104 For Science! (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 51530K 2022-07-20

Lexi strips slowly.

Each piece of her garments descends and rests onto the floor, revealing more and more of her pearly white skin for everyone to see.

Her cries and pleads fall on deaf ears, and her resistance against me and my wishes is futile. Her body is no longer at her command.

It is at my command.

Like everyone who are inhabiting the prime-reality, Lexi has never been exposed to real magic before, so her body, mind and spirit has absolutely no defense or resistance against it.

The Voice of Command isn't that powerful of a charm spell, as it does not grant me the full control of her body and mind and spirit. It doesn't have any effect on her mind or spirit, and only partially affects her body as demonstrated.

But from the current strip show, I could see why I need to introduce magic to the prime-reality. It is to build up resistance in the people, so someone similar to me can't just mindfuck the entire human race with impunity.

Lexi is quite a beauty herself, with auburn brown hair and dark brown eyes. She has inherited the traits from her very lovely mother, whose name we shall never mentioned again lest we want to incite anger from a rather crazy bat.

Despite the pace, it didn't take long for Lexi to strip down to nothing like I wanted. Her rather cute bra and lingerie scatters onto the floor. And without any control over her body, she is unable to even cover herself with her hands.

Tears are now running down her beautiful face, demonstrating that she has managed to regain some sort of control over her body. It has built up resistance to magic. It is still futile since I just pump more magical energy into the charm spell.

Like I have mentioned previously, there is actually an upper limit to how much energy I can empower the magical incantation circle. More than it can contains will result in an explosion. An higher tier and more complex magical incantation circle can store more magical energy, thus making the casted spell stronger and lasting longer.

”Please Miss Lester. On the chair, so we can all get started.”

I request, expressionlessly.

As beautiful as Lexi is, I have seen someone more beautiful. The elves are blessed with perfect bodies by the Goddess after all, and Eliana is definitely an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. That mean her body is just not scientifically possible.

For comparison, Sandra is an 8. But people aren't measured by how sexy they are on the outside. The charm is in their personality. I like Sandra more than Eliana since the dark elf is quite a scheming person as she holds her leadership position over all the other elders despite her young age.

Just food for thought – Lexi is also an 8.

Lexi approaches the chair as I request, albeit slowly.

She is still fighting my command, and she will win eventually. But that eventuality is estimated to be a few days or so.

In addition, constantly fighting against my mind control will not do her brain any good. It is damaging to her brain at a cellular level, I would have guessed. I will have a look at that as well when I open her skull open.

Lexi sits down on the chair as commanded. She shivers instinctively due to the coldness of the cushion and metal frames pressing against her smooth and untarnished skin. She has taken very good care of herself with all the money she has at her disposal.

Mostly dirty money, but still money, nonetheless.

Infinite Health does have a very large range of highly effective beauty and cosmetic products for sale on the market or privately, but since those products are secondary to combating deadly diseases and solving world hunger, the company charges an arm and a leg for them.

That is the price for vanity. Even so, it shouldn't be a problem to the rich and wealthy. And I am merely making the world go around by redistributing their wealth to the people, my employees.

None of this 1% control the wealth bullshit in the future.

Only one person controls the wealth!

Metallic brackets lock around her arms and legs as well as her neck and head. It is to prevent her from moving. Mechanical whizzing sounds could be heard all around her as she tries to see what they are.

They are precision laser cutters for cutting her open.

Did Lexi need to be naked for this examination? Nope.

And her nakedness is not distracting at all. None of the men are paying attention to that anymore.

In many ways, scientists are just like mages on Azula, completely obsessed with their researches and new findings instead of more enjoyable thing in life.

Alex is a good example. He has zero social life. Hans would be too if his sister didn't show up and assist him in his laboratory at Mystic. Thus, she is probably the only woman he had ever care about and love.

”If you have behaved like I requested, Miss Lester, everything would be over soon. But no, you must have it your way like you always do, so you will be punished. This will be excruciating, so please, scream as much as you like.”

I tell Lexi while I check the instruments to make sure they are calibrated correctly. They are ready. The other scientists appear to be ready as well from their individual consoles and monitors, and all systems are now in active and monitoring mode.

The lasers are full powered and proceed to do their job.

Lexi struggles violently and shrieks dreadfully.

Hair burns. Pearly skins scorch and give way to the focused laser beam. Bloods and muscles cauterize immediately due to the intense heat. Bones are sliced up to reveal the softer tissues they protect.

It is exceeding excruciating since we did not severe her pain receptors. Doing so will interfere with the mapping of her brain.

And to spare you the horrors, we shall skip ahead.

Lexi is now dead. She has expired shortly after we finishes scanning and mapping her entire brain for examination and simulation.

Her brain is now floating in a jar with all of its nerves still connected to her body.

I will revive her when we need to do the body examination or have to redo the brain scanning. Redoing is only if we have believed we had messed up somewhere. But that is unlikely since we have done this thousands of times before, as every high-ranking member in Hydra must have their brain scanned and mapped, including me.

It is insurance for when a high-ranking member get killed for whatever reason. Their memory will just be mapped onto a new clone body, giving them pseudo immortality. The new cloned body is also given all the medical and genetic advances we have learned thus far.

Allison's photographic memory is widespread in Hydra since it is very useful for researchers. We have not solved that brain degrading problem yet, but we will in the future.

Of course, there are those within Hydra who rejected this cloning idea since their immortal soul might get lost somewhere during the cloning and memory mapping process, but I really rather not get to the mumble jumble that is religion.

While Lexi is remained strapped to the chair, the scientists and I are reviewing our findings.

Like Allison McBill, several sections of her brain are very active due to her advanced biology.