39 The Hypnotis (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 43530K 2022-07-20

What does that make me, who has absolute control over it?

I am not only its wielder. Time serves me like a servant serving a master, unquestioningly with absolute loyalty.

It bends to my will, no matter what I wanted.

For instant, everything and everyone in this sound-proof office return to what they were just moments ago, right before I have demonstrated to a certain dislikeable human trash that I truly meant what I have said.

There are dire consequences in disregarding my words.

People need to learn this, with as much pains and sufferings they can withstands. Only fear will stops them from doing something stupid.

Howard Weinstein is no longer clutching whatever remains of his cock with both hands. He is also no longer kneeling on the floor and screaming in utter terror, giving me an earful.

I dislike the sound of men screaming.

Men should be manly, strong and proud regardless of whatever happened to them. They should laugh in the face of death and challenge fate itself – at least I would.

Maybe I am sexist.

It either that or I have some weird idealizations of what a man and a woman should be and should not be.

Meh – whatever.

Anyway, Sharon Stone is no longer crouching on the ground, completely petrified at what she had just witnessed.

She thought she had just saw a Howard's balls being blasted right off his hips by a handgun. An awful amount of bloods spray all over the carpet and herself.

Luckily, it did not happen. She must have imagined all of that. She is not drench in blood.

And she definitely did not soil herself. She is still wet though.

Both of them are now standing before my desk. Their eyes widen in both shocked and surprised. What they have just experienced, although felt so real, didn't appear to be so from their perspective.

Howard could not help but checking his manhood, making sure that it is all still there and in one piece – it is for now.

I tilt my head before forming a calming smile. I place the unfired handgun onto the table before folding my hands together like a boss of an evil organizations.

Well, that isn't really far from the truth.

”You both seem very flustered, Mr. Weinstein and Miss Stone. You must have saw some kind of share hallucination.”

I speaks up.

”You...? How? It feels so real.”

Howard calls out.

Sharon is still trying to comprehend what I have just said.

She will get it eventually. She is a smart person if her IQ is anything to go on.

”Yes.” I nod in confirmation. ”What you two just saw is my doing. You see, I am a master hypnotist or illusionist, whichever you prefer. It does not matter. What does matter is that I can make a person see and feel all kind of horrible things. Oh? Don't believe me? Shall I demonstrate until you do?”

I unfold my right hand, allowing a fireball to swirl into existence within my palm.

It takes only a fraction of second.

Just like the good doctor had said before he pumps my body full of tiny machines, it does take a lot of time and effort to reach this level of adeptness.

The doctor didn't know that it would take well over a couple centuries of constant training. I spend a lot of my free time, training these abilities, trying to bring them to a useful level.

They have reach the point that they feels like magic.

It is totally worth the long and tedious effort.

They are not actual magic, but sufficient advance technology is indistinguishable to magic.

Howard and Sharon are stunned, feeling the chillness running down their spine.

They just saw me creates a miniature sun in the palm of my hand like I am some kind of wizard. It must be some kind of illusion or hallucination.

The immense heat generated in the palm of my hand is very real. It causes my skins to blister and my blood to boil – extremely painful.

Luckily, the nanomachines works extremely hard to prevent any irreversible damage. Sadly, they will not be able to prevent it for long.

Therefore, I should not hold onto the fireball longer than necessary – so I didn't.

The fireball slams into Howard after I threw it.

My aim is a bit off since Selene cannot aid me with this. It is also the first time I throws it at an actual person, so give me a break.

The fireball turns both of his legs from just below the hips into burning mess in the resulting explosion.

Sharon is send slamming against the wall by the powerful shockwave.

Howard screams as his body is set alight. He rolls around, spreading fire into the room.

However, the flames did not spread very far as I absorb the thermal energy to form another fireball in my palm – a more condense one this time.

The room literally explodes with another throw, sending burning chunks of Howard into the hallway and summoning the people in the audition room.

Before they arrive, I stand up from my seat as another ball of fire swirl into my hand.

”No... no, god no. Please... no...”

With her back against the wall, Sharon hyperventilates at my approach. Her paling face is full of dread as I toss the fireball to her. She screams and covers her face with her hands.

Sharon keeps screaming as she stands in front of the desk with Howard, who is on the ground sweating profusely. His mind could not handle his death.

”Hmm... shall we go again, Mr. Weinstein and Miss Stone? Miss Halle Berry's score is about 14. Yours is 2 right now.”