82 The Usual Weekend (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 41130K 2022-07-20

”Good morning, Max. You're up and early?”

A man calls out. He is exercising with his wife – a very nice lady. She brought a pie when I moved into my place. I ate it since it is a good pie.

I bake her a cake in return because… well just because. There is no reason, really.

”Good morning, Dave. Yup. Couldn't sleep. And my daughter doesn't want to sleep either, so here we are. Do you always exercise this early?”

I response as I examine the couple carefully. They are Dave and Jane. They have two daughters named Emily and Ashley. Ashley is the older of the two, and she is a senior in high school.

Without resorting to cheating, it is hard to tell if they are Hydra sleeper agents. But if I have to guess, I think they are sleeper agents since both daughters are up fairly early, considering most children sleep in late on the weekends.

Shield tells me they are not.

Damn it!

I talk to Dave and Jane a little bit while Antigone plays with her shaker. I have it return back to proper toy to prevent any question being asked.

A few houses down the street, an old couple greets me and my daughter. The couple are seen often at Stephanie's house several times, talking to Mrs. Connors, so it is likely they have a good relationship.

Shield tells me that they are Hydra sleeper agents, so that is kind of shocking. Although no one really retire from Hydra unless killed in action, but no one is this damn old!

”Ahem. This is the SC talking. How old are you two, really?”

I question. SC stands for Supreme Commander.

”29, Supreme Commander.”

Both of them responses. They drop their acting as soon as they make sure no one is watching.

”Well, you two have aged terribly.”

I response with a chuckle.

”This is just a disguise, sir. By the way, beware of Dave and Jane. They are Soviet spies, sir. They have been snooping around your place. I think it is due to your helicopter ride back and forth between New York and Hollywood. Since you are now publicly known, they are getting aggressive.”

Ah! That is why their daughters wake up so darn early, even when they don't have schools. And since Henry Oxford had revealed Chrono Holdings is backing Terra Entertainment at that court case, I can no longer stay in the shadow.

I did weight the pros and cons of the reveal, but I need powerful backing to bring important people to the table.

”Shall we get rid of them, sir?”

”Others will just replace them, so just let them be for now. If they break into my home for whatever reason, I will break their spine. Anyway, as you two were, then.”

I response.

I am neglecting the Soviet Union since the country will breakdown sometimes next year. I want this to happen, as it is easier to deal with the fallouts. All the pieces should be in place by then.

I continue to play the game of guessing who are the Hydra agents are with Shield until 8am. Although I won twice, I am relatively happy with the acting skills of the sleeper agents.

Those agents don't stand out at all. Anyone on the fucking street could be a sleeper agent.

After having breakfast with Antigone, I surrender her to my mother, Stephanie. The girl is still a little bit shaken after her abduction and psychological torture, but she is still capable of taking care of my daughter – her granddaughter.

”Thank you again, Mr. Maxwell. If it isn't for your help, our daughter might not be safe and sound right now.”

Mr. Connors tells me. I tell him no to worry about it. We chat a little bit before I head home and into my office. I close the door and then teleport to Hydra Headquarter.

Since the moon base is not finish building yet, Mystic division is working out of the main headquarter.

Alex and Hans are already at it since 5am in the morning. These two don't sleep much. Emilia is usually with them since she has a brother-complex, but she is currently not.

”Mr. Mercer. Mr. Richter. How would you like to use magic?”

I question.

”Does Hans want to fuck his sister?”

I arch my brow and look at Hans, who beam deadly at Alex.

”Do you?”