Because,” she hissed emphatically, ”don't you see, you stupid!--if they send me back it will be to et into touch with British officials--and save the situation by telling my own tale first!”
Fred was in no hurry to be convinced I was already for accepting her story and helping her out; but that was perhaps because I was a sick ates of death to care to be hard on any one
”I still don't see your danger,” Fred told her ”In all le instance of the British courts passing a severe sentence on a spy If you'll excuseso, your story about Lord Jaot a twenty-year sentence for forgery”
”True!” she answered ”And Mrs Winstin Willoughby was sentenced to fifteen years for theft! Lord Jaovernuard masters! Do you think they will expose me as a spy?
That would be too clumsy, even for such bullies as they are! Do you suppose they could have dragged me down to this without some sword held over land several years ago Oh, yes, I am a criiven to me by a German on behalf of a countryht the check to ested I should raise it! Since then I have tried to repay that hed and told me they preferred to leave matters as they are”
”What would be the use of returning to British territory, then?” asked Fred ”If they hold that over you, they can denounce you at any tiet there first! I know too much!
I can tell too much! I can prove toothat check, no government in the world would listen to me But if I can tell my story first, and confess about the check, and explain why the charge is likely to be brought againstStreet officials who knohisper to the Gerhten theovernment, if only I can tell my tale before they crush me!”
”Why not write it?” asked Fred, and it seemed to me there was huhed scornfully
”My own ave them the letters written tothey would never rest until they had the letter!”