25 Unexplainable Existence (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 29630K 2022-07-20

How did I manage to bring stuff back from the future without merging into my past-self, you may ask?

With great timing of course.

While it is true that I will unavoidable merge with my past or future self if there are somehow two of me existing in the same timeframe, if I return from the future just a few milliseconds after I had left then there will only be one of me.

Paradox bypassed!


Well, prepare for more confusion ahead.

I do not exist in the future where I had brought a bunch of PlayStations from. This is because the actual me of that timeline has gone to the future to buy a PlayStation to bring to the past for dismantling and duplication.

In that future, the universe assumes that I have never came back – so basically, I disappear forever in that timeline.

Difficult to follow? There is more.

Let's call this timeline the prime timeline.

The prime timeline is the one that the story is taking place in.

The moment I had brought the PlayStations back to the prime timeline, the future I went to no longer exists. This is because that future only exists if I have disappeared without ever returning to the past, its past.

Since I have returned, the prime future has already changed.

This is the one of the main reasons why the future is always changing. Once I know what happened in the future regardless of how, it has already been changed.

However, some things do not change regardless of whether I have lived through it or jumping ahead to see what will happen. Things like the lottery for example. The same set of numbers will always come up unless I did something to change it.

So much for Chaos Theory.

At least God does not play dice with the universe.

I do.

Here is another brain twister question.

Why don't the stuffs I have brought back to the prime timeline from an alternate future disappears?

Hell, why don't I disappear?

I assume that the alternate future that I have brought the PlayStations from still exist somewhere and in some form drifting on the river of time.

The Hydra scientists is unable to explain the temporal phenomenon. Oh, they have plenty of theory, but none of the theories fully explains what I have experienced.

The most acceptable census is that the future exists like a tree branching out infinitely, causing many divergences.

In other word, what can happen will happen, if not in this timeline then in the next.

Or for the sake of simplicity, all futures exist as probability like Schrödinger's cat in the box experiment, and a prime timeline does not really exist until I open the box and see whether the cat is dead or not or some mutated state.

That does not explain why I exist though.

Obviously, due to my machination, I wouldn't be born in the year 2001 of the prime timeline, right?

Logically, even if my mother met my father in this timeline and conceive me at the exact moment they should, it wouldn't be the same me.

This is because it is impossible to repeat everything that have happened exactly.

Even something as simple as breathing can affects the future in so many ways, especially the far future.

Therefore, I shouldn't be born in the prime timeline by all reasonings.

Unfortunately, my assumption is wrong. I have checked so many times by jumping into the future and experience the horror of being in a womb.

Even killing my father wouldn't change my existence. I even kidnapped my mother and put her on ice for centuries at Hydra headquarter, I still get born – just to someone else.