Part 48 (1/2)

Then I heard Will and Fred arguing

”Don't be a fool!” That was Fred's voice

”I tell you I'll tell hi! Let hiuts, for I've seen him use 'em I shall tell him You wait here!”

But they both came in, and sat one on either side of my bed

”Did you hear what that doctor person said to the sergeant-uage,” I answered

”He said you'll be dead by this evening! He told Schubert to go and get the chain-gang and have the off for dinner He added they'll have you buried and out of the way by four or five o'clock Then Schubert asked him--”

”No need to tell hi my face keenly, and went on

”Schubert asked him as to say whether you are dead or not What d'you suppose the ansas?”

Fred objected again, but Will waved hiave Schubert was: 'Once he is covered with two n a certificate!'--So now you knohat to expect!”

Will smiled as he watched me His face was as keen and caluesswork to put you where he'd like to have you--eh?” he laughed And I sat up

Fred began to grin too ”You were right, Will!” he adave er, I think, would have hastened the end It was sudden recognition of my own superiority to the devils who knew so little mercy It was simple inability in the last recourse to ad felt better I de march around the townshi+p I hadup

We dated the turn of the tide of our fortunes froan to prosper--at first gradually, but after a while in the old say that hadwork

We saw the chain-gang--Kazimoto last, with a shovel over his shoulder--rave in the sand close to where they burned the townshi+p refuse Fred and Will went and watched the to slip a paper of snuff into Kazimoto's hand while he rested and let the pick- as an old sweet pipe to nine whiteat five with an old sack to put my body in, and plenty of askaris to help decide disputes, I was standing up

He could not very well make even himself believe that a man who could speak and as dead, but he could be ied by what he was pleased to call e he knew, including several native ones, and ended by threatening toto so -play]

We enraged hiot out his concertina that for many days past had lain idle The first few notes of itcould have done what depths of despondency weas I had known Fred, he had always been able with that weird instrument of his to rouse his own spirits and so stir the rest of us He resu I went to bed like a newweeks slept until daaking hungry My leg began toelse, of the treatrounds than our supposed possession of a secret Laughter brought good hope Hope gave us courage, and courage set Fred and Will hunting for a means of escape We decided there and then that to wait for this Major Schunck to cohly dangerous

The first discovery Fred and Will ranite rock in which the Bismarck medallion was set

They climbed it, and discovered that from the summit they could see all Muanza harbor from the shore line to the island in the distance

Sitting up there, they presently spotted a native dhon up with bow to the beach with the indefinable, yet unescapable air of rather long disuse

Resisting the first te the shore and examine it, they returned to camp to tell me of the find, and sent Simba, Kazimoto's understudy, to find out whose the dhoas and why it lay there They explained it was a fairly big dhow, and ht be laid up there on account of leakiness

But Sied to an Indian fro The dhow had been sold to pay his court fine, and was noned by a Punjabi who had bought it as a speculation and repented already of his bargain, because the Gerrant him no license to use it and nobody else would buy