Part 47 (1/2)

”Better than that John L wants us to do some work for the Don't fool with hed ”It's legitimate He wants us to undertake i with a survey of the Middlesboro and Kentucky districts You'll have to put together a field teaht away”

”I'll need et them And take Junior down there with you as your nuet his feet wet”

'But what about Harvard?”

''He'll have to pass that It's et soe later Once you feel he has the idea, then leave hi Dan” His voice lowered ”You got a call froht back”

”Fll take care of it”

Moses' voice went back up ”Congratulations It's like pulling a rabbit out of a hat I don't kno you did it”

Daniel was pleased ”It's only the beginning See you first thing in the ”

He put down the telephone and looked across the desk ”Just one ave the long-distance operator the nuoing through ”Is that a new dress, Margaret?”

She shook her head

”It's very pretty,” he said ”But then, so are you”

She blushed ”Thank you”

A voice came on the wire Just the nu''

”One moment, sir” There was a click on the Hne Lansky caht to the point ”I need a favor”

”Just ask it,” Daniel said

”There's an election co up in the New Jersey Teaht man wins it”

”I'll do my best” Daniel said ”What's his name?”

”Tony Pro”

Daniel was silent for a moment Tony Pro; Anthony Provenzano One of the Family ”You don't pick easy ones,” he said ”You know Dave Beck is against him”

'That's your problem,” Lansky said flatly ”Just tell Hoffa that if Tony Pro becomes president of that local, he'll never have to worry about the Teaht away,” Daniel said

”Keep me posted” Lansky went off the line

Slowly Daniel put down the telephone He began to dial Moses' nued hisIt was either feast or fa to do to too , Daniel?” she asked

He looked at her ”Just tired, I guess It's been a long day”

”You don't have to take o home and rest, I won't o to my house? I'll have Mamie fix us a nice dinner, and aftere can sit around and watch television”

She felt the heat rise in her face again, but her eyes were ready ”If that's what you want”

He s to drop the years fro steaks and all the triirl home to dinner”

It was a small house, not at all what she had expected Cape Cod style, in a development where each house on the street looked alhbor There were no driveways, and he parked the car in the street They crossed a small patch of lawn to the front door

Before they reached it, the door was opened by a heavy set black woe white teeth ”Evenin', Mistuh Dan”

Mamie, this is Miss Rourke,” Daniel said as he led the way into the house

”Miz Rourke,” Maaret smiled ''I hope we didn't make any problems”

'0h, no, Miz Rourke, You work foh Mistuh Dan, you git used to things like that No tellin' who he coo on gittin' dinner ready” She looked at Daniel ”You got tied if'n you want”

'Okay, boss lady,” Daniel said He turned to Margaret ''Mamie thinks she's er ”Sooin' I'll see that this purty li'l thing is aret nodded ”Go ahead I'll be all right”

He went up the stairs, and Ma roo you any drink you like”

”I don't need anything Can I help with anything?”

Ma's done You jes' relax” She started from the roo ti Maybe two rinned ”You ht any of his girls hoaret stared after her as she left the roo Slowly she looked around the room The ftimiture was old-fashi+oned, heavy-fra the small floor space There was a desk with a telephone in one comer, and on the wall opposite the couch there was a television set, over which were bookcases, filled with books that looked as if they had never been read There were several nondescript paintings on the walls Nothing else

Suddenly a thought cae Nowhere in the rooraph of anyone This was the first time she had ever been in a horaph around Her own little house was filled with them

She heard his footsteps on the stairs and turned toward hied into a sport shi+rt, open at the throat, revealing the heavyof hair across his chest, and a pair of dark slacks His hair was still wet fro at hier somehow She shook her head ”It's the first time I've seen you without a suit and tie”

''I also take theo to bed,” he said