37 Just Spectating (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 38090K 2022-07-20

Is it alright to destroy her entire career over something so insignificant?

Of course not, but I am not a saint or a normal person for that matter. What part of me having absolute control over time itself screams normal?

Seriously, I will do whatever necessary to have her or any one I fancy dancing in the palm of my devilish hand.

Once I have my eye on a someone, they will not be able to escape.

Even death itself won't be able to save them from me.

”You're the producer!?”

Jennifer asks once she breaks out of her stupor. It takes about a handful of seconds, longer than I have expected.

The shock must have been too much.

”Uh huh. Isn't it obvious? I did address you by your name, so you should have noticed.”

I answer coyly, making Jennifer speechless.

That is the expression I want to see.

I don't know exactly why, but I feel like I need to tease Jennifer Aniston a little bit. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I love seeing Rachel Green, the character she plays on Friends, being constantly frustrated by everything happening outside her control.

There is a certain womanly charm to that.

”No! Why... why didn't you say so?”

Jennifer demands. She couldn't believe her luck. The actual producer was sitting right behind her and even presented her with an offer, yet she had given him a cold shoulder.

She might as well slap herself in the face.

”You didn't ask and let me quote: 'please don't bother me'. I will respect your very humble request. I will not bother you anymore, Miss Aniston. Not now. Not ever. No one will either. Are you happy? You will have all the peace of mind you want. Now, if you please, I have someone I need to congratulate.”

I answer and get off my seat.

With Antigone in my arms, I head towards the front, to where the star of the show currently is.

Sandra Bullock deserves my personal congratulation. Despite losing out to Halle Berry for the staring role in the movie Speed with Keanu Reeves, she is able secure onto another staring role.

The votes is still being tallied, but regardless of the actual outcome, I would prefer Sandra over Sharon because the latter is an obvious slut.

Sandra Bullock will go well with Tom Hanks.

I do have another staring role for Sharon Stone in mind, one that befitting her. But before that, a little discipline is in order for her.

Jennifer stares at my back. Her lips quivers uncontrollably. She is on the verge of tears. She has come to Los Angeles to become an actress, and to think her career hits a huge roadblock before she could have a chance to prove herself.

”I'm sorry.”

Jennifer whispers, almost inaudibly.


I turns around. My head tilts slightly to the side, allowing Antigone to pinch my ears.

I have heard what she had said due to my keen hearing, but I thought I must have misheard it. This is because she is a strong and proud person, at least that is what I understand from her history.

If she wasn't, she wouldn't have come here alone to Hollywood and try to find her road to stardom.

It must have been very stressful these past few days for her, with the constant rejections and all of that.

It does takes about hundreds of audition to land a role. You can ask any aspiring actors or actresses to see if that is true.

Most people quits trying to be a movie stars before their confidence is shot way to hell.

”Did you say something, Miss Aniston?”

I ask and remove my daughter's hand around my ear.

Antigone grabs my hairs instead, pulling against them with what little strength she could muster in her tiny fingers.

She is very restless since this morning. It is perhaps because I left her in her room for a couple of hours while I get rid of some people.

If Antigone is anything like me, she will hold a grudge. But seriously, holding a grudge against her own father?

Well I did, but that is not the point.

”I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please give me a chance.”

Jennifer speaks up. It is loud enough for everyone nearby to hear.

They stops whatever they are doing to watch the scene.

I smile inwardly.

This is true power. The power to utterly destroy another person. Money cannot really buy this.

”Alright. I accept your apology. However, remember what I have said during the audition. Come to see me in my office when you give some thoughts to my offer. The organizer will tell you where my office is.”

I tell her before turning a back around and approach Sandra Bullock.

By now, everyone knew I was the producer. It did take them a while.