Part 30 (1/2)

Daniel looked at Foster The union leader' face was pale, his lips clenched ”You better tell the ht over'em”

”They wouldn't dare,” Foster said tensely ”That would show the whole world what they really are Tools of the capitalists”

”That ain't gonna he'p the strikers they beat up on,” Daniel said

”Maybe it willon under their noses,” Foster replied He turned to the strikers and shouted ”Stand fast, men! Solidarity forever!” He held up his clenched fist, arm bent in a Communist salute

”Solidarity!” the strikers shouted

The sheriff turned and, followed by the soldier, went back to his car The strikers began to laugh and jeer, thinking they had forced the sheriff to retire, A hter turned into instant panic and fear

Without so ed their horses directly into the front of the strikers, their clubs swinging and flailing about, hitting men indiscri in the street, se Unconcerned, the police drove their horses over them into the next rank of strikers Behind thetheir clubs More strikers began to fall in the street, and the screaan to rise over the noise Suddenly the strikers broke and began to run toward the sides and the other streets Relent- lessly the police followed theates

Daniel saw the sergeant give the order, the gates begin to swing open A uards came out at the back of the strikers who re their clubs

Daniel turned to look at Foster The union leader seeit our ass outta here!” Daniel said

Foster didn't move Daniel turned to two of Foster's assistants ''Better git hirabbed Foster by the ar hi, almost as if he were in a daze

Daniel watched as the first truck began to roll through the steel-ates Tiie blacks stood about fifty in a truck like herded sheep; their faces gray with fear The sergeant ca the rest of the trucks in Daniel ca strikers and caeant aving his billy club in the air, directing the trucks Daniel reached up and picked the club froeant turned in surprise ”What the hell?”

”Howdy, Sergeant,” Daniel said with a seant had a chance to react, Daniel seant's face The man's mouth, nose and chin dissolved into a an to fall Daniel kicked hieant fell backward under the wheels of the passing truck There was a popping sound aleant's chest, collapsing the ribs and crushi+ng his spine, and when the truck had passed, Daniel kneas looking down at a deadthe billy club in his hand, he turned away and began to walk slowly toward the side street

A deputy sheriff ca toward him He saw the club in Daniel's hand and took him for one of the private police 'What happened back there?”

Daniel looked at him, ''I think one o' the trucks jes' run over some prick”

'Jesus!” the deputy swore 'Did yuh ever see anythin' like it?”

'Nope,” Daniel said, and continued walking away When he turned up the side street, he threw the billy club utter He walked five blocks to the nearest saloon Once inside, he ordered a bottle of whiskey all for himself He took three quick drinks Then the bartender ca over at the mill?”

Daniel poured hier aroun' here n and see that the newspapers get a steady flow of stories about us” He paused for ahelp I knew I could count on you Thanks”

He put down the telephone and looked up and saw Daniel in the doorway 'Where the hell have you been?” he asked angrily ''I've gotthe hospitals to find out what happened to you”

'Tm here now,” Daniel said

'You should have seen that ere better prepared for what happened,” Foster said That was your job”

''I tor you the best I could,” Daniel said ''You couldn't control the men There was no discipline down there”

''Discipline?” Foster's voice was scornful ”They're workers, not soldiers What do you expect from them?”

”Nothin',” Daniel said succinctly, ”but better leadershi+p It seemed to me like they was jes' bein' set up to becothose men?”

Daniel's voice was even ”I'm not accusin' you of anythin' I'm jes' tellin' you how it looked to me”

Foster stared into his eyes ”Where were you when the head of the plant guards went under the wheels of the truck?”

Daniel aze ”Why do you ask?”

”Some of the men said they saw you near him just before it happened”



”They're full o' shi+t,” Daniel said ”I was busy runnin' up the street behin' you, but it did no good You was too fast ferfor you,” Foster said

'Tell 'eo lookin' fer the men who put our poor bastids in the hospital instead,” Daniel an- swered ”Right now the mounted cops is ridin' up and down the streets o' Hunky Town bustin' the head of any poor bastard who's standin' out in the street talkin' to his neighbors By the tiht comes, there ain't a man down there won' be afraid to come outta his house”

”How do you know that?” Foster demanded

”I jes' come f'om there”

”How come I didn't hear about it before now?”

”All your assistants is too busy playin' io out an' fin' out what's happenin'”

”You sound like you think you can do it better than we can,” Foster said balefuUy ”Pretty sh,” Daniel said ”I jes' don' kno things like this is s'pose to be done”

Foster relaxed, leaning back in his chair ”Well, takestrike It covers al to be won or lost by one incident at one lousy ets around, we'll coer than ever”

Daniel looked at hi to put two or threeme back written reports of specific police harasset this out on the neires tonight”

Daniel nodded ”Yes, sir”

Daniel never filed the report That night he and three hundred other strikers spent the night in jail The two o back to the union office at their first gli up on the side- walk to roust three custoonna need more help,” they said

Daniel watched with contempt as they darted up the street Then he turned and walked into the barbershop One of the police a Hunky worker out into the street, lather still on his face, blocked Daniel in the doorway

' Where the hell do you think you're goin'?'' he barked