Part 17 (1/2)

”No I make you a present of those ideas I'h--I' of the sa,” said Will

”Out with it, then”

”What's to prevent the Gerians or with the Congo govern the hoard on a fifty-fifty or some such basis?”

”Correct,” said Courtney ”I confess myself puzzled about that But I know no European politics Thereof the Belgians has the naeo is unspeakable It's possible the Ger His Majesty on the scent”

”Well, we've our work cut out,” said Fred, laughing and yawning ”That woman has started us off with a bad na I can really do for you,” Courtney answered ”I've no official standing, but the boys all listen to me I'll tell them--”

”For the love of God don't tell them too much!” Fred exclaimed

”I'll tell them you're friends oflicense and ammunition problem As for the woman--if I were in your shoes I would steal a march on her I wouldn't be surprised if your licenses and ammunition per I see they've sent your guns already Well, there's a train for Nairobi tomorrow noon, and not another for three days I'd take to anywhere the start's the principal thing You'll go?”

”We will,” we answered, one after the other

”Good night, then, boys; I'll be going”

But alked with him down to his hotel--I, and I think the others, full to the teeth with the pleasure of knowing him, as well as of envy of his scars, his five or six South African cans, his adventures, and (by no entleman Merely a little bit of a man with a lientleness



Delights--ah, Ten are the dear delights (and the Book forbids them, one by one)-- The broad old roads of a thousand loves--back turned to the Law--the lawless fun-- Old Arts for new--old hours reborn--and who shall mourn when the sands have run?

I was old when they told the Syren Tales (All ears were open then!) And the harps were afire with plucked desire For the white ash oars again-- For oars and sail, and the open sea, High prow against pure blue, The good sea spray on eye and lip, The thrue and the roll of a driven shi+p As the old course boils anew!

Sweetly I call, the captains come The home ties draw at hearts in vain

Potent the spell of Africa! Who East and South the course has ta'en By Guardafui to Zanzibar ain

Courtney proved better than his word Our Big Game Licenses arrived after breakfast, and permits for five hundred rounds of rifle ammunition each In an envelope in addition was Fred's check with the collector's compliments and the request that we kindly call and pay for the licenses In other wordshad absolution

We called, and were received as fellow enius of Courtney's friendshi+p A railway man looked in The collector's di up today?” he asked ”I'll see you get berths on the train”

We little realized at thedawned fifteen h noon e strolled to the station behind a string of porters carrying our luggage

Courtney was there to see us off, and he looked worried

”I'h,” he said with a sort of fee to hear the hero of one's school-days, ns, actually troubled about whether we could catch our train

But so the entle always and considerate of everybody but himself

There was law in this new land, at all events along the railway line

Not even handbags or rifles could pass by the barrier until weighed and paid for Crammed in the vestibule in front of us were fifty people fretfully s of porters lest any later coainst the ticket as Georges Coutlass Things see as he wished