179 The King of Hear (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 65010K 2022-07-20

I honestly didn't have the intention of adopting Christina even if she is my daughter in a sense, at least not initially.

This is because Christina is not really an orphan herself. She still has a loving mother even if her father is no longer part of the equation.

Did I say equation?

Anyway, Xavier will be dealt with appropriately, now that Hydra did a little bit more investigation. Like to where he has been. To whom he has been talking to. That sort of investigation.

I even have a kill squad raided his apartment in secret and all of his things confiscated for analysis. He will not be needing any of them anymore. Quite a lot of sensitive documents were found hidden inside the walls, under the floorboards and in the ceiling above.

They are all classified, obviously.

Nevertheless, from the preliminary analysis of the heavily redacted documents, I am sure that if I don't do anything for him, the good old United States of America will get to him eventually. As soon as they figure out where he has been hiding. Had been hiding.

If not the United States, then another country will.

It is unavoidable, considering what Xavier is now, even if he is a failure. This is not to mention all those secret documents that he and his war buddies in Japan and Korean manage to steal in their own free time.

They sure have a lot of free time to accumulate that much files.

And it wasn't very smart of them, as those countries and their respective organizations will not let this go. Not by a long shot.

But it does create a very interesting situation. Those countries blame the United States for sabotaging their researches into human evolution, not like they aren't actively sabotaging the United States from the shadow.

More correctly to say human hybridization as that is the focus of their experiments thus far. They have not discovered psionic power yet from what can be observed on the outside.

In any case, a hidden war is being fought behind the attention of the public.

Everyone wants an army of superpowered individual, and I am not an exception. It is just too tempting to pass, especially when there is no choice but to get involved, just like stockpiling nuclear weapons – a form of deterrent of sort.

For Xavier to steal from them, he will be spending the rest of his life in a dark jailcell somewhere. More likely on an experimentation table, considering his genetic is pretty much the property of the United States.

Not really that much different in the 31st century.

Most of the human genomes is owned by planetary corporations.

It allows them to literally play God, just like what I am doing since the late 50s.

Just like what most prominent countries are doing right now in secret and away from the public's eyes.

All for the name of science of course.

Honestly, if I don't do it, someone else will, someone like the United States for example. The US is not as nice as me, to be honest.

I am pretty nice, considering that I didn't outright slaughter those Hybrids for annoying me. I did rattle their nest for a bit just to see what comes out to play.

Quite a bit, I say.

Normal humans do not have that kind of power. The power to crush the will and spirit of others with just a stare. It is like playing chicken with a beast, which has all the intention of devouring you.

I actually want to see they try, but their instinct is pretty good. Most rather not fight a battle that they more likely to lose. But I am sure some idiots will try.

It will be a good experiment.

In any case, I am more curious about what will happen to Christina once Xavier is out of the picture in the future due to his own misguided actions.

Christina actually get sent to her mother, but not because she sorts of gets lost in the system for a few years. It could not be helped, considering that she is the daughter of a treasonous fugitive.

Being bounced from one foster home to another completely derails her future.

And by the time that she is an adult… it isn't pretty.

This is one of the butterfly effects that I am worrying about when I start messing things in the past. It could not be rectified, at least not without revealing some of my cards.

I rather not for a single person.

Therefore, I decide to skip all of that nonsenses and take her to her mother directly right now. At least, it will be a better future that what fate has for her in another timeline, when the damages are already done.

And of course, like everything that I do, I have to make certain that my choice is the most correct one, or as correct as humanly possible.

A little look into the future tells me everything I needed to know.

It is a bit cheating, considering what I have lecture Christina about, but meh.

As an Aspect, I can break or bypass the shitty rules of life.

It is not my rule, so I don't need to abide by it, and if I bother to, I wouldn't be resurrecting people just because I can.

The dead should stay dead, obviously.

It is actually quite easy to learn about the future now, as I have Legion monitoring basically everything and everyone constantly within America and most part of the world.

This was done through the Legion Network that I have set up recently. It is not recent anymore in the future. It is extremely comprehensive, far exceeding that of Shield Surveillance System, which is really becoming obsolete by my current standard.

The Legion Network has revealed so many things to me.

Things that I didn't really pay much attention to, for one reason or another, mostly because I am rather preoccupied with something more important.

Now that I do pay attention, I have a lot of work ahead of me, and I cannot really delegate these works to others, at least not yet.

I cannot use clones either because they will probably screw things up, more than I am willing to reverse time to fix things up.

It is annoying to repeat everything I have done thus far due to mistakes of others, including my clones and it is really a big mistake for not hunting down all the Hybrids that have escaped.

There are now second-generation Hybrids, as well as a third-generation.

And from the information I have downloaded from Legion in the future, the newer generation is a lot more dangerous and far more powerful than their previous generation.

It is not because most of them are giving into their animalistic instinct. No. It is because they no longer consider themselves as human. They consider themselves a far more superior species.

And that kind of mindset is a problem, when humans are so fragile in comparison.

This does feel like the mutants from the comics, except without reality-bending power.

Hybrids do have a lot of powers, but their power can be explained through biological science. It is just natural selection at its finest.

Mother Nature has decided to complete the work that Hydra decommissioned years ago. I should find a way to slap her straight, assuming that Mother Nature is a real entity. Seems plausible, considering I have to contend with mythical Gods now.

There is a reason why Hydra abandon the Hybridization Project, and it is not due to discovery of psionic potential, at least not entirely.

Christina does have a psionic potential, but she will not be able to manipulate psionic energy without my help. Her descendants will, assuming that she will have children in the future.

There is no reason to think otherwise.

I take Christina back to the car and tug her in. She looks like a broken doll right now, all thanks to her mother.

While it is not my intention, I did manipulate the events a little. With my power over time, it is as easy as breathing. Nothing can escape my knowledge if I really put the effort in.

Mrs. Loraine, who will be known as Mrs. Kearns since that part of history remains unchanged despite my machinations, does not really recognize her own daughter, at least not right now.