107 Daddy Issue POV (1/2)
I am not anything special.
I am… not… any… thing… special…
I am… not… thing…
His words constantly echo in my mind, shattering my world.
I have finally met my father – my real father, not the man who had raised me from childhood alongside with my mother. Unlike my father, who I have inherited my gift from, that man is nothing special.
But my real father isn't who I have hoped and dreamt about for so long.
Maximilien Maxwell is powerful, unimaginable so, but he has absolutely no love for me, his daughter, his one and only daughter.
No. I am not his only daughter. He has made that abundantly clear, repeatedly. His appearance alone tells me that he is beyond human. He is even younger than me, which shouldn't be, logically.
If my father has aged normally like a normal person, he would be at least in his forties. He is obviously not. He is in his early twenties. And it appears that he has always been, at least for a very long time. It is as if he is immortal.
Is he immortal?
A day ago, that very thought would have been insane, but now, I am unsure.
My father could bend time and space to his will and teleport anywhere he pleases, not to mention all those frightening people working for him. His power affects even me while he is completely immune to mine. And that woman, Sandra tells me he could resurrect the dead with a snap of his finger.
That is… unfathomable.
For someone as powerful and wealthy as him, he probably has fathered hundreds if not thousands of people, all gifted with fantastical powers and abilities beyond logical reasonings. I am just one of those people, and like them, I am nothing special, at least in his eyes.
It hurts.
It hurts so much.
No one has rejected me before, even before I was gifted with this power. But my father did. He did so without hesitation. He rejects me and then goes off to enjoy that woman of his.
Who is she? She is just a normal person, nothing special.
There is nothing special about her! Not even her looks! I am prettier and younger, and more than that, I am his daughter! His special blood flows in mine, granting me power over others! What can she give my father that I could not?
What can she give my father that I could not!?
That question repeats in my mind, again and again.
And before I knew it, I am standing in front of the door, leading to the living room of the estate.
My father is in there, enjoying his time alone with that woman of his. I could hear lustful moaning and groaning coming from within. I even overheard her asking him for a child just a moment ago.
How dare she? How dare she!?
She is a nobody! A nobody! A nobody at all!!
She is not worthy of carrying my father's child.
No one is, not even me.
But even so, I am more worthy than her. I am his daughter, his blood flows through me. And his child through me would definitely be special in his eyes, isn't it?
Yes. It is. It must be.
And it isn't the first time my father did such a thing – fucking his own daughter. He had said so himself, didn't he? He has impregnated his daughter!
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
That wasn't a dream. I could remember all of it, every single piece of it. His touch. His voice. Bringing me to uncontrollable climax. My body shudders and I feel my face heating up just from the memory alone.
My heart beats rapidly as my hand reaches towards the doorknob, but I stop myself before my fingers could touch the cold steel and turn it. My father wishes not to be interrupted, and I do not want to be the object of his wrath.
I want to be the object of his affection, just like that woman in there alone with him, crying out in utter pleasure within his embrace. I want to be within his embrace once more. I want to be his special little girl.
It is not wrong, is it?
What does she have that I don't?
I do not understand, yet I am too fearful to find out.
My hand and fingers slowly retreat from the doorknob.