117 Decaying Curse (2/2)
Wow. Did I just consider people as wheat in a field?
Meh. It isn't like I haven't done much worst before. It is all for the greater good, my greater good. And if I can capture the darkness within their mind and spirit, they will be better off afterwards.
I do think that breaking everyone's mind and spirit seems a tad extreme. Most people do not deserve to be treated like Marian even if they will not remember anything in the end after all said and done.
Maybe there is another way to harvest this malicious essence? I will have to find out.
So much things to do on my list.
I pick up Marian Oxford into my arms as she slowly reverts into a twelve years old child. Her memory of what happened is also gone. She slowly opens her eyes and look at me groggily.
Marian questions and rubs her eyes. She is just an innocent child, right now. She would never have to remember what happened.
”I am not your father, Marian. I will take you to your father, soon.”
The surrounding changes as I jump into the past with her my arms. It is to the moment just before we both had stepped into this reality.
The temporal rift in midair opens, and I could see myself beyond the rift for a nanosecond.
As paradox cannot happen thanks to my power, my past self is erased the moment the temporal rift connects two realities together.
Marian's past as well.
That is poetic, to be honest.
I quickly jump through the temporal rift before it closes, returning to the prime-reality. There is simply nothing I could do for that reality at the moment.
The decaying curse is too powerful to be undo. But I promise myself I will find those who is responsible for the death of humanity.
Someone is obviously causing chaos in the multiverse.
And the prime-reality is not off the table. Even if I want to live in peace, whoever this is will not allow me to do so. Terra has hinted this when we have our siblings talk.
Speaking of Terra, I wonder why she didn't appear to fix this problem. Just like the Nazi Reality, magic has been introduced to a scientific reality, and a magical curse have killed everyone, even if indirectly.
And as Master of Chaos, shouldn't she rectify this problem.
I will ask her about it when I meet her again.
For now, I will have to focus on my problem.
With a thought, I am back to the room where Marian has been locked up for weeks.
Henry is there all alone, tearfully. He had entered the room the moment I took his daughter away. To bear witness to her agonizing deaths repeatedly is his punishment.
I didn't do it for fun. Alright, I did, but it serves more than one purpose.
As for Marilyn Oxford, I spared her since the knowledge of her beloved daughter's impending torture and death is far more than enough to haunt her day and night.
I also didn't let her see her daughter, thus she couldn't sleep for the last few weeks.
”As I have promised, old friend. I hope you understand your responsibility as father this time around, and please do neglect others in favor of hers either. Each of your children needs you and your guidance even if they are all grown up. This is not your boss talking, but as a father to another.”
I speak up and let Marian onto her two little feet. She blinks at the old man before narrows her eyes, trying to see who this is.
Marian shouts and runs to her father. Henry takes her into his tight embrace, never wanting to let her go again. Seeing such kinship between them does bring a sense of joy and warmth to my cold heart.
I want to see my daughter or maybe daughters, and I did so right after I send Henry and Marian home.
But since Antigone and Lexi are both asleep peacefully in their respective beds, I suppose I will have to settle for Allison. She is still awake in her apartment. She does stay up very late every day, working on her cases, regardless whether it is the weekend or not.
Tomorrow is Sunday, so she should have a day off just like everyone. Well, today to be more precise.
”Hello, Miss Allison. I know it is late, but may I come in?”
At the door to her apartment, Allison is surprised to see me so late in the night.
Nevertheless, Allison is very happy to see me. It has been a while, but she does know I have business I must attend.
”Ah, yes, Max. I mean Mr. Maxwell. Please, come in. Umm… don't mind the mess. I was about to clean up.”
Allison allows me inside her apartment, rather happily even if she try not to show it. She didn't bother to put on any clothes and simply settle for what she is wearing to sleep – loose blouse and no pant.
The room has changed greatly since last time I was here. As she is now a full pledged member of Hydra, she is rewarded with all kind of new toys.
The apartment looks like it is from the 22nd or maybe the 23rd century. It does bring me back a little since I did live in the future for a time. But I am not here to check out her apartment.
I am here for some kinship. Heh. Just kidding, but if it leads to that, who am I to refuse.
”I want to tell you something, Miss Allison. It might change the relationship between us in the process, but it is for the best.”