Part 16 (1/2)

''It's the realities, Jimmy,” Morris said ''We can't win 'email”

”I don' care about all of 'em!” Jimmy said hotly ”Jes' this one This is my friends, my town, my people” He looked at the lawyer ”What do I tell 'euish in his eyes ”You tell theo back to work” His voice softened ”Tell the a battle doesn't mean the war is lost Someday the union will be here”

Jimmy looked at hian the strike without the union, they'll carry it on without the union” He started back into the building

”Jiot their permission to stay down here for your trial”

Jimmy nodded wearily ”Thank you, Morris” He hesitated, then added, ”I know you did the best you could I appreciate that”

”What are you going to do, Jimmy?” the attorney asked

”I don't have ot to tell 'em what you said This is their strike It's still up to them to decide what they want to do with it”

”And you, Ji to do after it's all over?”

Jiht in the whiskey business before this started I kin alius go back to it”

”We can use men like you in the union,” Morris said ”You can come up to New York with me They said they would find a place for you”

Jimmy shook his head ”That's not ferhere with rateftil fer the consideration”

He went back into the building The attorney fol- lowed hi came out into the alley He looked up at the rooftops across the alley and waved his hand

The guards he had posted up there to protect Jin their rifles under their areneral ht, the vote was unanimous to continue the strike Even if it meant that the mills would move out and that they would all lose their jobs forever

The day of the trial dawned bright and clear The early-May breeze brought a fresh spring fragrance to the air that cah the open s of the kitchen, where they were having breakfast

Morris Bernstein took out his watch and looked at it ''Tiins at ten o'clock””F and Morris rose with hiit yer jacket an' tie,” Molly Ann said

Ji do you reckon the trial should take?”

”A few days,” Morris answered ”One or two days to pick the jury, another couple of days for the trial and then you'll be a freeback into the rooo any other way,” Morris said confidently ”We have a hundred witnesses to prove it was self-defense”

”They'll have witnesses too,” Molly Ann said

”Pinkertons,” Roscoe said conteoin' to believe 'e his tie and slipped into his jacket He walked over to the mirror in the hallway and inspected hiht clothes/' he said

'You look real handsome, honey,” Molly Ann said

He ca a drawer, took out his revolver He started to put it in his belt

''No,” Morris said ''Put that back”

Jimmy looked at him ”I don' feel coo into court packing a gun,” Morris said ”It's not respectful Besides, they're not going to try anything in front of all those people The whole town is going to be there”

Jimmy looked at Roscoe doubtfully ”What do you think?”

”Mebbe he's right,” Roscoe answered, but he didn't seee can hold you in conteun in there?”

”Do I have to leave un too?” Roscoe asked

”What you do is your own affair,” Morris answered ”I have to worry about my client, that's all”

”Leave it, then,” Roscoe said ”Me an' the boys'll be there Ain't nothin' goin' to happen”

Jiun back into the drawer Molly Ann took off her apron and folded it neatly across the back of a kitchen chair ”I'm ready,” she said

Jimmy looked at her She was in her sixth nant ”Don' you think it would bebetter if'n you stayed hoood fer the baby”

”I'oin',” she said firo, then,” Morris said ”It's getting late”

Courthouse Square was in the exact center of the town By the tiot there, it was filled with people all in their Sunday best There was al around yelling and playing; the adults were talking excitedly They clustered around Jimmy and Molly Ann as they er to touch Jimmy, to slap him on the back and wish him well It was easy to see whose side they were on

Sam Fitch and the sheriff stood in the doorway of his store and watched the crowd across the street The sheriff shook his head ”I don' know,” he said, ''I don'like it”

Fitch looked at hiot a better idee?”

The sheriff took a deep breath ”Too ot no choice,” Fitch said ”You heard the host town?”

The sheriff looked back across the square ”I still don' like it,” he said ”Lookit there He's got Roscoe Craig an' some of his boys aroun' hioin' to be able to git to hiaze ”Sooner or later he's got to be standin' alone Even if it's only fer a moment Jes' hope yer boys are ready fer it”

”If'n that happens,” the sheriff said gri, handshaking and good-wishi+ng, it took them almost twenty minutes to make their way across the square to the courthouse steps The doors of the building opened just as they reached the foot of the steps The mad rush of people who janmied up in front of the doors was slowed by the four deputy sheriffs who checked each e wooden boxes on either side of the door- way slowly began to fill with guns The deputies were polite but firuns in the courthouse,” they explained ”You kin pick 'em up at the sher'fs office after court”

Soet into the courthouse they had to give up their guns Roscoe stared up the steps ”I don' like that,” he said

Morris looked at hi to happen once we're inside”