Chapter 228 - A Mean To Suppress A God (1/2)
And yes, I did notice that her name is a fucking painting, but Monalisa obviously looks nothing like the woman in that famous portrait, so it is all just a coincidence.
There will be plenty of coincidences in the future as the multiverse is an infinitely vast place. It is vaster than even the already infinitely vast universe. That is a lot of infinities.
But the point is, anything that could happen, will happen, and probably had already happened, at least in some form somewhere in the multiverse.
There is no such thing as coincidences.
Venetia knowing about my desire to undo a powerful dragon curse is also not a coincidence. This was what she had referred to during her outbursts when she was being dragged into a cell by Legion, who is taking the form of Hans and Alex.
Since Venetia did not think the curse is true, she did not mention it again until had asked her directly.
But by then, I had already pumped her mouth, throat and stomach full of cum, knocking her right out with a creamy cum overdose, so it does take a bit of time and effort to extract any sort of information out of her in that state.
Venetia does not know much, but she did reveal in her hazy state that her mother, Monalisa is actually the one who had told her about the curse. As for how Monalisa knows, Venetia could not say exactly.
And since I am going to have a nice long chat with Monalisa in my office soon, preferably when she is on her knees and between my legs serving me alongside with her daughter, I am not really in any hurry to know.
Everything that will come will eventually come. Patience is a virtue, and I do need a bit of time to build up my base here in the country. The foundation is pretty shaky right now. Easily breaks apart should I leave now.
In any case, I am sure there is a very good explanation to why Monalisa knows about my dragon curse, as I am quite cautious about revealing such information to anyone.
Being cursed by a dragon is not something that should be taken lightly here on Azula. That is because dragons are powerful creatures of magic. Each dragon is born with exceedingly high magical potential and power.
Thus, most baby dragons can give mages of the third-circle a serious fight for their lives, and this is all without them having developed any actual intelligence. Just raw might and magic alone.
An adult dragon can pretty much lay waste to everything within sight, so their magic power is probably above Grand Archmage. Then there are ancient dragons and dragon lords, not to mention those gods of theirs.
Adult dragons can lay waste to everything within sight, thus they are probably above Grand Archmage in term of magic power. Then there are ancient dragons and dragon lords, not to mention those pesky dragon gods.
Ingra is a Dragon God. Capitalization because there is a big different between gods and Gods with that capitalized G, at least as according to Zeus and Zephyr.
Anyone who is worshipped by mortals can be considered as a god, but an actual God does not require any form of worship or idolization. They also do not care about mortals or immortal alike.
This is as expected since God are Divine Beings, inhabitants from an ageless plane of existence.
Since Ingra can crush normal gods fairly easily, it is logical to assume Ingra is from the ageless plane of existence. Until something proves to me otherwise, I will go with that belief.
It also gives me a good idea of what I must do to counter Ingra and beings similar to Ingra.
A fusion nuke to the face will probably does nothing to Ingra. Supernova blasts might do some damage since it did hurt Zeus physically.
What is more powerful than a supernova blast? A hypernova, but the combined strength of a hundred or so supernovae should be more than equivalent to a hypernova. Then again, physical damage would not kill something like Ingra.
Might hurt Ingra badly, but hurting it badly is not the same as killing. I need to make it dead, like really dead, and I need ways to do so should it is immune to my temporal power.
There should definitely be a way to fight and kill a Dragon God through magic.
Azula has gone through quite a lot of turmoil in its history, and numerous beings capable of ending all life on this world and the next have been defeated by heroic legends of the past, at least from all that remain of the historical records.
The Black Mage of Time is just the most recent legend in the longline of historical legends, and due to her being the latest, people usually talk about her when they refer to absolutely unstoppable mage.
Only on this continent though. Other continents on the world have their own legendary figures. Those that they idolized. Erect monument in their name and worship them. Doing something like that would definitely elevate those dead legends to godly status. As in them ascending to godhood.
That is one way to make a god, which is pretty interesting. How to create a god is definitely on my list of things to know, but first, I need to know how to kill one. No point of making them if I cannot unmake them at my pleasure.
In any case, Legion is keeping a very close watchful eye on everyone within world, so if there is a mean to kill a God, I should be informed eventually. Subduing one is good too, just so I can run experiments on it. Teach it where its actual place in the real hierarchy of thing.
There is so many things that I do not know about magic, and Monalisa must have a mean of acquiring sensitive information that I am not aware of. This is demonstrated by her knowledge about my dragon curse.
Honestly, magic is only limited by the imagination and creativity of the people in the end, and it is due to this that humanity manages to surpass their lowly origin and is on their way to becoming the most dominant race on Azula.
The other races are squandering their longevity, becoming utterly stagnant socially, politically as well as technologically. The last one is not so much, as magic can probably do anything that technology can do, especially when their race is born into magic.
I think this the same reason that humanity has not developed technologically further. Once they have harnessed the power of magic, they have shelved science. Not entirely, but the scientific progression is so minuscule that it might as well be halted.
And all of this just give me a technological edge against everyone.
Since I like my technological edge against people who think they are like the most powerful shit ever, I will not do anything to change the state of thing.
While Azula is an alternate Earth, it is not Earth, so it is not really my concern. Also, the lack of sentient life throughout the galaxy is disconcerting. Is the rest of the universe the same?
If so, that is just a lot of empty spaces.
Legion has not mapped out every stars, planets or moon throughout this galaxy yet, but with the long-range biological scanner, Legion should be able to detect any form of sentient life.
There are some lifeforms out there, but they are not intelligence.
And from an evolutionary standpoint, they do not appear to be intelligence in the future. No real point of wasting time and effort of mindless bacteria. Mindless animals are the same as bacteria even if they are magical animals.
That said, Legion does have a directive of collecting biological sample of new species, just so I can have a comprehensive biological repository. I am planning to play god in the future.
For now, I will just enjoy Venetia orally. Enjoy her until late into the day. I will let her return back home later, just so she can have a good night rest for the next morning.
Worshipping my cock is her fulltime job now, at least until I decide to let Drake go.
And yes, I will let Drake go eventually. He can keep his ability to cast magic too. Cast any kind of magic, but how well he cast it is another matter. There are plenty of way to render a mage useless, and people here just lack a lot of imagination.
In addition, Venetia did not specify what physical state Drake will be in when he is released, and I think it is a good idea to teach her to read the fine print. That is just an analogy for being specific in her side of the bargain.
I do not need to specify specifically for obvious reason. Servicing me could mean anything from helping me out with all of these reports on the table to being on the table herself naked and getting pounded by me.
Thinking about it makes me unload another creamy filling into her throat. How many is that now? Do I really need to count? Nope. Not really.
The gagging and choking sounds coming out of Venetia as she is drowned in my milk is just so arousing, turning me right back on. My cock refuses to calm down, remaining hard and lodging deep right within her throat.
While I am high in heaven, Legion informs me that Kozak wishes to see me. The man is actually outside right now, and I already know what he is coming to talk to me about. It is about the suppression spell that I had him look into.
The spell allows me to suppress a God level spirit. If I cannot extract Ingra from my soul, thus allowing me to use magic normally, I can suppress him. Putting him into a cage of sort. It might be better doing that since I can find way to make use of his power just like Naruto makes use of the nine-tailed fox.
Just like any protagonist who has some sort of hidden powers within. Like almost every beta Japanese protagonist. The only difference is they were granted that hidden power. I will create my own. Maybe, I can do more than that.