126 Preparation Stage (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 44650K 2022-07-20

Is it necessary to sexually harass people?

Yes and no.

Mostly no, even if I do enjoy the hilarity that ensues.

Aside from returning the much-needed law and order back into the world, Legion is actually breaking down people's body when he devours them via the countless avatars that are flying all over the place and scaring the craps out of people.

The stripping and subsequent dissection is to scan their biology and to map out their genetic makeups, since their clothes and whatever they have on their person will just get in the way.

For science!

Their entire memory is also get downloaded and deciphered in the process.

Once I have what I needed, Legion will put their body back together again.

And as a bonus, Legion will also fix whatever wrong with their body, giving them perfect health, before regurgitating them.

The regurgitating part is reserved only for those who will behave. Those who are not will enjoy a little bit of time in a stasis cell.

Even if they are not caught red-handed in the act by Legion, the intention to do evil is enough. Scanning their surface thought is sufficient to determine whether they will cause trouble or not.

Scanning their brain beats having to sit in front of a judge and a bunch of jurors.

It is highly immoral even by 31st century standard, but not by my standard.

I accept that the intention to commit a crime is not enough to sentence a person, but it is good enough for now. And it isn't like I am keeping those bad people locked up in a spatial dimension forever.

I will let them all out once this mess is resolved.

This mess in question is everyone remembering what had happened to them in the future.

I have left everyone's memory intact. It is just easier for the people to accept my offer, especially when the alterative is a long and agonizing death.

If the people didn't remember what had happened to them a few years from now, they will not readily accept my rather generous offer, thinking I have some sort of agenda.

Of course, I have some kind of agenda other than saving humanity from extinction. This whole thing is an experiment to me. An experiment to see if peace and prosperity can be enforced.

Sure, some misguided people will believe that I am responsible for the Curse of Decay. I am obviously not, but it doesn't really matter what I say or do.

And I do not want to waste time and energy to change their mind. Is there a point to that when I could just as easily intimidate the world into accepting my offer through technological superiority, giving the people really no choice in the matter?

If my technology fails me, I still have my magic and my mastery over time.

But all of that is plan B.

Plan A is actually allowing the people to come to their own conclusion. And when they finally do, they will accept what I have to offer themselves without me forcing it upon them.

I will not tell you what the intricate details of the plan is, so you will have to find that out yourself. Just know that if it works, it will ensure the survival of the human race of this reality.

In any case, I am current at stage one of my plan.

Actually, this isn't stage one yet. It is more like preparation. I also need to stop the widespread rioting and looting. The local authorities aren't stopping that, so I guess I will step in and do it.

I am also looking out for Terra and the one responsible for the extinction of this universe.

So far, neither have shown up. And I don't think they will show up.

In any case, let's get back to the problem at hand. I need to have everyone in this world on profile for stage one of my grand plan.

Therefore, Legion is hunting down everyone and stripping them of their decency.

It is more than that, but I couldn't stop laughing.

Anyway, while that all sounds complicated and convoluted, the whole process did not really take more than a couple of seconds for each person, and each person won't really feel anything aside from being utterly terrified at getting eaten and then being stripped naked.

Legion obviously didn't need to spit the people back out naked one he is finished with them. However, to redress them as they were before would take about another second or two.

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Legion could use that extra time to hunt down and devour another person. And it isn't like the people doesn't have hands and the brain to redress themselves.

There are roughly 6.4 billion people on the planet right now.

And I don't really have a billion micromachine orbs flying around and hunting down everyone.

While I could, I just won't. Having too many drones will actually slow thing down.

Not only will the drones get into each other's way when there are too many of them in a small amount of space, the amount of electromagnetic radiation they generate due to being constantly connected to each other is actually harmful to organic life.

Logistic is also a nightmare.

It is the same reason why I don't have starships hovering above every city around the globe.

Only the major cities such as New York City gets the special treatment. This is mainly due to population density. The more people there are in an area, the easier it is to hunt them all down.

As for the starships themselves, I just made them all Death Stars equivalent since the formfactor really has no bearing on its overall capability.

It is also much easier to assemble when the starship is just an ugly ball of component.

There is also this alien feels to the starships since human do love aesthetics.