221 Annexing an Arcane Academy (1/2)
Kozak cannot fathom what is truly happening. It probably feels so surreal to him, especially being here and bearing witness to one of the most powerful men within this country being forced to his knees on my words and my words alone.
While magic can probably accomplish the same thing, the level of magic required would be so absurd that it might as well be within the realm of fantasy even for mages of the fourth and fifth circles.
Of course, it is not magic, as the Commandment ability does not feel like magic at all. It feels more like a Power, and perhaps, it is a Power in itself.
I am actually still debatable about that, as I have never had wielded a Power before, so I am uncertain what it would feel like naturally. It is probably not as natural as my power to manipulate time.
And to my understanding, Powers are of a lower tier than the powers and abilities wielded by Aspects and Primordial. My ability to control time would be called aspectual rank power or ability. That ability is inherited to me, being the Aspects of Time.
This is obviously, all speculation. But it is logical speculation from what I have known and experienced so far. More on that another time, as I am more or less face-slapping the headmaster of this academy.
There are actually many Arcane Academy, all littered throughout this continent and beyond. They are in a class of their own, operating autonomously within a Kingdom or Queendom or similar.
That said, this Arcane Academy is considered to be fairly low-ranked simply because of having only an Archmage as headmaster. It would be higher ranked if a Grand Archmage or higher is the headmaster.
But having a higher rank would only invite troubles and unwanted scrutiny, not to mention it also has to defend itself from constant threats internally and externally. It is better to remain low-ranked until such time that it is strong enough to protect itself.
Of course, there are great benefits to being higher rank. Gaining better students is one of them. Having vast arrays of spells and wards is another. There are actually a lot of benefits, and it is the reason that many headmasters would try to reach higher rank.
The headmaster of this Arcane Academy is the same. He wishes to breakthrough into the fourth-circle of magic, but that is kind of impossible without my help. He probably would not receive any help from me, considering that he lacks something called a brain within his head.
Honestly, how did someone like him become the headmaster it the first place?
”What kind of trickery is this!? Release me at once or I will destroy you!”
The headmaster tries to call out, but despite his lips mouthing, no actual words can escape his throat, all thanked to my command. Of course, that did not stop his magical energy and aura from pressurizing me and Kozak.
It is also washing over the room, cracking the airs, walls, floors and ceiling. Pointlessly too as anything can be repaired with a bit of magic and ingenuity.
Not to mention that his magic has absolutely no effect ton me. It is also quite ineffective against Kozak due to him being an Archmage himself. Archmage cannot force another Archmage from sheer power and aura alone. Those things are only effective against Mages and Apprentice Mage. That is, mages of lower circle.
”I am –
The headmaster does not allow me to speak as he tries to cast an offensive spell. A magical incantation circle manifests right in front of him before spitting out a lightning bold. A very powerful lightning bolt.
Powerful enough for Kozak to immediately summon an earth barrier. The element of earth can negate the lightning element more effectively, just like water can dissipate fire.
The lightning bolt is not directed at Kozak, however. It crashes into me, causing my technological body to glow slightly. But that is all.
Lightning is just super-charged current. Electricity in other word, and due to my run-in with Zeus from another reality, I have since produced an upgraded version of the micromachines, adding in a powerful capacitor to each individual component, allowing them to absorb vast amount of electrical energy.
To store or to use for something else. In other word, the headmaster merely charges me. His lightning spells do not do anything more than that.
Yet, despite seeing his spells being completely ineffective against me, the headmaster does not relent and continues to cast lightning to strike me, hopping to bring down whatever barrier that is protecting me and negating his attacks.
To the point that Kozak becomes utterly speechless.
”Have you become senile, old man? If so, who don't you just go and die already?”
I response before blasting him with all the electrical power that he had been striking me with. A magic barrier manifests around him, absorbing his power and amplifying it before blasting it back at me.
The headmaster roars, but then again, no words escape his throat. The only sounds that can be heard are the crackling of static electric. So loud that everyone within the school can hear it. Of course, they notice the massive lightning bolt escape out of the building and flying into the distant.
I admit. That much power does faze me. Even a little. It overloads some of the micromachines, but not that many.
The headmaster utters, seeing me completely uninjured. Even my robe is undamaged. It is composed entirely of micromachines after all.
”I honestly do not know what I was thinking when I want to become a teacher of this place. I definitely will be one, but I do not need permission from someone like you.”
The headmaster heard all of that before his head falls onto the floor. His eyes widen as his entire body has been reduced to dust. His head then teleports into my hand before micromachines crawls up onto his face and rip skull apart to get into that brain of his.
Kozak recoils back in horror, recalling what had happened to him before he had found himself back in his room, just waking up to a brand-new day.
”Master Maxwell… killing the headmaster will not go unnoticed by the other, and many people might have heard all of that.”
Kozak finds enough courage to warn me, and it is something that I like about him. Despite being forced into servitude, he still speaks his mind thoughtfully.
I smile at him before putting the headmaster's brain inside a spatial dimension. One that I have created for the occasion.
Legion will have fun extracting everything that I need to know from the headmaster, and it will not be long for me to know everything there is to know about running a magic school.
Honestly, I should have just done something like that from the start, but I did have some hope for the headmaster. It was a fleeting hope, but still, I did not wish to kill the man if I could help it.
It is just too bad that the headmaster proved to be a dumbass. One that I have preferred to do without, and it is better to just have Legion runs the school instead. That way, I have total control of everything without needing to ask anyone for permission.
Before long, someone starts knocking on the door of the office, wishing to know what is actually going on within. Of course, Kozak looks at me for direction. He is not sure what to do, as everyone probably has felt the aura of the headmaster.
”Feel free to let them in, Archmage Kozak. You can introduce me as Master Maxwell, a new disciplinary teacher to them.”
I tell Kozak before a spatial rift manifest in the room. The person who steps through nearly drains the blood from Kozak's face. It is the headmaster.
”Headmaster? No. A golem?”
Kozak points out, making me frown slightly. Using mental link, I order Legion to simulate the dead man perfectly, to the aura as well. It did take a moment, but not a very long moment before Kozak becomes unable to detect the impersonator.
”What is the matter, Archmage Kozak? Please open the door, so I can finally introduce Master Maxwell to everyone.”
Legion speaks through the headmaster with the exact voice and mannerism as the real headmaster. I also have the new adjustment applied to my avatar, just to prevent people from detecting me as metal golem instead of a real person.
It did not take more than a second, and while that is happening, Kozak opens the door with a gesture of his hands. Of course, he uses magic for mundane things like this.