205 The Mysterious Satanic Cul (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 66400K 2022-07-20

The United States kind of suck in 1976.

Not just the United States, but pretty much the rest of the world as well.

It is one of the many reasons to why I didn't really bother to live through the years normally, preferring to drop in and out of the timestream every now and then just to see how things are progressing, and whether I need to make some kind of adjustment to many of my ongoing projects, especially Hydra.

Hydra is pretty good at following my orders to the letter without me being there in person, as most of the first-generation members are hardcore veteran soldiers. Soldiers that have lived through countless atrocities of war, so they will and do shoot anyone who doesn't follow the proper chain of command.

It is something that I have personally approved of, as I do not want to deal with insubordination simply because of moral or religious implications. Those things honestly have nothing to do with my goal.

To me, the end justifies the mean, and that is my answer to whatever bullshits anyone is able to come up with in their protest.

Wasting time questioning my methods deserve a bullet through the head.

Two bullets for some people since their head is too thick to understand that annoying me with morality and whatever will almost always result in their death.

That happens quite a lot in the early years of Hydra, forcing me to get my hand pretty dirty. It doesn't happen so much anymore though due to better screening and greater discipline, currently.

I mean by the 1990, the year that I am supposed to be in.

Sure, I could jump ahead right now and return to that year, but unfortunately, I cannot do so without any consequences.

Annoying consequences.

As for the second-generation members, they are a bit more laxed about following orders to the letters, but as long as they produce the same or better results, it is fine.

The end results are all that mattered anyway, and most of the time, the results via their methods are much better than I have expected. Since they have used their brain instead of carrying out the missions blindly, I will give credit where credit is due.

And like the first-generation, the second-generation are also hardcore soldiers, even more so than the first-generation, but they are also scientists at heart. Mad scientists, to be more correct. They are very motivated and fully committed to improving mankind in any way possible.

I will not go into the specific details since what they have done and are continuing to do are horrifying even by my standards. Questionable too, but not morally or religiously questionable.

Just another kind of questionable.

The sanctity of life kind.

In any case, due to the existence of Hydra and their attempts to wiggle their tentacles into every major corporations and governments, the prime timeline is a lot different than the original timeline.

Not on the surface, however, but it is pretty obvious when one knows what to look for, and I do know what I am looking for.

For example, the economy of the United States is very solid thanks to the effort of Chronicle and all of its subsidiaries, such as Chrono Holdings and Chrono Reserves.

Skilled laborers are generally paid more, thus having more money to spend on things and luxury items, thus making the economy flow. Unskilled laborers too, but not as much. It is still enough for a man to support his family of five or so.

And that is exactly what my adopted-grandfather did.

He will be able to support his family without his wife. But healing the wound in his heart is a different matter. Hopefully with a lot of money and booze. Hopefully with me accompanying him.

I plan to go party with my adopted-grandfather and get him a proper wife. It is totally not weird at all, I think.

Speaking of money, I actually need some. Not some. I need quite a lot. Like a couple of million dollars to get me started, and I know where I can get it.

It will be the same way that George had done, but only this time, I don't really need to resort to using the Commandment. There is no need to, considering what I know of Chrono Reserves and its internal operation.

As for getting to Chrono Reserves to ask for investment money, it isn't that difficult.

Chrono Reserves has a bank branch in every state, and with its generous policy on startups, it is a very popular destination for aspiring businessmen and entrepreneurs.

And there are a shitload of aspiring businessmen and entrepreneurs in America, more so in the future, as it is capitalism at its finest. Capitalism is a problem in the future, as companies exist solely for their own benefits.

They are so huge that they are basically their own country with their own military and so on. That isn't going to happen under my guidance.

George Collins is not exactly an aspiring businessman or entrepreneur, not by a long shot, but I guess that he does have the brain to get pretty far in life if only he ever gets off his ass and be more active.

As I recall from his history, George did start his own logistic company before opting to change career, becoming the Principle of a prestige elementary school. It is quite prestige when compare to most of the public schools in the United States.

It is the same elementary school that my daughter, Christina is enrolled at.

Actually, many children in the area are enrolled at the elementary school. The school tuition fee is not really that expensive, and it does have a host of very skilled teachers.

Teachers who are brainwashed into teaching there.

I suppose I will have to follow the footsteps of George and collect those teachers, just so the children can have a good education. My daughter too.

A necessary evil, I guess. Besides, it is not like those teachers are saint themselves. I will think of it like their personal punishment.

However, at the moment that elementary school is just a block of undeveloped land right now, waiting for me to come and purchase it in about a couple of years or so.

I don't remember the exact of date, but it should be about the time that the whole area gets developed and houses start springing up.

My adopted-grandfather and his bitch of a wife will buy a house there to raise a family, right after they adopt my mother. Should be in a year from now, in 1977. That is when my mother is born.

Which remind me, my biological grandfather will have to go through that deadly heartbreak of losing my grandmother again.

As much as I want to help him since I am here already, but I cannot do anything about that, at least in this memory.

I wonder if I can make some adjustments to their fate?

Too much will cause deviation, but if the final result is the same, a reset would not happen. Probably.

I need to test a lot of my theories and assumptions, and hopefully, it will not trigger a reset while I am doing that. Doesn't really hurt me if the memory gets reset, but it will be really fucking annoying having to relive everything again.

As for the logistic company that I will definitely founded, it didn't get absorb into Shield Transportation and Logistic Division once it is sold back to Chrono Reserves to repay the investment.

It was dissolved instead, and I am unsure of the real reason why.

Not that it matters really, as the company will only serve one purpose. That is to make enough money to help me buy the block of land. Not sure why that block of land is so important to George enough to buy and build a school on top of it, however.

I will find out eventually, as I continue to live his memory.

It might not actually be a memory since there are things that I have learned that George himself didn't learn the first time around or too stupid to fabricate from scratch or his imagination.

The books on the occults for example.

But what does that mean exactly?

I will also find that out soon enough, as there is no need to waste time pondering about this.

Time that I actually can make more of with my power but still get absolutely no answer as long as I am stuck here.

Besides, I do have places to be. If not, it will consider a deviation, resulting in a reset.

That looming-threat but not really threatening is really getting on my nerve. There is no use in getting annoyed by it. Just get to the end of the memory, and it will be over. Might be over.

Before I can head to Chrono Reserves and hoodwink one of Henry's very loyal employees into granting me an approval for my get-rich-quick scheme, I need to pay a visit to a certain place and greet a certain bully.