Part 35 (1/2)
”Our chance is a poor one if it coy first,” Ellerey said ”Let us ride easily”
”What happened?” queried Stefan
”The box did not contain the right token, and they attacked us without a word of warning”
”What of the others?”
”Heaven knows They hardly seeosie who thought of the way across the hills, and we've had to run for it like hunted rabbits, eh, lad?”
Grigosie s after his tremendous exertion Anton had stretched out a hand to support hialloped
”They are dead then, those others?” said Stefan
”I fear so”
”And we've been deceived, sent into a trap like a lot of rats There's a reckoning to be paid”
”Tih to think of that, Stefan Let us secure the castle first,”
said Ellerey
”I'rowled the soldier ”It's putting our trust in a woman that's been the curse of us”
No one contradicted him, and they rode on in silence until the castle cah, as silent and deserted as when they had first seen it There was nocreature except themselves was near it
”Look!” exclaimed Stefan suddenly
He pointed to the hillside on which the lights had shone ures descending the slopes
Whether they had caught sight of the riders and ju, or whether they had learnt of the escape fronals across the hills, it was i rapidly, and there was no ti path the odds will be more evenly balanced,” said Ellerey ”Forward! Gallop!”
”It see for a point beyond the castle,” said Stefan ”They are expecting us to ride out of the pass”
”So fortune favors us,” said Ellerey ”Rein up altogether at the entrance to the path, dismount, and up to the plateau quickly”
Even as they stopped with exact precision, a loud challenge caiven, several shots whistled across the pass and struck close to the entrance of the zig-zag way
”Up with you quickly!” shouted Ellerey, who brought up the rear ”There is little har, and they will think twice before they follow us”
”Careful in front, lad,” Stefan called out to Grigosie, who led the way ”Keep sharp eyes, the plateau may be occupied”
The boy nodded, but he had been looking out keenly before the soldier's warning, leading his horse in such a manner as to cover himself as much as possible The precaution proved unnecessary; the castle was eitives to o up the path they shouted as though victory were already won, nor did they atteht surely as birds netted by the fowler