128 Middle of Nowhere (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 48720K 2022-07-20

Grandfather eventually relents.

And I get to ride shotgun in the car since he didn't want me anywhere close to his daughters.

Both of his daughters, Stephanie and Misha.

I have zero interest in Misha.

Joshua isn't too happy about the sitting arrangement in the car, but he really has no say in the matter. And as soon as I am dropped off somewhere, he will get to sit in the front again.


That obviously isn't going to happen if I have anything to do about it.

Everyone is moving as according to my design. Grandfather and his family are no exception.

”Aren't you a little too young to have a place of your own, Max?”

John asks me as the car pulls away from the house. He does not intend to return here from what I can tell, but he keeps a spare key on his person anyway.

The main key to the house is with his wife, Edith, whom he had left at the bank out of rage and anger.

Good ridden to her.

Grandfather should have dumped her ass a long time ago.

And he shouldn't have forgiven her when he finally learned of her extramarital affair years before. He only learned of one, but he suspected she had more than just one affair.

He has suspected correctly.

In truth, Edith is not at the bank anymore. She is currently locked up in a stasis cell once Legion had a go at her, just like Legion had a go to everyone at the bank. But that is Legion though.

I still haven't had a go at Edith yet.

And for what she did to my mother in the future, I will skin her alive as a start.

I will also skin the men who had raped my mother alive too. They definitely remember what they have done to my mother and the numerous other girls, so I will see how they like it when they are raped to death.

Bruce can be very, very fulfilling.

”You can never be too young to have your own place, Mr. Connors.”

I response as the car begins to speed away from the neighborhood.

Due to Legion, there are no more people wandering around the street or fighting amongst themselves for whatever reasons. Most of the people are at home, huddling with their family out of fear or terror, as they should be.

I mean the huddling part. The rest are for me to enjoy.

”It actually belongs to my father, Mr. Maxwell. But he isn't around anymore. He dies in a car accident when I was young.”

I bullshit.

But Selene fabricating all my papers and documents, the truth is exactly what I say it is. Legion actually helps out in this regard since Shield is missing in action.

I need to have proper identification in this reality for stage one of my plan.

”I am sorry, Max.”

Grandfather apologizes deeply and sincerely.

He realizes that he shouldn't have brought up old and painful memory, especially when he nearly killed me in an automobile accident.

That is what was going through his mind, I guess. It is a good guess as I do understand his character to an extent. He is someone who would do anything to ensure the safety and protection of his children.

John becomes silence for several minutes afterwards despite wanting to know about my mother. For the sake of simplicity, my supposedly mother is also dead in the same car accident just like my father.

I don't want people to dig too deeply into my family matter.

Not only it is private matter, they wouldn't really understand it fully. And they wouldn't have thought that my mother is sitting behind me in the backseat right now.

Since grandfather did not speak, I did not speak up either. There is really nothing to talk about between us.

John is in his mid-forties while I am in my early twenties. The age gap in our appearance is enormous to be honest. It is even more so than his prime-counterpart to me back in the prime-reality.

Therefore, I will act as if grandfather is from the previous generation. That means being respectful and what is not.

John is my grandfather after all, so he deserves such respect.

Of course, I am much older than he is, but let's not get technical.

Instead of trying to make conversation with my grandfather, I steal glances at my mother visible in the rearview mirror whenever possible.

My mother is quite an eye candy.

And seeing her in her adult form does bring back a lot of memories. Despite being married again, dad had never really forgotten about my mother. I could see why now.

But by keeping the memory of my late mother alive just makes my stepmother mistreats me whenever dad is not looking, which was quite a lot considering he rarely at home in the morning and afternoon.

Great job, dad.

You are such a dumbass.

And I emphasis the present.

Why didn't you get together with mum in this reality?

You let someone this hot get away? Something is wrong with you!

Stephanie matches my gaze several times from the backseat, finding the strange familiarity in my facial features.

That is to be expected.

I have inherited those features from her after all, and no amount of augmentation would change that.

As a matter of fact, the nanomachines leave my facial appearance alone as I do not want to wake up one morning and see a totally different person staring back at me in the mirror.

Not only I would be shocked, Antigone would be frightened.

While I do not understand why my mother always give birth to me, I do understand that she is a very important person in the grand scheme of things.

Strangely enough, I must be born regardless of what happened to her, so she is not as important as I am.

I don't think anyone is more important than me.

Being an Aspect is super important from what I can gather.

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Putting my mother on ice or killing her will only force someone else to give birth to me. If I am born to another person, I will get a new appearance, which is very weird now that I think about it.