195 Breakfast at My Place (2/2)
Would have been better if it was Michael Baytified Transformers, but I will get around to that later.
”No, I cannot, Max.”
My adopted-grandfather refuses. He is always like that, never wanting to bother anyone, yet he always helps others in need, to the point that many people take advantages of him.
His wife for example.
Honestly, the more I think about her, the more I want to set her stolen car on autopilot and drive her straight into a wall. Did I do that to someone before?
[Yes, Operator. 19 April 1968 at approximately 22:39pm local time on …]
Selene informs me that I did, making me frown slightly.
”Please, I insist. Just think of your children. They wouldn't want anything to happen to you, especially when their mother just left them like that.”
I toss the keys to him, giving him no choice but to accept it. Since I only have one car sitting the double garage, I tell Legion to clone himself in the garage.
Not an exact duplicate since that would be weird.
”Go. Thank me later.”
I tell him, and he nods.
John Connors runs back to the house to tell Stephanie what to do since she is the oldest before running back out and towards my garage. The garage where two quite expensive sedans rest in silence.
But my adopted-grandfather is too much of a rush to appreciate their beauty. He tries the keys on one of them and immediately finding the door opens.
It actually didn't matter which car he tries since the key will open them regardless.
And soon enough, the car speeds out of the garage, heading off down the suburban road. My adopted-grandfather did have a few locations in mind, but none of them are correct.
He will be wasting a lot of precious time, but that is what I want. His desire to find his whore of a wife will cause his frustration to grow, and it is that very frustration that will open his eyes to what kind of person his wife actually is.
When people are frustrated, they tend to say things that immediately come to their mind, and words are actually more deadlier than knives in a marriage.
I think so despite not being married before. A real marriage, not the fake-ass one that I have with my fake-ass dead wife.
Should I bring Christina to see her nonexistence adopted-mother?
I should just for effect. Also, in case someone ask as well.
Once John disappears down the road, I return to cooking breakfast for Christina. Well, for four children now.
Five children actually, but Antigone already has her breakfast. She is just enjoying the lovely song from a lovely girl, who doesn't pay any attention to me and John a moment ago.
Grownup stuff, in her innocence mind.
That is a good thing, and Antigone even tries to clap her hands with the beautiful tune.
”Alright, Tina. Here you go. Have as much as you want, and there is no need to hurry or anything like that. Just take your time and enjoy your breakfast.”
I speak up once I finish making a mountain of pancakes. I did cheat a little since I don't really have the time to make enough for four kids.
”Wow. Thank you, dad. Um. Aren't you going to eat?”
Christina questions as her eyes are on the pile of pancakes on the plate in the center of the table. Even Antigone wants some, but without any teeth, she can only suck on them.
Actually, that isn't true, Antigone does have a tooth growing in her upper jaw, but strangely, she didn't make a fuss about it despite most normal children would.
I guess I should stop thinking of Antigone as one, considering she is my biological daughter. I did bang her mother myself to give birth to her.
Christina isn't a normal child either due to her evolved physiology, and neither is my mother, who had given birth to me. She cannot be considered as normal if she gives birth to an Aspect.
Also, what Adria stated still echo in my mind.
”I have already eaten, Tina, but don't worry, some of your friends will join you, at least I hope so since I want you to have a lot of friends. Please look after your sister while I am gone. Please make sure that she doesn't make a mess.”
I answer Christina and pat Antigone, who puffs her cheeks so every slightly.
Antigone then turns her attention towards Christina before looking rather suspicious. Christina didn't see since she is looking at me.
I head out of the kitchen after that and out of the house to pick up Stephanie and her younger siblings from their place. She could come over, but I rather just get her myself.
Stephanie is actually old enough to go to school on her own, and she usually does, more often now as she has friends to come along with her.
The elementary school isn't that far away, and every morning, I would see quite a lot of children going there from the neighborhoods. Some of those children are also Hydra agents. Sadly, they aren't in the same grade as my mother or I would have them be her friends.
Maybe that is not a good thing. Real friends are better than false ones.
The kidnapping stunt that I had done was to give my mother some real friends, and since it has worked out as planned, my mother will not turn out the same as the one from an alternate future. That version of her didn't have much friends, thus she is desperate for someone to love her.
Too bad my sperm-donor is too much of a dick to know.
”Good morning, Mr. Maxwell.”
Stephanie greets me at the front door. She is in her school uniform with a cute backpack on, readying to leave the house with her brother and sister.
”Hello, Stephanie. Did you dad tell you that I will be looking after you and your brother and sister this morning?”
I response the greeting.
”Uh huh. Dad did. He and mum have to go somewhere. I didn't see mum this morning though, so she must have left. Do you know where they go?”
Stephanie asks, and I shake my head as a response.
”No, Stephanie, but it isn't something you should worry about. Anyway, let's go over to my place and have breakfast. There is someone I want to introduce you to, and I hope that you and your friends can become good friend with her.”
I tell Stephanie and then pick up Misha with one arm. The child didn't protest at all. Joshua is the same as I also pick him up with the other arm.
Despite the both of them aren't really babies, they basically weight like nothing in my arms. But I think they are much heavier than Christina. They get to eat very well after all.
”Okay, Mr. Maxwell.”
Stephanie responses cheerfully and looks around the road, trying to find someone. Or more correctly to say, a group of girls. Anna, Becky, Daisy and Susan.
Christina will fill in the missing alphabet. A, B, C, D and SS? Sounds a lot like grades.
Anyway, the four former bullies will drop by at Stephanie's place soon to pick her up, so they could go to school together.
Seems like asking to be kidnapped together again, but if anyone dare to under my watching eyes, I will crush their balls.
I did check up on where the four girls are just out of curiosity.
Susan and Anna are together. Daisy is getting ready to head out.
Becky is sulking since she has lost a lot of standing within their group due to what happened when all of them were kidnapped and locked up in an underground complex.
She isn't really a bad child. No child is ever bad. It is all due to environment.
If every child is raised in a loving family home and being taught proper morals and values, would there be no criminal left in the world? Probably not, but it sounds like a good social experiment.
”If you are looking for the other girls, just leave a note in front of the house, telling them that you are over next door at my place. Remember to lock the door.”
I point out and bounce Joshua and Misha in my arms while heading away and thinking I need to make a lot more pancakes. Shouldn't be too difficult. Maybe the kids will enjoy the magic show?