197 Members of Chrono Reserves (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 68690K 2022-07-20

I am not talking about being customers, but actual members of Chrono Reserves, as illustrated by the Golden Emblem on my cheque book. On any object that have anything to do with the bank, really.

Credit cards for example.

My name, Maximilien Maxwell is also engraved majestically on the emblem itself, just to prevent any impersonators, but of course, there are still plenty of impersonators, considering how privilege as well as prestige it is to be actual members of one of the largest if not already largest bank in the world.

Actually, Chrono Reserves is much widespread and more trusted than most federal banks around the globe, especially in third-world countries. This mostly has to do with the bank's policy on loans.

But for the United States of America itself, the people still trust the dollar more, but that is because it is the currency of choice within Chrono Reserves and all of its subsidiaries and holdings.

Most customers and members of the bank prefer to display their bank account in good old US dollars, as all purchases, special or otherwise, are done in the said currency.

What kind of special purchases? Have a good guess.

Chrono Reserves doubles up as a hidden black market for the rich and wealthy, so there are plenty of illegal deals going on under the table, and it is all done in the dollars. All of it is being recorded as well, just to give me that blackmailing materials.

There is no need to resort to using those materials, but their existence is enough to keep the members in line. They can never get out once they are in, as it should be.

The exchange rate from local currency to the dollars is only slightly worse than actual market rate, but that is to prevent people from abusing the conversation system for their own gain.

It isn't because there is some profit to be had or anything of sort.

Chrono Reserves make it money from better revenues, and it isn't like the bank is actually exchanging any currency within itself. There is no point to, considering it is a global banking system, not to mention the money people have is really just a number on a screen being displayed to them on all the terminals.

As that is the case, Chrono Reserves sometimes lends out money that it doesn't really have or money that doesn't really exist in the first place. It can do that as long as it doesn't get caught doing it.

But just for comprehension, if Chrono Reserves actually calculates all of its assets, it probably has the power to basically manipulate the market singlehandedly.

I mean to say for me to actually manipulate the market because the bank itself is merely a tool. A tool that I have set up to control the world economy.

Or crashing it.

Crashing the dollars or any currency is probably as easy as snapping my fingers, not that there is a real reason to at the moment or in the future despite the requirement to have only one currency.

A universal currency that everyone can agree on. It is necessary for the unification of the human race, allowing them to reach the start as a single entity instead of many conflicting interests.

Easing everyone into a universal currency is already in progress, as Chrono Reserves is prioritizing the United States Dollars regardless of countries any of its branch is based on.

And so far, there is no much complains since it is far more convenience. It also helps that most people trust the United States and its currency. The same currency that will give birth to a new universal one in the future.

When that happens, there will be a lot of chaos and hysteria, not to mention hyperinflation due to the dollars becoming as worthless as the national identity of the United States.

Speaking of hyperinflation, one is happening right now in Yugoslavia with their currency, the dinars is on the verge of collapse. There is a billion dinars note floating around in the economy right now.

To think just a couple of years ago, the highest domination is 50,000 dinars. By the year end, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a 500 billion dinars note. Maybe even a trillion. That is very possible.

While I have absolutely no hand in their hyperinflation problem, I will still take advantage of it. It does happen a bit earlier than the original timeline due to my existence, but regardless, it will allow me via Chrono Reserves to buy out its federal reserves, thus giving me unprecedent economical power in the country.

Taking control of the economy of the country is a lot more complicated than that due to the laws and regulations, but the good men and women of Hydra will take care of the hard work for me.

That is their job while mine is just being cool and troll people.

Needlessly to say, I love my job. It is fun. A lot more fun that I could say.

In any case, Hydra members are actually masquerading as mercenaries in Yugoslavia, inciting rebellion just to take control of the government and install a puppet leader. They didn't start the violent dissent, but they will be the one who finishes it.

And I don't mean a real puppet leader since a high-ranking member of Hydra will take on that political role. It might not even be a high-ranking member.

Still, it is better to have someone who is loyal to the cause rather than some random and probably not very capable person. Some genetic manipulation is necessary to make sure that nobody will raise any kind of question to why there is a black dude being president.

At least in the current present day. People are more tolerate in the future, but that is because no one really want to deal with pesky medias. I have someone working on taking control over the media, and it starts with the media in New York.

Henry Oxford did buy quite a bit of stations. He sells it back to me via Chrono Reserves since he hasn't got a real reason to run them.

I guess I will use it to take over the mind of the people somehow. A lot of people in America still believe what the idiot box in their living room tells them. It hasn't changed even a few decades in the future.

In the upcoming years, Hydra will take over many countries around the world, mostly through violence confrontation, especially the Soviet Union (USSR), which will not fragment into many countries like it did in the original timeline.

That is a not a good thing for world domination.

Having a bunch of smaller countries instead of a big-ass one creates more work for me, so I rather not have that even if it might be easier to annex smaller countries one by one. Also, the USSR already has the reputation for using deadly forces against its membered countries.

In addition, the USSR will serve as a deterrent to the United States of America like it always has for the last few decades, all the way from the Second World War.

The Berlin Wall is still a thing right now in 1990.

It might not be pulled down in this timeline since the USSR will not be dissolved, as I cannot have the United States becomes the only superpower in the world, completely unchallenged by anyone. I mean on the surface.

Allow any country to become a sole superpower is not a good thing, at least for my world domination plan. There will be more than two superpowers soon.

In the original timeline, China does replace the Soviet Union as a superpower, but that is not for quite a few more years. If I have to estimate the timeline, it will be a couple of decades or so due to Chrono Reserves boosting the juggernaut economy of the United States.

It is the side effects of having to fund thousands upon thousands of incredibly successful startups and businesses every year.

Kind of hard to fail, considering Chrono Reserves knows exactly what business will succeed and what businesses will fail thanks to me. I keep them up to date with the possible future and what is trending soon.

Most successful corporations that had started from the 1960s onwards will have something to do with Chrono Reserves. Even companies that Chrono Reserves has no hands bringing to greatness also have something to do with the bank due to their financial being handled by Chrono Holdings and any of its subsidiaries.

Honestly, nobody really has any real clue to how much wealth of the United States of America is being controlled by Chronicle, the parent company, which I am the sole owner.

It is to the point that the US Government is investigating any leads they could find.

Chrono Reserves isn't the only company that the United States Government is investigating simply out of fear, but it is a bit hard to find concrete evidences against any of my companies unless they acquire those evidences illegally, but then again, that would make those evidences dismissible in court.

I am using their own legal system against them because why the hell not?

There are tons of loopholes that I can use in their legal system, not to mention that there are so many places in the United States that act like tax haven for the rich and wealthy.

Not really my fault since I didn't really make the laws and regulations. I merely play by its rules, forcing the United States Government to be stuck between a rock and a very hard place.

Some of their rogue agents even resort to muscling some of my employees through interrogation and threat so national security, but they haven't managed to grab any undercover Hydra agent yet.

But they probably will.

I am not really worry about that since Hydra agents are trained to fabricate convincing lies when being interrogated, at least it is convincing to other members of Hydra. Maybe that might be a problem.

But it is not possible to prepare for that in any capacity until someone who knows anything finally gets caught somehow.