Part 48 (1/2)

”We should reach the place by noon,” the brigand answered; ”but heto the pass”

”I dare say you will remember where he is likely to have removed to,”

the Baron returned, ”since your miserable life depends upon it”

They were just preparing to continue their journey after a short rest and hastyrapidly toward the with that easy, measured stride which a runner falls into when his journey is likely to be a long one A moment later he ran into the midst of thelance to right and left of him for a way of escape, stood still; but in an instant a knife gleanized him


The man turned toward him and lowered the knife at once ”The Princess, Anton, where is she?”

”Yonder; alive,” Anton answered ”Give e”

”For me?”

”For all, Captain, who love her”



Although Anton had declared to Ellerey that there was no certainty that the Princess had failed, he did not believe in his own optimism

True, death seemed certain in the tower, but it had been kept at bay until now almost miraculously, it seerown up in hiands appeared little short of madness to Anton; he even considered whether he would not be acting in her best interests by disclosing the plan to Ellerey; and he felt a traitor even when he carried out her co on the roof, it had been coands on the plateau Having attracted their attention, he dropped a paper, wrapped round a piece of stone, telling theo with them to Vasilici, on condition that her companions were allowed to leave the hills unmolested; that she had in her possession the token which Vasilici expected and was, e which those ith her would not allow her to deliver The brigands accepted the terh they broke faith and came back to secure the two men in the tower if possible, they made no attempt to injure the Princess when she climbed down the rope after Anton and stood in thethat she was far too valuable a prisoner not to be taken with all speed to Vasilici As the brigands surrounded her, Anton caught the rope, and, with a quick, dexterous turn of his ar upward to the roof

”You er out of his voice

”I do,” Maritza answered; ”but nothing was said about the rope, and a small matter may make a difference in such a treaty as ours”

As they descended the zig-zag path, Maritza fired three ti the ,” she said, nodding toward the tower ”That is to wake them, and let them know of the treaty”

”I must ask you for that weapon,” said the leader, but in spite of hierous plaything in your hands”

”It is empty and of no further use tohiraved on it, and may serve you as a boast some day when you entertain your felloith tales of your adventures”

Having arranged which radually fall out in twos and threes and presently return to the pass, the brigands made haste to march, and they did not interfere when Maritza waved her handkerchief to the two solitary figures standing on the plateau It would show that the Princess was safe and allay any suspicions they ht have; they would probably not hurry their departure, and were likely to fall into the hands of theto the pass Nor did theybeside the Princess; there was so evidently no idea of atte Vasilici?” Maritza asked, turning to a ht,” was the answer, ”unless wehalt on the way”