176 The Queen of Heart POV (1/2)
Beautiful songs continue to be played in the car one after another as I am trying my best to memorize each and everyone of them as well as how each word is being sung.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
It is easy to do, surprisingly. I only need to hear a song a few times before I can remember it perfectly, but now, I really only need to listen to it once or twice.
I don't know why I can remember these songs so well, but maybe it is because I really like the person who is sing these songs.
She has a really good voice.
One of the best I have ever heard, and I have heard many people singing before.
I hope that I will be able to sing like her one day, and maybe being able to sing better than her just like mister Max had told me. He really believes that I could sing better than this singer even though he has never heard me sing before.
At least I don't think so. I have only met him today, and I already like him a lot. A lot more than many people I have met so far.
Mister Max is the first adult to think that I could be better than others at something, and I don't want him to be disappointed. Therefore, I will try my very best.
But I must have dozed off because it is really dark outside. It wasn't this dark before, and from all the passing buildings and billboards that I can see outside the car windows, I think we are in Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh is a city in the state of Pennsylvania.
I have never been to Pittsburgh before, but I have heard about it from my mummy often. She and my baby sister, Rachal, live there together.
They are living with my grandma, whom I cannot remember very well because the last time that I have met my grandma is when I was a baby. I was living in New York City then.
I have been to many places around the world, but I like New York City the best.
It is because New York City is where my daddy and mummy used to live together in the same house. I live there until I was 6 years old because after mummy left daddy with my baby sister, daddy took me to Japan because of his job.
I didn't even get to say goodbye to all my friends back then.
It was very sad.
I wonder if my friends in New York City still remember me. I hope that they do because I still remember them. I remember all of my friends, even if they do not remember me.
My memory is really good.
A lot of my Japanese and Korean teachers have praised my memory. They really wanted to put me in a special class at school where there are a lot of gifted children like me, but daddy didn't like that idea very much, so I couldn't go to the special class even if I really wanted to.
I wonder why daddy was very angry about it. I think he was scared too. Very scared.
Daddy was also really scare of mister Max, to the point of being unable to speak. Mister Max can be a little scary, but he is generally really nice. He is taking me to mummy.
”We are almost there, Christina. You must be very hungry right about now.”
Mister Max speaks up. He also casts a glance at me with a bright smile on his face. Those eyes that he has are very pretty. They sparkle in the light beautiful too.
I wish I have eyes like those.
And like mister Max has said, I am really hungry. I didn't have breakfast this morning since daddy had to take me to the hospital early, before everyone so we don't have to stand in queue. But there were a lot of people there already.
I did have a really big lunch though.
The lunch was also really delicious. One of the best meals I have ever had.
The lady working in the cafeteria of the hospital was very nice too. She gave me a lot more foods than I asked for. Daddy didn't give me enough money to buy a lot of foods for lunch since he doesn't have a lot of money like mister Max.
But luckily, I get to eat a lot thanks to the cafeteria lady. I cannot tell anyone about her since the lady had told me not to. She had warned me that if anyone ever finds out what she did, she might lose her job since she is not supposed to give out all the foods for free.
Ah. I really shouldn't think about it anymore because mister Max knows what I am thinking. At least I think he does because he knows exactly what I am going to say.
I blink at him.
Mister Max chuckles and turns his attention away from me to look straight ahead at the road in front of the car. There aren't really that many cars and trucks on the road even if the road is very big. There are four lanes in total, but only two of them are emptied.
Mister Max switches lanes. He soon turns the car and enters a small connecting road. And after driving straight ahead for a bit, he turns the car again and enters a parking lot.
There are already many cars in the parking lot, but there are also a lot of empty spaces to park.
”And here we are. The restaurant is across the road. It might not look much, but it does make the best Sushi around here. Maybe one day, your mother and her family can take you there?”
Mister Max announces as soon as the car comes to a stop.
What did he mean by my mummy and her family? Did he mean my mummy and daddy and baby sister together? But somehow, I don't think that is what he meant.
I also look around to see what restaurant he is referring to, but I couldn't see any since he had parked the car in a parking spot farthest away from the road. I wonder why since there are many free parking spots available nearer the entrance.
Maybe mister Max likes to park far away from the entrance? Daddy sometimes does that because he wants to hide from someone. He always hiding from someone when he was in the army.
I wait for mister Max to unfasten his seatbelt before I did. I also wait for him to exit the car before me, and he allows me to open the door myself.
The door was really heavy, but I like it. I really like opening it myself.
It feels good.
I have to slam the door with my body afterwards, putting all my weight against the door to make sure it is closed correctly.
Mister Max chuckles again, but he agrees that I am a big girl now. I smile at him return.
After that, he takes me across the road from the parking area to a Japanese restaurant. It is not a very big restaurant, but it is filled with a lot of people.
They are having dinner, talking and chatting loudly even though it is almost 9pm at night.
I know the time because the clock hanging on the wall at the entrance says so.
Even though it is almost my bedtime, I am not sleepy at all.
I wonder why I am not, but maybe it is because mister Max has helped me with my chest pains and all the other pains.
Or maybe it is because I had taken a long nap in the car.
I remember leaving the hospital about 5pm even thought the watch that mister Max is wearing around his wrist said it was nearing 8pm then. Since it is 9pm now, I was in the car for about four hours.
It didn't really feel like four whole hours because I had slept for three hours or so. I didn't recall when I had fallen asleep though, so that was weird.