85 Spiritual Awareness (1/2)
Everything around me burns.
Raging flames explode outwards like a supernova, lighting up the endless darkness of the abyss of near infinite size. It shouldn't be able to reach the edge of the room due to spatial compression, but it can try.
Space is expanding faster than even the speed of light!
Extreme heats vaporize bone and flesh all alike, yet one thing remains.
My consciousness…
Although I could heal my physical body endlessly thanks to my power, my soul could only take so much punishment before fracturing.
I do have a soul even I am an Aspect, right? It would be strange if I don't, so I will believe I do have one for the sake of not overthinking things. Besides, its existence is evidenced by my spiritual awareness, therefore, I must have a soul or something close to one to be able to feel spiritual energy.
When did I become aware of spiritual energy?
It wasn't when I first meet Terra, the Master of Chaos.
Nope. It was when I had jumped all the way to the beginning of time, just to see what is at the start of everything.
In the presence of those Primordial beings, shrouded in darkness, my spiritual awareness was forcibly awakened.
I didn't notice it back then, but now that I think more about it, it must be one way to awaken spiritual energy within a person. Perhaps I can use this to awaken others later on.
Regardless of what a soul might be, I could feel it breaking under the relentless assaults by the divine flames of a Dragon God.
The attacks actually making me become more and more spiritual aware, forcing me to learn faster and faster. I could finally feel the spiritual energy of the world.
Incredible! I didn't expect that!
The astral entity, born from the will and intent of a Dragon God, drawls all its power from the magical energy within my body.
It is quite an ingenious curse.
And until my magical energy is depleted, the astral dragon does not dissipate. It will continue to attack me, physically and spiritually.
I have withstood the attacks with my will and my will alone. My power rewinds time whenever I finally lost consciousness. Even when my body is vaporized by heat and fire, I still didn't lose consciousness and remain aware of my surroundings.
It is a very strange feeling. An out of body experience…?
The experience is becoming stronger and stronger, lasting longer and longer with each painful death.
Why do I put myself through such unfathomable sufferings?
I need data. I need to experiment. I need to understand. I need to feel exactly what is happening!
Knowledge is power!
And true powers come from the ability to crush the wills of others without even lifting a single finger, and I am willing to do what it takes to acquire such power!
While I am unable to reverse the damages done to my soul or essence, it seems to heal itself overtime, relatively speaking.
Everything is relative when you are talking about time.
I am unable to speed up the healing process since my power does not affect the soul at the moment, so I will have to just wait it out like a caveman.
As I continue to fall in the dark abyss of near-infinite width, height and length, I have a read through all the data that the far-future Alex and Hans have provided for me.
It keeps my mind off all the pains my spirit is suffering from. The divine flame is no joke, but it seems to make me stronger each time I pick myself up again.
Good grinding! I will make this curse works for me!
As for all the data I have uploaded to Legion, when I needed a research done instantly, I will just jump into the future and grab the research before returning to the present again.
It is not cheating!
Cheating would be knowing everything without needing to figure out loopholes. I earn everything I've learned through blood and sweat. Well, except my power of time. That just comes with the package I suppose.
It is a good thing that I take the shortcut. I would have to wait a few millennia for the complete analysis of spatial compression otherwise.
It does take Alex and Hans and Mystic that long with basically infinite resources at their disposal.
Did humanity survive beyond the 31st century?
They destroy the world by the 23rd century due to the widespread use of magic. A knife is enough to kill a person when given to child. A nuclear bomb is enough to kill millions, so I have expected as much when you give basically reality-bending power to the human race.
A cataclysmic magical event shatters the planet and destroy much of the solar system.
Some idiots must have decided that they know better than everyone else.
There are always those idiots, ruining it for everyone else. Only this time, they have killed pretty much everyone else in the process.
But thanks to the advances in both technology and magic, Hydra and Shield continues to live on. And with the fabricator technology at their disposal, as long as they have energy, they can survive in the depth of space practically forever – I assume.
Neither Hydra and Shield is not there, waiting for me when I had jumped to the future and witnessed for myself what remains of the solar system. An endless debris field drifting in the unforgivable nature of space.
Hydra and Shield probably have left, looking for another habitable world.
That is the contingency plan should Earth is destroyed for whatever reason. I didn't bother finding out where they have gone, but history tends to repeat itself until someone put a stop to all that pointless destruction – me.
Alex and Hans are still there, waiting for me all alone in the void of space. Quite a few people did wait with them at the start, but many have ascended to higher realm once they reached 10th circle magical power.
How they manage to become that powerful are within all the data they have given me.