Part 13 (2/2)

The chiht well be built in flint, the corners being rounded off in deference to the peculiarities of the _--It is of the first iht skin be lect of this precaution

The rendering was often of the poorest quality, more mud than lime, and the constant repairs that the indifferent es becoated plaster blotches, when not ashed over, which give an impression of dilapidation by no ood skin, however, of celomerate ill last indefinitely So vital is the skin that it is as well to put it on in two good coats--rounding off all the corners and finishi+ng it either with slap-dash or rough from the wooden float

Also, to ensure its proper adhesion throughout, wire-nettingsecured to the face of the chalk wall byor wires laid on the wall as the building rises

If the netting be of a fine h pounded glass incorporated in the base of the wall is equally effective

_Strength_--Provided the wall has dried out thoroughly, any of the ordinary loads occurring in a two-storied house can be borne with ease

Chalk congloth, and it should not be asked to stand up to thrusts

The roof, therefore,merely as a lid

[Illustration: +Details of Chalk Construction at Aard, FRIBA, the copyright of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research)]

[Illustration: +Chalk Construction at Aard, FRIBA, the copyright of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research)]

_Roof_--Though thatch is the traditional roofing es, any other will serve that is perood of its kind

The only special deenerously overhung for their better protection from the weather

Where, in later years, the boldly projecting thatch has been thoughtlessly replaced by a slate roof with re eaves, or with none at all, the walls have suffered accordingly

[Headnote: Garden Walls]

_Garden Walls_--A chalk garden wall must be afforded just as much protection as the wall of a house and on both sides

The hat hich it is provided is of the highest i

Exaiven in the sketches shown below

[Illustration: WALL COPINGS]

_House Walls_--Chalk conglomerate walls rarely exceed 18 in in thickness, and are usually the same upstairs as down

A plinth of the same thickness as the chalk wall it supports is usually carried up 6 in to 18 in above the ground level in rubble-work, flint, or brick, being known as the ”Underpin Course” Any of the stock damp-courses are suitable, but they must be well and truly laid, as damp feet are nearly as deleterious to a chalk wall as a leaky or inadequate hat

No special tools are required for thisand a spade for the final chopping down of the wall faces being all that are necessary

A house built during the summer is usually fit for occupation the same autus in chalk conglomerate, both old and neould do well to visit so about Andover in Wiltshi+re