Part 1 (1/2)
Ingersoll in Canada
by Allen Pringle
By Allen Pringle
”If all mankind, minus one, were of one opinion,that one person than he, if he had the poould be justified in silencing mankind”--_J S Mill, On Liberty_
”Here's freedom to him that would read, Here's freedom to him that would write; Thert's nane ever feared that the truth should be heard, But they whom the truth would indite”--Burns
”He ill not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a a fool; and he who dares not is a slave”--_Philosopher_
PER CONTRA: ”Do not try to reason or you are lost”--_Moody, the Evangelist_
”Hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may”
”Fear first y I define to be the art of teaching what nobody knows”--_Lord Broughahbors believe in one God or twenty”--_Jefferson_
”The natural world is infinite and eternal The universe was not called into being from non-entity”--_Plato_
”To assert that Christianity coues, on the part of the assertor, either gross ignorance or else wilful fraud”--_Buckle_
”Nature is seen to do all things of herself without theof the Gods”--_Lucretius_
”Is there no 'inspiration,' then, but an ancient Jewish, Greekish, Ros?”--_Thos
”Inanity well tailored and upholstered, uity, decorous Hypocrisy, which is astonished you should, think it hypocritical, taking their rooes: from zenith to nadir you have Cant, Cant--a universe of incredibilities which are not even credited, which each man at best only tries to persuade hihest possible welfare of all present ion; the perfectibility of the future of our race here upon this planet is my faith; and I would the time had coion of all mankind”--_Lord Queensbury_ (as recently excluded frolish House of Lords because of his unorthodox opinions)
Gentlehly esteeestion, I have been enabled to get out this Second Edition of ratuitous distribution aentle every Minister in the Province with a copy, and it was further decided to also supply the College Students
The compliment to pamphlet and author, which this action on the part of an intelligent and discri Liberal implies, I, of course, duly appreciate When the ritten a few o, at the request of fellow-liberals, I had no expectation that it would ultio before so critical and learned a body of readers as the Clergy, Graduates, and College Students of Ontario I supposed one modest edition of 2,000 copies would be all that would ever see the light
But it has been otherwise desired by y tothe advancement of truth), and I earnestly submit for your best consideration its subject matter rather than its literary reat questions must be examined, for they _will_ come to the front in spite of the htfulinto the effaced and the Creeds and Confessions rapidly breaking up is beco every day reat historical acuious belief, of the most complete and treh Pedley, BA, Cobourg, in a very able paper in the July (1880) nuical Students and the Tiht, all syste: handled with the uteneral, and is protean in its adaptibility to circumstances There is the philosophical skepticism for the cultured, and popular skepticisersoll for the people No _Index Expurgatorius_, whether Catholic or Protestant, whether ecclesiastical or do tide” He also says: ”I would advocate a e in all our theological schools””Let there be no tith of the rationalistic position”