Part 10 (1/2)
”No, I do not believe it”
”To what do you refer?” Ellerey asked
”To that card scandal of yours I believe you are an innocent man Why don't you prove it?”
Ellerey took up the letter which he had thrown on the table when Lord Cloverton entered
”Do you know Sir Charles Martin?” he asked, holding the letter out to hilish politics has not? I may live to see him Prime Minister What, do you wish me to read this?”
”If you please” Lord Cloverton read the letter through
”Evidently an intimate friend of yours You could not have a better sponsor for your character I think he gives you excellent advice”
”You would give me the same, Lord Cloverton?”
”Because you are an innocent ht for your character to the last ditch”
”Why should you suppose I a for ?”
”Why not? Words will never mend a broken reputation; deeds land”
”And in England, or for England, I a
A sorry position, is it not,you to alter it”
”But you have not told me why,” said Ellerey ”Shall I tell you the reason, Lord Cloverton? You wish ”
”Why should I?”
”That you must tell me”
”There is a candor about you, Captain Ellerey, that cohtforward treat that your presence here will tend to haland's interests I do not pretend to know exactly in what direction you will hinder ood a ainst your own country Go back to England I thoroughly believe in you, and you shall have my hearty support in your endeavor to establish your innocency”
”You are very good, ret that I cannot co”
”You prefer to be crushed?”
”Yes, in the service of ht with different weapons, Lord Cloverton”