65 Chapter 59 ~ What She… Seeks Start of Part 1 (1/2)

Part 1


Status [Level 40] Progress: 100% ~ [Stored Level: 8 at 18.47% Progress]

Name: Dola / Occupation: Necromancer / Rank: Novice

Health: 4500/4500 / Mana: 0/0 / Stamina: 100/100

Strength: 0 / Vitality: 0

Dexterity: 0 / Resistance: 0

Intelligence: 104 / Faith: 106


Armor: Physical Defense: 8%, Magical Defense: 2%

- Hide Armor (+3, +1)

- Hide Gloves (+1, 0)

- Hide Leggings (+3, +1)

- Hide Shoes (+1, 0)

Weapon: [Wooden Staff] Attack Rating: 3-5 / Physical Damage: Very Low / Magic Damage: None / Ability Potency: +0 / Spell Efficiency: 10% / Type: Staff / Rarity: Common / Requirement: None


Title: [None]

Perk: [None]

Innate Ability: [None]

Active Skill: [Create Entry-tier Undead] [Release Seal]

Passive Skill: [Reanimate]

Spell: [None] ~ 5 Slot Available


- [20% Discount ~ Center Marketplace] x2

- [10% Discount ~ Any Player Store]

- Uncommon Dungeon Key x1


Broken World


Her eyes shifted around, assessing her surroundings amidst the warm light of the sun. Siola walks on a green carpet full of grass with the three undead wolves following closely from her behind. Sighing, she mumbled, ”I wish I could keep that Seal.”

Even though she still has the knowledge of what the Purgatory Seal has given her, she cannot unleash the same power as before where she gets to reanimate much more undead than fingers could count. Now... she's gone back to default with a maximum of 3 can be raised at the time. ”Haa… so much limitation. Picking a Necromancer would be my demise. Even these things almost killed me.”

[Purgatory Seal] A token symbol of members in Purgatory Religion under the rules of King Lehdrith, God of the Dark Elves. Effect: Unknown

Back on her way to this area, she was attacked by these wolves and had to fight them using only the stick she got on her hand. Luckily, these wolves aren't that high of a level and can easily be killed with her current weapons.

She now has a clear goal in mind. Money is still a problem right now, but the things that she wants to obtain… are both fame and glory. She can do so by achieving high rank and join the pro league again as she used to in her past life, which in itself, still requires money.

Cracking her neck sternly, she thought, 'There is nothing to restore, I have yet gained anything from the world. I was a nobody… and still am.' After reciting that phrase from a black and white comic that she read, she turned around and noticed that…

A pack of wolves suddenly came out of the bushes and ran towards her. ”Hmm… I really am thinking too much, I should just enjoy the game a bit more.” She lifted a transparent dark orb out of thin air, and muttered, ”Go.”

*Grahn *Grahn!

A necromancer linked themselves to their reanimated soldiers, if Siola gets too far from them, they would die within an instant.

Siola waved the [Notification] away.

Sighing once again, ”Haa… I want Appraisal so bad right now.”

She replaced her undead wolves and then continue to walk.

Her journey has been set by her own. In order to get the same Fame and Glory, she would need to do the things she used to do that can deliver those things, but doing it with hundreds of times faster speed. The village where her whole journey began, Stoneanvil.

Sitting just below a dungeon and sat on top of a river, the Stoneanvil is never known to be anything famous. Only a normal village in a normal area. Her arms tremble as it enters her line of sight, mumbling as her lips hardened, ”There it is. Looks the same as it ever was.”

The undead wolves have disappeared a long time ago.

She clenched her fist and entered the town. And as soon as she went in, a large green tree that touches the cloud greeted her eyes in a soothing atmosphere. She looked around, took a deep breath, and let them cold refreshing air into her system. ”Haa…”

'All right. Let's see… There's an inn over there beside the river, and then a blacksmith on the far corner of the fort with an alchemy shop right beside it. The market for shopping groceries is there on the small island on the river, okay. And there is also a general store on the right just when I entered the village. Perfect, wouldn't need to go around much just to trades.'


”Same as always” her lips tilted.

Rakuri only gave her 5 gold coins as pocket money, she's gripping it tightly, But then she remembers something, ”Guh, even Kurira made fun of me because of you. You could've just, nghrr! Why did you even give me a... freaking pocket money… right in front of her.” Flushing in embarrassment, Siola tries to wash off that memory where Kurira luring her with bags full of coins… and she even followed it like an animal drooling for its food.

”A-Anyway, 5 coins. What can I get with these?”

She then went on a hunt to look for supplies, it's important to buy a provision now since she might not be coming back for a while. After that, she bought two Spellbooks in the general store. Which right now, she only has 1 gold coin and a few silvers left. ”You're new here, traveler?” asked the shopkeeper.


”Planning on settling? I wouldn't recommend doing so.”

”Hm?” sensing an opportunity rises, Siola then asked, ”Why?”

”You see, a group of bandits came here a few weeks ago and raided some of my friends' belonging in the middle of the night. So, better to just keep your stuff to that magic pocket of yours and live somewhere else.”