102 Powers and Abilities Auxiliary Chapter (1/2)
This is an auxiliary chapter! It is marked in the title. You can skip this chapter if you prefer. You actually won't miss anything if you have been paying careful attention to the story.
I hope you guys (and girls of course) enjoy the story thus far. Please forgive me for all the memes and references. It does get a bit excessive sometimes. Heh…
This chapter summarizes Maximilien Maxwell's current progression of powers and abilities thus far.
In the story and the continuity of the whole Aspectual Multiverse, there are several classes and types of power. You can consider them as grades of power if you prefer.
The best power is obviously Aspectual class. The next on the list is Primordial class. After that are the sub-classes of Aspectual and Primordial, but let's not get technical. You just need to know all the main ones.
Even if Maximilien Maxwell is an Aspect of Time, he can still use Primordial-based powers and abilities, but the Primordial won't like that very much. It is basically an Aspect stealing their powers.
And using Primordial-based powers and abilities will definitely get the attention of the Primordial, and all hell will break loose if they show up in person.
Of course, if this is what Maximilien intended to happen, then by all mean. They can consume an entire reality on a whim, so good luck fighting them, Max. We are rooting for you!
Alright, let's describe the powers and abilities that Maximilien Maxwell has thus far.
[Time Jump (Aspectual Class) – Active Type]
This is the first power Maximilien awakens.
It activates on his birthday, exactly when he is 18 years of age. The question is why exactly 18 years of age when human measurement of time really has no relative meaning to an Aspect? You will find out in the story later, but Maximilien did mention that ”time” in the way he sees them is not what humans describe them to be. There are hints like these throughout the story!
The moment this power activates, it sends Maximilien straight to the future, just before the extinction event of the human race at their own hands. He gets basically nuked thousands of time until he figures out how to use this power.
Sounds easy enough.
Not really.
Maximilien is unable to activate it the first few hundred cycles of death because he didn't have any temporal energy left to use it. Heh. I didn't mention that part since temporal energy did not come into play then. It comes into play when temporal rifts happen, and I did state that he can absorb temporal energy to boost his power.
The rest is history, so you should already know if you have read this far.
Maximilien uses this power frequently, especially when he wants something to be done instantly. Like for example, instant researches. Well not instant, but superfast. He does this by stealing progresses and researches from the future repeatedly.
To prevent an unraveling paradox from taking place, Maximilien will automatically merge with his past or future self if he jumps into an instance when he already exists.
It is extremely disorientating when that does happen and extremely frightening if he is a fetus.
But all of this is due to the safety switch built into his power. Paradoxes can destroy the entire reality, so yeah.
Maximilien will figure how to turn it off one day. It is required to create a stable time loop. Stable time loop will fuck with people's mind because how insanely bizarre it is.
Have you guys seen Predestination (All You Zombies)? That sort of shits!
Although there is no limit to this power, Maximilien cannot jump beyond the beginning and the end of time. This is because time did not exist before or after such an event.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.
It is more correctly to say, time wasn't born yet. Heh. The end of time is when time is no longer needed. That does happen. Why? You will find you later in the story.
The most complaints I have heard or read in the comments or reviews is why doesn't Maximilien just fucking jump back in time to fix any screwups? Like the Rebecca stuff happens? It would be so simple.
Actually no.
To understand this, you must first understand Maximilien's core principles. He actually does not want to do more work than necessary. If it is his mistake, he will fix it because he will own up to his mistake, but if it is someone else's mistakes, why the fuck should he fix it?
This personality is common amongst all the Aspects. Aspects simply don't like picking up the shits the other have unknowing or purposely causes. They do have better things to do most of the time.
Otherwise, Terra would have just fixed Max's little problem – as in find all the Fragments of Time and restore his power and memory. She can do it with a snap of her fingers as she is that powerful.
But there would be no story at all. Doing this also mean Maximilien will be the old Maximilien, and not the new Max we come to love. Seeing his adventures, which will define who he is, is the fun part! He is ruthless, extremely sadistic, but he is also fair, loyal and honorable. He loves those around him, and he does try to help them with their situations – when he has time.
Acknowledging the past (old Max) and accepting the future (new Max) is one of the many themes of the story. It is one of his character's progressions.
Although Max does fix other's people screw up sometimes, such in Alex's case, but he gets annoyed in doing so.
Secondly, it also depends on how far back Maximilien has to jump to fix the problem. Too far back, he will get really grumpy.
Let's take Rebecca's case for example. It was several weeks ago, just after he talks to Henry Oxford and accept the documents for Terra Entertainment. To jump back that far and merging with his past self, meaning that he will have to redo everything up to the current point.
That is several weeks worth's of work. Would you do it if someone tells you to go back to your younger self and then acts exactly like you would for several weeks? I wouldn't.
In other word, unless it is a massive screwup, Maximilien wouldn't forfeit all his current progression and jump back to the past to redo everything again. He did once due to the internal collapses of the Galactic Empire, and it is enough.
I could talk for a long time about this power, but we should move on.
[Time Manipulation (Aspectual Class) – Active/Passive Type]
Time Manipulation first activates when Maximilien got killed, but this is the passive mode. It prevents him from dying, or more correctly to say, it prevents his soul from moving beyond the mortal plane of existence. You will learn about this later, when plane of existences finally come into play. It won't be for another few hundreds of chapters, I think.
I do foreshadow quite a bit of stuff.
Alright, a lot of stuff. Sorry.
It is for the 2nd (Arcane Academy – think Harry Potter, but our world) and 3rd Arc (World Domination – not just the prime reality, but all the other realities). 4th Arcs – Slaying the Gods – is way out there at the moment.
Anyway, you can read about all the arcs in the Auxiliary Volumes.
Maximilien learns how to use the active mode of this power after he figures out the time jump ability.
This power does come naturally to him, so he can reverse or accelerate the time of any object as well as person. It currently does not affect the soul of a person since this is beyond his current level.
The advance form of this power allows him to freeze the world as well freeze the time of any object he wishes. Once he figures this out, he uses it excessively so that things don't happen unexpectedly in the prime reality when he is not there in person.
Its awakening also brings forth the temporal rifts. So how did the temporal rifts come into being? It is obviously not him. Max already mentions this since he doesn't have that much temporal energy.
Maximilien usually uses this power to kill people by accelerating their time within an instant. In other word, he dusts them since everything reduce to dust when an absurd of time passes. He also uses this power to heal people, as reversing time will reverse all damage done to a person.
This power is actually a lot more versatile than what Maximilien has done thus far. He barely scratches the surface of this power. The full power Aspect of Time can kill anyone below Primordial level before they even know what hits them. That is a pun. Time is an abstract concept!
[Temporal Bubble (Aspectual Class) – Active Type]
Temporal bubble is actually an extension of Time Manipulation.
Instead of adjusting time for a whole object or person, Maximilien only wants to affect certain object in the body, like the brain for example, or a bunch of objects at the same time.
This means he can erase the memory of a person.
He first uses this power in full when he brings Atlantis into the present, so he can have an island for his base of operation. Oh, the original inhabitants on the island are free-for-all, but it is actually also a test for his men, the original arm forces of Hydra.
If Maximilien tells his army to pillage and rape people, they will pillage and rape the people regardless of whether they like it or not. The chain of commands is above personal preferences.