56 Overwhelming Power (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 44970K 2022-07-20

It appears that my preparation is unnecessary.

From what I can tell via all the real-time video feeds being displayed in front of my eyes, the Nazis are unable to destroy even one of my land units.

Their combined firepower is incapable of penetrating the kinetic barrier, which proves to be highly effective against their magical empowered bullets.

As long as the bullet does not impact against the vehicles physically, it will deal absolutely no damage.

This was already proven by Alex Mercer of Mystic in a controlled experiment.

The excited man did warn me that enough firepower will penetrate the barrier and destroy the tank.

He wasn't sure how much firepower is necessary since there are too many variables in a real battle.

Therefore, I did go a bit crazy in designing those land and air units.

I loaded each tank with so many modules and power generators in fear that they might prove to be less than satisfactory.

My war machines did not let me down as they cut through everything and everyone in their path.

Several of the tanks are immobilized due to running over too many landmines, but their internal repair system will get them working again in no time.

Memory metals work wonders.

Too much damage will put them out of commission, however.

But even being unable to move, those machines can still blast holes and kill everything within their extreme range.

It does take a lot of effort to destroy the war machines of the 24th century. More so in the later centuries as technology becomes more and more advance.

Once nanomachines are widespread, it is literally impossible to damage war machines for long. Either destroy them outright or watch them repair themselves from any kind of within seconds.

But from my own calculation, I believe that destroying my tank is still doable with the Nazi's current level of technology.

That is the reason why I had prepared so much.

I don't want to fight a battle, where I am unsure of the victory.

It is pointless to waste resources and time to fight, only to lose.

Aircrafts join the battle once the research facility has been breeched.

I need the tanks to take out all the anti-air turrets before they could.

It is done beautifully by those Tesla Tanks.

Those anti-air weapons probably won't be able to penetrate the kinetic barrier protecting the aircraft, but they could still knocks the aircraft around the air.

Overwhelming firepower is no substitute for a good strategy.

That is why those tanks are in stealth mode on approach.

Maintaining an active cloaking field does drain a lot of power, so once the gist is up, the cloaking field is dropped and the power is rerouted to kinetic barrier.

With so much power powering them, those kinetic barrier will not collapse even under heavy constrain and endless bombardment. At least not until the fusion reactor on board deplete their fuel cells.

Amongst the aircrafts that join the battle, there is a cloaked transporter, carrying a team of four.

The Hydra squad will infiltrate the base and steal whatever secrets the Nazi have stored. They have a standing order not to rescue anyone and kill everything in their way.

With 36 men under my command, I have a total of 9 teams.

They are to assault 9 separate research facilities across the world.

Teleporting them there is easy with my power.

And once they are in designated position, they wait until I give the signal.

While only 9 research bases are being infiltrated, all Nazi's military installations and research facilities are being assaulted by tanks and aircrafts simultaneously.

The Nazi high commands are probably shitting their pants right now, seeing so many of their bases and facilities installations being reduced to rubbles while their men are being slaughtered.

I am aware that not all the soldiers at those bases and facilities are Nazis, but it takes too much time and effort to sort them all out.

They are simply collateral damage for now.

I will rephrase what General Jonathan of S.W.O.R.D tells me when I borrow one of his kill squads.

Kill them all and let God sorts them out.

It is a good advice for times like this.

Otherwise, I will have to listen to each of their stories, weighting my options and deciding what to do with them.

That will be fucking annoying.

I don't have time for that.

Actually, I do, but I don't want to make time for it.

As for Nazi Germany, I already plan to erasing its existence from this timeline.

I have seen the future under their iron grip. It is a dead world with a few pockets of survivors here and there.

The Nazi somehow bomb themselves into the stone age – probably due to an uncontainable outbreak later on. This is what usually happen when you experimenting with things you have no clue about.

While my team are assaulting those 8 research facilities, I am not being idle.

I choose the largest and most defended research facility to attack.

I don't need a team with me. My power should be sufficient enough.

Sitting in a chair all day and ordering people around is not as fun as I imagined it to be.

I need to get out and kill things sometimes – without consequences. Sometimes, I just wish the world would burn for a little bit. It will be a lot more fun.

With laser spears in both of my hands, I roam the research facility, dodging bullets and severing limbs and head without any restrain.

I even laugh a maniacal mad man. When was the last time I get to do this.

Oh... poor Halle.

Halle is coming around very nicely, becoming a respectable lady.

”Who the fuck are you!?”

The Nazis screams as he sprays me with bullets, but I dodge them easily.

Slowing down time without affecting my speed makes me superfast in his eyes. I can also see all the bullets as they spiral through the air.

”Don't you read the comic? I am the Flash!”

I answer him just before I turn him into a human kebab. He gurgles to death with a spear coming right out of his throat. I duplicate my other spear since I am not recovering that one.

”There he is, shoot him!”

Several Nazis notice me from down the hallway.