Part 59 (1/2)
Maritza gave a quick order to ato strengthen the position
”Who co to the Baron
”The Princess,” was the answer
”A dozen leaders fight for me,” said Maritza; ”but I look to you and the Baron to advise me”
”What forces have you in the city beside these?” Ellerey asked, turning to Petrescu
”Many are hurrying to join us,” he answered
”And will have to fight their way to us,” said Ellerey ”We must hold the Square at all costs, for I see no line of retreat”
”Retreat!” exclaimed Maritza ”There is no retreat for ”
”Still, Princess, a ht save the day”
”We have no way of retreat, Captain,” said Petrescu, and the look in his face told Ellerey plainly enough that, loyal as he was, he had little hope of success ”Circumstances have forced matters to an issue, and we must stand or fall as the fates decide”
The rattle of musketry was now continuous on all sides, and for those who fell there was little help or thought, friend and foe alike trale More than once soldiers, thrust forward by those behind theh the ranks of the defenders, only to be shot or stabbed before they could recover theain the rushes were stopped and repulsed, but still they were made with unabated fury, and Ellerey saw that each one was more determined, more difficult toinas only straightened with great effort
Presently he touched the Baron on the shoulder, and pointed to one street where, in the distance,why they did not use them,” said Ellerey
”The streets are narrow for them,” said Petrescu
”True; but if only a dozen break through there will be confusion” And then, lowering his voice, Ellerey went on: ”Is there no way of escape for her?”
”We may carve one for her, Ellerey, you and I; it is the only way I know of”
They had spoken in a low tone, but, had their voices been louder, it is doubtful whether Maritza would have heard theed around her She was unconscious of the bells above her, which told quarter after quarter, sounding ht ca in her cause, at her bidding; but how could she blame herself? Had not thousands before thehts less than those of her fathers? And was she not a her subjects to cry victory with them, or to die in their midst? She asked from them no sacrifice which she herself was not prepared to ht their way to us?” she said turning to Ellerey suddenly
”If they can, Princess”
It was a vain hope In every street which led to the Grande Place there had been desperate struggles In the roadways lay the dead and dying, while others fled to find safety if they could There was no help to coe!”
The co out sile of harness and the thud of horses' hoofs
Here the attack was hurled back, horses riderless, here horse and man pitched forward to be shot and stabbed; and here the same, and here; but yonder the defenders had been driven in, and there too A dozen horseh they fell, confusion had begun The defense eakened at several points, ht their way in, and with theained an entrance Step by step the rebels were driven backward toward the statue where Maritza stood ”Will those others never fight their way to us?” she cried in almost piteous tones
”You cannot stay here,” said Ellerey ”Co past them Once beaten back, hopelessness caht now shouted to their comrades to escape if they could The soldiers, resistlessly pressing forward, were closing in on them when Ellerey spoke Maritza did not answer
”Coain, his hand on her arht you to this; forgive otten for a ht of the man beside her