3 The New Life (1/2)
There is a snag in my seemingly perfect plan to get rich quick, however.
It is quite impossible to fool the artificial intelligence that runs the New York banking system. When I requested to access my bank account from one of its public terminals, all sort of red flags come up.
The securities team composed entirely of robot rush to my location within seconds.
Before the robots could shock me into unconscious with their energy pistol and drag me back to their HQ for some very lovely bad guy and good guy interrogation, I jump back about 10 minutes, to the exact moment I am about to access the terminal.
Since there cannot be two of me in any timeframe, I merge with my old self, gaining future knowledge and preventing a paradox.
Two birds with one stone – nice!
Well, three birds if you think about it.
Not wanting to get arrested and interrogated, I decide to change the future, making myself scarce and figuring out another way to access my money.
The best way to do so is to get an identity. Everyone in the future United States has one. It is given to them from the moment they were born.
Unfortunately, I cannot be born again.
Or could I?
I rather not going through the birthing process.
It will be unimaginable horrifying!
Oh God! I just imagine it!
Please wait while I vomit out the lunch from the 21st century.
So, for the sake of my sanity and yours, dear readers, the best I could do is turn myself into a newborn and have someone drop me off at the orphanage.
I did exactly that.
It was very unpleasant, becoming a baby again, especially when being dumped at the front door in the middle of the night.
Luckily, I sleep through most of it.
I wasn't concern about somehow dying as a baby, sleeping on the stone steps in the middle of a chilling night.
My power will not let me die, no matter the cause.
It seems to have a mind of its own whenever I am in danger.
Not really when I am in danger, but actually dead.
I accidently gotten myself playing chicken against a speeding truck by jumping through time once or a few times.
I could feel every bone in my body shattered from the moment of impact. It was right before becoming a bloody smear all over the road.
I might have also fused myself into several buildings when jumping through time or teleporting. I am not so sure since I died instantly when that happened.
I only recall finding myself back to where I started when trying to teleport or jump through time.
Anyway, the person who found me at the front door of the orphanage is a young woman, seemingly in her early twenties.
She was not in her early twenties. I only found out that her age is equivalent to my great, great, great grandmother much, much later.
When, you ask? Umm… let just say it is when I try to get to know her.
Yeah. I couldn't go through with it, knowing how old she is.
Honestly, appearance can be very deceiving in the future. This is thanks to the anti-aging and longevity drugs, discovered back in the 22nd century from studying the immortal jellyfish.
Nevertheless, the godly old woman, whose name is Sasha – yeah, really – takes good care of baby me along with others.