27 The Contrac (1/2)
Luckily, her name is not Jasmine. Her name isn't really that important.
Her job is, however.
So, it is a very good thing that she didn't let her opinion affects me or the company.
The receptionist did call my office in the morning. This is proven in the phone records down.
I wasn't in my office at the time as I was preparing my manuscripts in the adjacent rooms. The printers and scanners are very noisy. It isn't like those machines are built to the standard of the 21st century.
After playing with Antigone for a little bit and putting her to sleep, I was in several long meetings with several departments, including members of Hydra.
In fact, I wasn't in my office for most of the day.
I was a very busy man.
Thus, all the receptionist could do is tell Halle to wait in the lobby until I am available. Even so, I decide to have a seminar about this matter as Henry might be subconsciously racist.
It is not strange to me that all my employees in Terra Entertainment are white. This didn't mean that Asian or Black are incapable. It just means that Henry had prioritized employing white over another race. It either his doing or those working directly under him.
I had also noticed that the staffs at Oxford Hotel is the same. The only blacks or Asians I have seen are the cleaning staffs. I didn't make anything at the time since I have something else on mind.
Instead of telling Halle to come to my office, I went downstairs to get her personally. To have the chief executive officer (CEO) and chairman of your company greet a no-name in person creates a powerful impression.
”I am really sorry for making you wait all day, Miss Halle Berry. It is not my intention. Please, come this way. We have much to discuss about your contact the upcoming schedule. I wish to be the first person to congratulate you on joining our company as its first inhouse actress.”
I apologize and cast a warning glance at the receptionist. She is utterly shocked, just like the employees in the lobby.
They will have something to gossip about tomorrow.
”Ah… no. It's… it's fine, Mr. Maxwell. I don't mind waiting.”
Halle responses shyly. She didn't want to be here, as it is outside her comfort zone. She prefers to be on the street as she has been for most of her life. That will have to change. I will mold her into what I needed as an image for the company.
Halle follows me to the elevator and we both head to the top floor.
”Are you hungry?”
I ask when I am back in my office and in my seat. Halle did wait all day for me. And from the surveillance camera in the lobby, she had never left the building.
”No. I am used to it.”
Halle answer. There are days that she didn't have anything in her stomach.
”Is that so? Please do to remember to have at least 3 meals a day. I will assign an agent to you, making sure you maintain a healthy weight and… hygiene. You are very important to the company, even if you do not know it yet. Come, sit down and let me talk about your contract.”
Once Halle takes a seat across the desk from me, I place a stack of paper in front of her.
This is her contract – about an inch thick.
I might have gone too far in crafting it. I want to address all the possible situations and circumstances as humanly possible.
It is a standard contract for all actors and actresses working under me and for Terra Entertainment. It is unlike any contact available for those looking to become a star in the film industry.
In the current state of things in the filming industry and under the Creative Artists Agency (CAA), actors and actresses required agents to find them work. They could do it themselves, but it is very difficult without proper connection.
Once the actors or actresses have been casted in a movie and finished filming, they would be required to look for work once more. The cycle continues until they could no longer be marketable.
I do not like that model. I prefer a fulltime actors or actresses than a contracted one.
It also speeds things up for everything I have in mind. I really don't need to have an audition each time I needed something to be filmed, movies or otherwise.