54 Chapter 20: Preperation & Departure (1/2)
The next day at the break of dawn when the customers began pouring in. It became time to leave for my adventure, the expedition, to think that it would start with such an intense and erotic experience, not to mention magic exists in this world!What else could be waiting for me out there?
As I was thinking back about what I had experienced until now while I still lay in bed.
As I turned around I noticed it got crowded in the tavern again. Alexandra had given the order to prepare for the coming expedition, making sure everyone was well-rested as we would meet-up at the rendezvous point.
That last day of training was an intense one as a bright and sunny day in spring. Geo and I finished looking over all our stuff. So we would have more time to relax until the meeting. Thinking I still had time till the rendezvous I turned around, to find Geo slamming at the door.
”Michael... Michael… Michael, Michael! We are late for the rendezvous!!! We have to hurry!!”
I noticed the alarmed tone Geo took, and shot up out of bed,I rushed faster than I ever had to try to brush my teeth while dressing myself.
Of course I wasn't used to doing more things at the same time, together with pressure…making me trip over my pants I fell headfirst towards the door. At that moment Geo opened the door slamming it right into my face, resulting in an anti-climactic face slide towards the ground.
”What are you doing?! If you want to be on time, we have to leave, NOW!!”
I mumbled something as I still had part of my brushwood in my mouth.
*Mumble, mumble, mumble, hmmm…*
”What are you saying… this is no time for jokes, come here, give me your hand.”
Geo lifted me in an instant, he saw I was almost dressed and decided to grab what was left on the chair in my room as we bolted off towards the exit of the tavern. Taking off towards the rendezvous point outside of town.
Since June and Ragnee would be party leaders they had made sure to inform us about the time we had to spend searching the ruins.
Geo and I went on our way, running through town and towards the main guildhall to enter the fields of beginnings, thinking about it. It was quite impressive really. The epicenter of Sharoo was indeed the main guildhall as ever person wanting to travel or do business had to venture through. As I thought about this rushing being pulled by Geo through the main building, I stumbled upon someone who I hadn't seen in quite some time.
As I saw that she had dived into her work,fierce as ever I wanted to tell her the good news.
But I couldn't because we were late…
Geo noticed I wanted to stall and brag but didn't allow it. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and bolted towards the town's exit. While still holding on to my shirt tightly I tried to make sure we didn't forget the most important part of my equipment, the armor the blacksmith had been preparing for me since my first real battle in the fields!
”G-GGG… GEO!!!! Slow down for a second will you?!”
”No! Who was the one who overslept, forgetting he had to rendezvous for the important expedition?! Well? I can tell you… It's not me!”
”Fine… I made a mess of things...But at least let me pick up my equipment from the blacksmith in town!!”
Geo agreed and, smiling to me with a grin on his face as if he was finally allowed to do something new.
”It is important to be well prepared, Michael, since the detour we have to take now is inevitable…I will have to pick up the pace and go full throttle!!”
My face showed worry as the realization crept in slower than I could react.
Geo laughed as we had almost arrived at the blacksmith. Quickly he made a huge jump into the air and warned me.
”Hahaha, let me warn you my rival! Brace yourself for impact!”At that moment we landed with a heavy impact on the ground. Ripping apart the dirt under his feet,creating a long trail.
”We have arrived, quickly now, grab your stuff so we can e on our way!”
Geo dropped me as I fell to the ground, motion sick because of the sheer pressure the velocity of Geo's running speed had substantially created. For a minute… I lay there barfing and awestruck, unable to grasp what had happened.
Geo couldn't wait any longer and decided to pick up the order himself.
Stepping inside the Armory, he had to admit not seeing something of this magnitude before.Geo forgot for a moment why he had entered and what he came to do, awestruck by all the new and shiny equipment he lost himself in thought thinking about the sheer minimum he was able to spend while saving for his grand goal.Trying to do the math, he suddenly got interrupted.
”Good morning young sssir, may I be able to help you with anything in particular?”
The question had pulled Geo back to reality,now curious about who or what was talking to him,he turned around.
Behind him a kind looking lizardman was standing in workshop attire. He must be the owner here.Geo thought to himself. Now facing the lizard geo realized why he had come inside in the first place.
And rushed towards the desk of the shop,slamming both his fists on the desk.
”Shit! Sir, I have to hurry! I came here to quickly pick up the equipment that was being prepared for Michael Shadowfang. He is outside as we speak, but can't move as he is dealing with motion-sickness right now.
I have to take us both to the rendezvous point and we are cutting it close right now.
The lizardman began laughing hysterically, unable to hold back his tears he decided to trust the absurd yet comical situation both found themselves in.
”Hahaha oh boy! You boys know how to give me a good laugh! Interesting young fella you are, I tell you!”
The lizardman turned around releasing a flame from the palm of his hand, only to extinguish it by a balled fist.
”Sssss, I sssee, the young man made it to the expedition. Thisss isss making me all fired up!
Let me quickly prepare what you need, I'll even throw in a bonus for the fine efforts of a friend.
In the hopes, you come and buy some equipment afterward of course.”
The lizardman said raising his fist in the air as he moved to the back. A scar could be seen from the top of his hand straight through to his shoulder.
Not giving it much thought Geo began thinking about what the lizardman could be bringing him.
Moments later, the owner of the shop returned with a shiny black metallic and white bonelike armor. Astounded by the craftsmanship Geo received the equipment, as he turned around to walk away the lizardman stopped him.
”Hey you! Don't forget what I have for you!”
The lizardman left a big wooden box on the table and gestured Geo to open it.
”Go on, this isss for you. Be sssure to come and ssshop here more often. Sssir Birchwood”
Without a second thought Geo opened the wooden box, inside he found equipment for hand-to-hand combat. Consisting of shin- and arm guards.
He quickly put them on and bolted out of the door.The lizardman wished him goodbye along with a message.
”Thisss equipment will sssurve you well Lord Birchwood! Good luck on your journey to come.”
Once outside it finally dawned on him.
”Lord? Hmm... I like the sound of that,but I don't have the time to worry about it. We have to hurry Michael, quickly get changed!”
Geo stood next to me as the motion sickness finally subdued. Trying to get up, Geo dumped the equipment on me, not in a hard manner, more like it was something precious. While at the same time trying to show off his new equipment.
”Hey Michael since you are putting on your equipment, check out what the old man gave me.I thought he gave it because he knew we were friends, but, thinking about it now... Hmm…”
I looked at Geo as I had finished up putting on my gear.I saw Geo his confusion quickly turn into not having a care in the world.
”Quickly now, we have to make it in time, follow me!”
Geo grabbed one of my shoulder pads and bolted off like before.I creamed the air out of my lungs when we finally rushed through the fields of the beginning.Finally arriving at the edge of the forest we saw quite a few people gathering. We thought to ourselves that we were the last ones to arrive,when suddenly a small group of two girls and a young boy had arrived shortly after arrival.
Ragnee stood in the middle wanting everyone to gather around her.