207 To Summon a Demon (1/2)
Spending the whole night together with Pauline is exactly what I did.
But if I want to be technical about it, it is more like spending the whole night inside of her. She is more or less a mean for me to get rid of my unending erection despite realizing that there is probably more to her story than meet the eyes.
It is fairly obvious from all the photos hanging around the house. Also, the unoccupied bedroom down the hallway is filled with belongings of a child.
A deceased child, most likely. Her child.
While I am somewhat curious just because, I am not curious enough to ponder about it for more than a few short moments. The private life that Pauline has lived is no concern of mine.
I probably wouldn't see Pauline again any time soon after today.
George Collins certainly did not, and I am merely following his footsteps. Not exactly the same footstep obviously, as that is kind of impossible. And even it is possible to retrace his steps exactly, I would not want to.
Doing anything exactly again is fucking boring.
Having said that, major events must happen when it should, or it would cause a divergence. In fact, it is already a divergence since George did not sleep with Pauline overnight and wake up in her bedroom with his cock buried pretty deep inside her cunt.
But this would consider a minor divergence. I have learned that a reset will not happen if I manage to stop the ripple effect. While fucking Pauline all night is something that I did on my own will, as long as she does not remember it, it would be fine.
It would probably still be fine if she remembers it but did not tell anyone about it. It really all depends on how many people are affected. Too many people will obviously be unsalvageable, thus causing an unavoidable reset.
Pauline utters as she lay flatly on her stomach against the bedsheets. I, on the other hand, is redressing myself. Not necessary if I use my power to reverse my state of dress, but it is a choice.
And sometimes, it is better to do thing normally. Makes me feel humans.
Besides, relying on my power ways too much for minor things like this make me susceptible to things that I should stay clear from, such as laziness and entitlement.
I pay the woman some attention, especially her cum-coated rear. I did quite a number on her ass right after I had fun with splitting her pussy. She is still pretty tight.
Or maybe, I am just huge. Probably the huge part is more likely.
”How are you doing this?”
Pauline questions again and tries to see me.
I did not answer her since there is really no need to. It did not really matter whether she knows about my power or not as her mind would be wiped.
However, I do like wasting time on people who I would never meet again.
”You don't need to know, Pauline.”
I response and button up my shirt before looking at the dressing mirror. It is quite disturbing to see an all unfamiliar face looking back at me. The face of a much younger George.
The man had really let himself go in the next decade and a half. He becomes quite a fat slob, enjoying being surrounded by beautiful women who will do his bidding without question.
Sounds like a dream, but it will likely become quite boring.
Life only have meaning if there is a goal or something similar. Just another reason why I want to head Terra Entertainment instead of letting one of my underlings do it. Plus, there are some thing that I do want to change personally, for better or worse, as according to my vision.
In any case, I wonder whether I could actually stop myself from becoming overweight and smell like a sweating potato. It would be a divergence, but not that much, really. My appearance shouldn't affect anything major, at least I do not think so.
It isn't like George Collins become a celebrity or something.
And if it does, I can always dismiss people with my Commandment ability. Speaking of which, it is time to make Pauline forgets a really fun night that we had together. More fun for me since it is considered rape.
I haven't done that in while, and most of the time, people simply throw themselves on me for one or more reasons. Give head to get ahead sort of thing.
”Alright, it is time to –
I begin while channeling my mind-control ability. It is not necessary, but it does make my request a lot stronger. Activating the Commandment is as simple as breathing. I have used it so many times already, on a number of people. Mostly people who had disrespected me one way or another.
”You can mind control people just like him…”
Pauline interrupts me, causing me to arch a brow.
There is another person with the same kind of ability as me out there?
Now that is interesting, but expected, considering there are 2 more Coins of Erosire out there.
But does that mean each bearer of the coin has the same ability? If so, am I immune to their commands just like I am to mine. If not, how will I able to stop them without falling under their commands? There are so many questions.
Actually, it would be pretty easy to find out.
”Him? Who is he?”
I question. Knowing is half the battle. Who had said that, I wonder?
”He is a murderer… a mass murderer. He has taken the only thing that matters most to me.”
Pauline answers weakly and turns over on the bed. Her front is also covered in spunk because I get to enjoy her tits as well. They were pretty nice. Still are, I think.
Her face is also covered in cum. I can cum quite a lot. It is thanks to the curse.
I actually have two curses placed on me right now. Both of them from entities far more powerful than me at the moment, at least in terms of ability.
That kind of sucks, to be honest, but it cannot be helped.
While Pauline did answer my question, she did not give me what I wanted to know. This is one of those weaknesses that I had pointed out with this ability.
As long as the commanded people did what they think I have ordered them to, then they believe that they have satisfied my command, but in actual fact, they did not.
Good thing that the Commandment is not like Geass where I can only mind control a person one time only. I can give as many commands as I want, including contradicting one. If they contradict, then the newest command take priority.