61 Impossible Victory POV (2/2)
It did not matter if the client is labelled by the public as a mass murderer or a serial child rapist.
As long as he or she is our client, we will treat him or her with the upmost respect.
There is only one exception to the rule. It is when the interest of the client affects the firm negatively, but that rarely happens.
When it does, the case is given to the seniors and the client usually concedes to whatever terms the seniors give them.
If the clients didn't accept the terms, I think they were killed. I don't want to get into trouble, but it is very suspicious to me that those arrogant clients have unfortunate accidents shortly after they insults the firm and its conducts.
Everyone in the firm knows, but no one really dare to say anything. But as long as we kept everything professional, the firm will treats us as professional.
This is one of the very reasons that I feel that if I make a mistake, it won't be an easy slap on the wrist and let bygone be bygone.
Some seniors have been forced to retire with a rather generous compensation, but they look like they are scared out of their mind.
Those seniors never practice law again.
However, our impressive salaries and benefits outweigh all of these. The firm also provides living space for all of its employee completely free of charge.
The firm offered a serviced apartment in one of its many holdings. I accept of course since the building has a great view of the lake. Many of my colleagues also live there, giving me time to social with them after works as long as our socialisation does not infringe on the confidentiality of the workplace.
As senior of the firm, my boss is given an entire floor apartment on the upper level of the building. He even go to work everyday on a helicopter ride or limousine.
It is expected since his regular clients are multi-billion dollar companies around the world. I had to fly with him to India at three in the morning just a couple of days ago.
While an incredible experience, it is extremely exhausting. I have to memorize so much documents.
I follow my boss closely behind.
It is quite difficult to move quickly in a short skirt, wearing heels, especially when we are in a hurry.
We are currently late because there were a lot of documents to go through on our way. The helicopter is extremely noisy as well, so that didn't help.
After passing through several hallways and corridors, we enter a large room. There are already people inside, discussing amongst themselves about the current case.
They are also lawyers from the firm, just in different division. It isn't exactly normal to have this many seniors working on the same case.
Terra Entertainment must be very well connected.
I take a seat next to my boss, who immediately goes through his handwritten notes for the umpteenth times. The golden ring around his middle finger glitters whenever he flips a page. His reading speed is very impressive.
All seniors are given the ring. I hope I will be given a ring one day.
I also go through my own handwritten note after I have given an eye-greeting to a couple of my friends.
They are sitting across the room, supporting their boss. They are looking very busy.
In fact, everyone is.
The client or whoever is representing the client isn't even here yet and everyone is working so hard already.
From all I have experienced in these past weeks working at the firm and under my boss, it is a sign that we cannot lose this case or there will be severe consequences.
I have a mind to think the client is Henry Oxford himself, but the poor man is grieving for his late daughter right now.
Everyone knows that Marian Monroe Oxford died in an accident almost two weeks ago.
An oil tanker crashes into her limousine when she was on her way home.
That accident is suspicious in my opinion. I even tell my boss about it, but he tells me to not speak of the matter anymore. He is quite serious when he said that, so I will take his advice to heart.
My boss knows thing that I do not know.
Furthermore, unlike so many times before, Henry did not request us to sue the living hell out of the truck company that had claimed his daughter's life.
An hour goes by before the seniors stops what they doing and stands up. The assistants follows suit, not fully understanding what is going on.
I did so as well just as someone enters the room. It is a young man, but that isn't what surprises me.
He brought his five-month old daughter along. He even waving her hands at everyone in the room. It is like this courthouse is his own property.
”Mr. Maxwell.”
All the seniors greet, almost in unison.
That is insane! I have never saw such a display of extreme respect before.
Who is this person!?
”As you were, everyone. And greeting to all as well. Say hi to everyone, Antigone.”
As everyone returns to their seat, the man takes the seat in the front behind a desk, facing everyone in the room. His daughter sits on the table in front of him, jerking her little shaker toy and uttering implausible words.
”So, for those that doesn't know me yet, my name is Maximilien Maxwell. You can call me Max if you prefer. This is my daughter, Antigone. She will be joining us for this concession. Don't worry, she won't say anything that you can understand.”
Maximilien speaks up in a casual tone. However, his words seem to command extreme power. I am a little shaken at this.
”Although I am 100% certain that I can win this case on my own, but I want everyone to have a shot at it. The book I published is word for word with the item presents by Mr. Crichton in his case against me and my company. He documents all of his work, so there is no doubt that he is the rightful author of the book. If you must know, I stole it and publish it under the penname M.C.”
Maximilien cracks up a little. He then smiles.
I nearly choke at that. No one in their right mind would admit to such a thing. Luckily, everyone here is his lawyers or the case is as good as gone.
”The acronym obviously stands for Michael Crichton for anyone who has a brain in the room.”
Maximilien continues.
”That information is a secret so don't blab to anyone. Now, it is your job to win this case for me. The first person to do it will be awarded very handsomely. Oh, the assistants can join in as well. If you help win the case, I think a promotion to senior is in order.”
That announcement gets everyone pumping, even the assistants. Being promoted to seniors brings a lot of benefits.
I open the book, Jurassic Park, and reread it again. I compare it to the copy of the evidence provided to the court by the other parties.
It is like Maximilien has said, it is word for word.
This is an impossible case!