Part 15 (2/2)
Moe island, but the built-over part of it is se from the office face to face with Lady Saffren Waldon She was the one surprised, not we She probably thought she had spiked our guns in that part of the world forever, and the sight of us co frolu on one of the little trolley-cars, pushed by two boys in white official uniform, dressed in her flimsiest best, a lace parasol across her knee, and beside her an obvious , and so recently from home as not to have lost his pink cheeks yet
Had there not been an awning over the trolley-car she ht have used the parasol toprecluded that, and ere not h!” whispered Fred
So we crossed the track laughing and the trolley had to pause to let us by We laughed as we raised our helhed both at her and at the pink and white puppy she had taken in leash And then the sort of thing happened that nearly always does when rity h Fate stepped hard on our arm of the balance
If built-over Mombasa is a s down the hill from the other hotel, the rival one, the Royal, came aa tenth of a continent after hihtier than he; surely , freckled, wizened man whose beard had once been red, alked with a decided lienially from under the brim of a very neat khaki helmet
”Why, bless my soul if it isn't Fred Oakes!” he exclaimed, in a squeaky, worn-out voice that is as well known as his face, and quickened his pace down-hill
”Courtney!” said Fred ”There's only one hed ”Oh, you and your Montdidier are still inseparable, I suppose! How are you, Fred? I'lad to see you Who are your friends?”
At that minute out came the collector from his office--stood on the step, and stared Fred introduced us to Courtney, and I experienced the thrill of shaking hands with the ination and made stay-at-home life forever after an impossibility
”Ido to see about a passage to Somaliland I suppose you'll be at the club after dinner?”
”No” said Fred ”We've an invitation, but I think we'll send a note and say we can't come We'll dine at our hotel and sit on the veranda afterward”
I wondered what Fred was driving at, and so did the collector as headed across the street and listening with all ears
”That so? Not a bad idea They've very kindly made me an honoraryto that--eh, Fred, don't you? They'll expect stories,--stories I get tired of telling the same tales so many times over Suppose I join you fellows, eh? I'm at the Royal You at the other place? Suppose I join you after dinner, and we have a pipe together on the veranda?”
”Nothing I'd like better,” said Fred, and I felt too pleased with the prospect to say anything at all Growing old is a foolish and unnecessary business, but there is no need to forego while young the thrills of unashamed hero-worshi+p; in fact, that is one of the ways of continuing young It is only the disillusioned (poor deceived ones) and the cynics, who grow old ungracefully
We went upstreet, through the shadow of the great gri the din, s overto the collector
”We're getting absolution, Fred!” said I
”I'm not sure we need it,” Fred answered ”I hope Courtney won't tell toofor friends at court to fearing them!
”Courtney looked to ames away”
”Glad you think that of him,” said Fred
”Tell you later, maybe”
But he did not tell until after dinner (It was a good dinner for East Africa Shark steak figured in it, under a uinea-fowl, and more different kinds of fruit than a man could well re wide veranda that fronts the whole hotel The evening sea-breeze caht sounds that whisper of wilderness gave the lie to a tinkling guitar that sohts The surf crooned on coral half a ar sings) supplemented coffee and the other aids to physical content between the arreet hih--Courtney ca the world, and the clock, and the laws of ht we cared
Without really being conscious he was doing it Courtney plunged into our problerasped it, sized it up, advised us, flooded us with priceless, wonderful advice, and did it with such almost fe hilance at the watch he wore in a case at his belt had not told hian when he had filled his pipe ”You boys are in trouble What is it?” he asked, shi+fting and twitching in his seat--refusing an ar a drink
”Tell us first what's the matter with you,” said Fred