167 The Hybridization Projec (1/2)
It takes about half an hour to go through the list of injuries that Christina had suffered over the years.
Over four years to be exact.
While I could replicate those injuries onto Xavier within seconds, I want him to fully comprehend each and every injury. I also make sure that he is conscious the whole time for obvious reasons.
There is no point of this if he is in a coma.
Once Xavier is a bleeding mess on the floor with broken arms and legs amongst other things, a door is formed on the wall behind me, allowing a couple of masked men to enter the room.
They are wearing medical attires with Infinite Health emblem. A snake eating its own tail in an infinite loop.
They are actually surgeons in the hospital upstairs during their shifts, bun down here in this enormous complex, they are butchers and murderers of unimaginable proportion.
It is a very fine line, but I don't really see any of them complaining about their job.
As crazy as it may sound, all the men and women working here actually love to carve things up and to stitch things together in the wrong order. People included.
It is all for science. Well. Mostly for science.
Morality has no say in what they do, and I don't mind them joining hands with their inner demons, as long as they produce results or advance Hydra technologically in some ways.
”Bring him upstairs and fix him up. Make sure his injuries heal slow enough for him to never forget.”
I tell the men and head out of the room.
A long and well-lit corridor greets me. There are hundreds of cells on both sides of the walkway.
Most of them are occupied, but not always with people and animal.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
Beastly screams and monstrous roars echo from within those cells constantly.
It keeps pretty much all the sane prisoners and creatures on edge.
While I could teleport directly to where I need to go, I want to have a little tour first.
It actually is my first time here, but I do know everything that is going on down here and in every secret facility throughout the country and the world.
Anyone with unrestricted access to Hydra Network will have the same knowledge.
But with so many things happening in every division of Hydra, keeping track of everything is impossible unless it is me.
And that is because I have Selene and Legion. Shield too when necessary.
As I head down the corridor, I find it quite remarkable to see how quickly things are progressing, but I suppose with so many specimens come and go at the hospitals and clinics above, it shouldn't be that surprising.
The cloning technology do speed things up considerably, as it allows for a near endless supplies of test subjects, coming from all races and ancestries.
I actually have half a mind to upload all the data that I had acquired from an alternate reality.
Doing so would provide all the genetic diversity needed for biological research, but I guess it isn't really necessary, considering Infinity Inc. is one of the most trusted medical corporation in the world, evil or not.
I think it is more evil than the Umbrella Corporation.
Infinity Inc. isn't that evil, all things considered. It spends as much as it earns in return, putting all that money back into the economy, helping the people and the public.
There is no need to hoard wealth, as money is pretty much meaningless in the long run, but I wonder what my net worth if everything is added together.
It would be interesting to know, but even I don't know how many things I actually owned realistically.
I enter another walkway, finding one of the men walking alongside with a bin filled with corpses. There is no need to push the bin like a caveman when there are drones.
”Please pardon me, Supreme Commander. I am just taking this to recycling.”
The man greets me and moves to the side in order for me to pass through. As I did, I look into the bin, finding what is inside quite disturbing. But that is only because I care about her.
”Help… me…”
The clone croaks, reaching her bloodied hand out to me for help since I am wearing casual clothing. In contrast, the clones are not wearing any. There is no point of dressing them up nicely unless the men are into that sort of things.
Seeing the dying clone with tearful face, I do wonder what the real Sandra Bullock would think of this.
If Sandra knows that she is being cloned thousand of times a day just to be experimented upon in ways that she cannot imagine, she wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
And it isn't always for experimentation.
The men as well as the women do like to have fun sometimes, as they work hard, they play hard. There is not much to do down here, and most if not all of them don't really have a home to go to.
No family person could handle this kind of work.
And even if they could, they won't be sane anymore.
Honestly, this isn't that much different from entering a virtual reality and go nut. Just like in the future, clones do not have any right. They are property of their creators.
I give the clone a smile before continuing my way.
And if it had bother me, it isn't rational to tell the men to stop using celebrities as test subjects or fuck toys. Whatever makes them work harder is good.
I enter the common room to get some coffees and look around.
It is like a normal common room filled with people chatting to each other. Some are snoozing here and there due to staying up all night just to get that report done.
Everyone bitches about writing report, so not much different.
They rather chop people and stick people together than to write report.
”Nice to see you here, Supreme Commander. I think this is the first time you have been down here?”
One of the older men greets me. His name is Janus. He appears to be in his 30s, but he could as easily be in his 50s or 60s or maybe older.
I nod in response and take a sip from my coffee.
”Do you still remember the Hybridization Project?”
I ask. I have all the technical information in my head, but what on file isn't necessary the same as from experiences.
”Hybridization Project? Isn't that like almost 30 years ago, Supreme Commander. Why do – ah, please forgive me. Yes, what would you like to know?”
Janus asks.