12 Single Parenting (1/2)
There is actually another reason to why I have chosen to start my entrepreneurship in the year 1990 instead of the later years, like the year 2000 for example.
”Wow! What a cute baby. Is she your daughter? What is her name, mister? Where is her mother?”
A little girl exclaims as she leans in to check and caress my daughter. I wouldn't allow anyone to touch my daughter, but she is an exception.
Without her, I suppose I wouldn't be here.
Her name is Stephanie.
She is about 8 years old, give or take.
By my calculation, Stephanie would be about 18 when she got knocked up by her high school boyfriend and give birth a year later.
Therefore, jumping directly to the year 2000 would force me to experience a new kind of horror known as actual rebirth!
This is because if there is another me exists in the same timeframe, regardless of whether I wanted to or not, I will merge with my other self to prevent a paradox.
I don't even know what happen to Antigone if I merge with my fetus self.
Thinking about being conscious and stuck inside a womb makes me a bit nauseous.
”Yes, she is. Her name is Antigone or Anti. Her mother is… unfortunately dead.”
I have no love for Ambrosia.
The number of times I have come face to face with former princess and talk to her like a person is less than the number of fingers on one hand.
Some people would argue that being the mother of my child is enough to qualify her as my wife or at least should has a place in my heart.
They are wrong.
I care nothing for the former princess of Atlantis. If I did, I wouldn't have condemned her to a lifetime of debauchery for what she will do in her future.
Is prosecuting someone for crimes they have not committed yet moral? Probably not.
Do I care? Hell no.
Anyone who even think about screwing with me will be punished let alone have the desire to act upon it. That said, I honestly wouldn't spend my time and energy hunting down all the would-be betrayers just because of my principle.
There wouldn't be enough time in the world for that.
Anyway, as for Ambrosia, I compare her to the numerous birthing machine exists in the 31st century.
Nobody is their right mind would become pregnant in the future for one reason or another. If anyone wanted a child, they simply go to a fertility or medical clinic, selecting sperm or egg with all the traits they wanted and then go on with their days for about 9 months.
The fetus will be grown in a tank, overseen by a restless Cybernetic entity or a virtual intelligence until it is fully grown and brought into the world.
Natural births are very rare in the future.
”Oh. I'm sorry mister. My mother is also dead. She passes away when I was born. Ah. I have forgotten to tell you my name. I'm Stephanie. Stephanie Connors. What is yours?”
”Connors. Just like in the Terminator. I'm Maximilien Maxwell. You can call me Max.”
I smile faintly at the little girl, who is playing peekaboo with her granddaughter.
Antigone titters rather joyously, jerking her arms and legs.
This is the first time my daughter saw her grandmother and my mother, Stephanie.
As I recall, my mother is adopted by her current family.
When my grandmother passes away, my husband gave my mother up for adoption before drowning his sorrows in alcohols. He died shortly after due to intoxication.
It is a tragic story, but I wouldn't put an effort to bring a happy ending for both my grandparents. Their story already concluded, bringing them back will not do anyone any good.