173 Spiritual Energy Detectors (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 52220K 2022-07-20

I decide to leave Zeus and Zephyr to their own devices after that.

But not before demanding some actual answers from Zeus, who seems to be far too eager to provide them for me.

What is up with that? He is scheming something, I swear.

In any case, I did learn the whole picture or maybe most of the picture. Zeus never tells me everything for one reason or another.


Zeus and Zephyr need to farm these Spirit Shards in order to reconstitute their missing soul, at least a little. It will take at least a million shards each, so they have a lot of work ahead of them.

Having an actual soul is a must to enter the Twisted Nether, a place of infinite dimensions, apparently.

It is all to hunt bigger game as well as for training, not to mention looting. There are a lot of lost items, weapons, and artefact there.

Being a temporal clone, they have lost much of their powers, especially their spiritual power. They are pretty much in the same situation as me, except that I still have a soul.

So technically, I can enter the Twisted Nether myself for a treasure hunt.

Can enter doesn't mean that I should.

I am not stupid enough or insane enough to attempt a raid alone, especially so many people far more powerful than me currently have already died there. I mean spiritually wise.

And I don't mean simply die.

They cease to exist if their soul is destroyed or devoured. Without a soul, there is no rebirth as well as reincarnation. It seems like the death of the corporal body is more or less an inconvenience to people with any real power.

It actually makes sense in the grand scheme of things.

The Mortal Plane is one of the lowest planes in all of existence. It is also the most populated.

Despite the obvious danger, so many people still want to enter the Twisted Nether, including Zeus and Zephyr. For one, it is to train their spiritual power. For two, it is known to contain an entrance into the place that Zeus wants to go.


Seems like all the powerhouses are at Zenith, a fitting name.

Considering the hype, I actually also want to go there, if just to snoop around due to it sounding a lot like an exclusive club.

Unfortunately, it is not that easy to get to Zenith.

Not only the entrance into such an exclusive place is hidden deep within the Twisted Nether, it is also being guarded by Spiritual Beasts of Aeon, the strongest of all Ranked Spiritual Beasts.

If one of these beasts ever step onto the Mortal Plane, all souls within that said plane will instantly be devoured, at least Zeus seems to think so.

There is no reason to doubt him since it is one of those times that he appears to be genuinely serious.

Zeus actually has never seen one before because if he did, he wouldn't be here talking to me. He would either manage to enter Zenith or he would cease to exist. There is no third option when facing an Aeon Ranked Spiritual Beast.

It is all in or don't bother trying.

An interesting warning to all those that tries to reach Zenith.

In any case, Spiritual Beasts of Aeon are probably gatekeeper or something similar.

And since I am an Aspect of Time, I will certainly have to face a Spiritual Beast of Aeon one day. Maybe more than one.

But until then, it is better to avoid running into them. It is very unlikely to meet one since these beasts reside deep within the Twisted Nether.

In any case, it is actually better to avoid all Ranked Spiritual Beasts unless I am seeking to kill one. They seem like trouble, considering the spiritual power they wield.

Power level do increase exponentially the longer they live. It is because for them to live that long, they have to compete and devour each other. How did one come to be in the first place anyway?

Where do Soul actually comes from? No one really knows.

In any case, it is a good thing that these Spiritual Beasts are rarely found on the Mortal Plane. It is not really their natural habitat, and the Twisted Nether do call for them.

A Million Ranked Spirit Beast is enough to scare the pants off most cultivators from what Zeus is telling me.

Realities that have any form of spiritual cultivation usually contend with at most thousand years beasts only, and that already causing enough problem as Spiritual Beasts are immune to all physical and most magical attacks.

Evil Spirits aren't really regard as Spiritual Beasts.

But while evil spirits do not possess the same overwhelming power as actual Spiritual Beasts, they are still pretty dangerous since they can think and act intelligently.

Beasts are called beasts because they are stupid most of the time.

That makes me feel a lot safer, knowing those 5 evil spirits are not as deadly as I first initial thought.

I was being sarcastic.

Humans are pretty weak physically, but their brains help them take down a lot of predators to become what they are today. It is the reason why these evil spirits manage to survive that long in the Twisted Nether, considering the place is crawling with Spiritual Beasts.

They have a brain, and they know how to use it.

So, yeah, that makes me feel a lot safer.

How troublesome. It is very troublesome to be honest.

But after a clear head, I realize that even if Zeus didn't cause this problem, someone else will.

It cannot be avoided if I am to regain my power.

Well, at least I don't have to worry about the lunatics who had built the house.

They are likely dead.

I could bring them back to have a chat to why they want to create a portal into hell but get the nether instead. I hope it isn't because they just want to see Lucifer.

Actually, I am more interested in how they could do it.