215 Seeing Beyond The Pas (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 54010K 2022-07-20

If I have known that entering Azula is possible as George Collins, I would have done so the instant that I was able to.

This is because of Legion.

Having access to Legion will make everything easier for me. Like super easy. But of course, in order to gain control of Legion, I will have to identify myself as the Supreme Commander. The one and only.

Not me identifying myself, but more like allowing Legion to run a series of tests on my body.

Obviously, I immediately fail the biometric test since this is not my body, but I practically ace the other tests as I do have all of my memories as well as my magical powers.

I just cannot use any magic because I lack any magical energy. I cannot sense any magical energy due to the same reason, but that has more to do with the damn astral dragon snoozing within my spirit.

Ingra is still there, dwelling within my soul. Despite being dormant son of a bitch, Legion can still sense it with his magic detector. Not sure how that is possible, but it is probably because the Dragon God is a being of magic, not to mention feeding on my magical energy just so it can torture my soul.

The damn bastard.

Of course, the only thing that Legion cannot test for is my spirit as he lacks the mean to test for spiritual energy. But if he could, I would definitely ace that test too, as my soul is my own no matter which kind of meatsuit that I inhabit.

Speaking of meatsuit, I actually could switch into a more comfortable one right now with Legion being under my control.

The transfer of consciousness has already been perfected, so it is barely an inconvenience. I will need to check if that is possible due to the curse placed on me by Erosire. That curse is doing more than just making me horny.

I am still fucking horny.

”Welcome back to Azula, Master.”

Legion greets me once he acknowledges who I am. He also informs me that he is unable to detect any nanomachines within my body, thus in turn, Selene. Of course, he also asks if I wish to integrate Selene into this new body of mine.

I am hesitant for a moment since this is not my actual body and giving Selene to George is like asking for trouble. For a big trouble.

To prevent headache in the future, I decide not to in the end. I also begin placing safeguards to prevent George from access Legion when I am out of this body. If giving Selene to George is a bad idea, giving Legion is much worst.

This is because Legion can do everything that Selene can do, but I trust Selene more than Legion.

Not that I do not trust Legion himself. The problem is Legion is likely to become self-aware before any of my other virtual intelligences. This is simply because of the amount of computing power he has. As such, I do not wish to have Legion floating inside me when he becomes sentient.

I am technically the only person that can stop him from going rogue, and if he put me into a coma, no one can stop him from basically wiping out everything and everyone. Magical or not.

Archmage like Eliana and this guy are no match for a minigun. Sure, they could defend themselves for a while, but a while is not that long. I already test that but filling this guy full of leads.

Maybe I should learn of his name. Or I could just ask Legion.

Legion has been monitoring practical everyone on the planet from orbit. Can also turn any area into a radioactive wasteland too. There is enough firepower floating in orbit to crack the planet. Crack every planet within the solar system and beyond.

He has been quite busy in the past year. It is expected from a self-replicating machine. So far, there is no detectable sign of life anywhere else aside Azula. He already mapped out millions of planets within several light year radius.

A lot of them are habitable, but still, no lifeforms. It is just a really big empty nothing out there.

”Master… Maxwell, it is very dangerous to look into the past life. Many have trapped their mind within themselves.”

Eliana speaks up once more when Kozak begins to draw up the magic incantation diagram. He is trying to demonstrate the spell to me.

I am somewhat interested in it as it might allows me to see what happen before this life. Erosire called me Aeon, and I want to know the life that this Aeon has lived. Had lived, I mean.

”There is no need to worry about me, Eliana.”

I assure her with a smile. She is sexy as hell, especially moments ago when she is battered and bruised due to her confrontation with Kozak. He sneaks in here to destroy the tree powers the barrier.

Kozak is successful in that, and he would have killed Eliana too if I did not step in and fill him with a lot of bullets. Did not even think twice about unloading everything into the dude simply because I desire to see how good guns are against an Archmage.

It is pretty effective even if it takes a handful of shot to take down his magical protection. That magical barrier he had was not at full power thanks to Eliana, but still, enough fire will able to take it down.

I was hesitant about healing him, returning him to full strength again, but with Legion at my command, pretty sure there is nothing to worry about. I doubt that he can survive a nuke to the face.

Also, I could always dust his ass if he tries anything funny.

I have not killed him outright because I figure I might be able to use him for something. Like convincing those stubborn elders to do what Eliana asks. Wait a second, I could just command them.

The Commandment ability should work on them. Will use that on them later.

”Master Maxwell.”

Kozak requests my attention once he finishes channeling his magical power into the incantation circle, allowing those magical runes to glow brilliant.

Legion is recording everything, allowing it to recreate the circle whenever I needed. Legion just is very useful. Most useful tool I have ever created. More capable than Hydra, but Hydra is a lot safer due to being human led and operated.

Legion does not care for human lives or any sentient lives because I never programmed him to be.

He is way more effective for what I needed without the requirement to weight the morality and ethical of his actions. The mission is above everything for him. Not everything. My safety and wellbeing is far more important than any mission, so I am always prioritized.

Even at the cost of his own existence.

”The magic circle is one. Shall I demonstrate to you now? You will be able to see what I can see if you channel your magical energy at this node. Oh. I am sorry, but you cannot see it if you cannot use magic, Master Maxwell.”

Kozak instructs before realizing that I cannot use magical power. I did say something about that just a moment ago. It was true then. It is not true now as I can use magic through Legion.

Legion is the most overpowered mage ever existed due to near infinite magical energy as well as multi-cast ability. He can cast any kind of spells as long as he knows the runes and incantations for it.

There is a drawl back, however. It overloads the magical core that he has acquired, but he can always hunt for more. There are plenty of monsters on Azula. Powerful monsters capable of powerful magic.