Part 52 (1/2)

”Is he in Sturatzberg?”

”Ah, Countess, you must not try and surprise my secrets; but rest assured he must die unless you choose to save hi suddenly laid his hand on hers, which were folded in her lap

”To-er the names of those who are foremost in Maritza's cause, the naovern, and, so far as is in your knowledge, the plans which they have formed On my royal oath, none shall know from whom I received this information, and Captain Ellerey shall be free to leave Wallaria”

”He is a brave man, and I would help him if I could,” she said

”You can, Countess; if you love hiely at fault; Captain Ellerey is nothing to me”

”I have touched your hand, Countess, as you asked a question concerning him, and felt the quiver in your frame Your heart would not answer as your lips do Remember this: he dies unless you save him”

”But I am powerless, your Majesty”

”Then, Countess, his case is hard indeed There are some hours before to-morrow; use them to understand hoerful you are in this matter”

”So far I will obey your Majesty”

”Always re, Countess, that if you cannot save hi left her alone

Here was the opportunity she had dreamed of No one would ever know

What to her were Princess Maritza and all her followers in comparison with Desmond Ellerey? There was a look of determination in her face as she left the alcove quickly The few hours before tomorrow seemed all too short for her



It was a dark night without a limmered in the sky The smell of rain was in the air, and there was a closeness in the at a conscious one It was still early as Frina Mavrodin was driven rapidly homeward She left the palace i The few hours before to-hts surged through her brain, but one thought was ever do others? For while the King's suggestion was a subtle and potent te the Countess Such an idea as a wholesale betrayal of those who had trusted her had never occurred to her; her only thought had been how to raise a barrier between Maritza and Desht be effectually separated forever Such plans as had come into her mind may have been mean and unworthy, but the circu's words had robbed theed to theested It did not occur to her to blaestion; politically, perhaps, he was justified; but that he could believe her capable of such treachery showed her that, between her private jealousy and her political position, there was no room to draw even the finest of lines So the few hours before to-le between her honor and her desire, but in concentrated thought of how his Majesty ht be outwitted Desmond Ellerey must be saved, but neither the Princess nor her followers must be sacrificed to save hiht be Thus, through the fierce fire of teer woman, a keener slave to duty, because that dutyshaken herself free frohts and conceptions became more acute

It was hardly possible that Des No one could know his move hiht point to the probability of his arrest, Ellerey's courage and resourcefulness were factors to be reckoned with before his arrest could becoht prove reckless was true, but he would hardly do so until every otherhad played upon her fears, and she had fallen a victi She had plainly shown that Ellerey was dear to her, that she was prepared to sacrifice iven the i if she would, and therefore, should the rescue of Maritza prove successful, she herself, and her house, and all who belonged to her would be closely watched She had, in fact, undone what she had so persistently taken pains to accoiven cause for suspicion; she had rendered her house by the river an unsafe place of refuge Hoas she to retrieve the position?

Entering her house she gave rapid instructions to certain of her servants, and then went to her own roo woman came quickly, and to her Frina made her first confession

”I have been cross, Hannah, soive me”

”Oh, no, my lady, you have only been troubled We all have our oay of showing grief”

”True, Hannah, and I have had troubles which you cannot know of Your quick pardon teaches me a lesson”

”O my lady---”

”Listen, Hannah, there is ht, perhaps, the Princess will return”