24 Chapter 20 ~ The Hunted Hunter 1/2 (1/2)

A week later.

Buried deep in her pillow, Mona Kastra, the woman who got her body tampered with the softness of an expert's hands, is now both regretting the decision she made a week ago and enjoying the moment she is in right now.

Twitching. These past few days have been both hell and heaven for her.

Siola on the other hand felt even greater joy doing it. Dominating those of higher powers than herself always gives an excitement to her head... and her bottom.

Now she's applying some makeup for herself and with a new hairstyle, a small amount of her hair, both on the left and right has been braided while the rest of her hair is being glued to the back, making her more like a gangster and at the same time… a retired old man.

She applies eyeliner and a considerable amount of shadow stylishly edged across her eyes. With the help of a glossed black chopstick on her lips, she smack out an arousing noise. Making her entire looks akin to a goth.

Mona lifted her face to her, and bit her lips while touching herself. A seductive voice coming out of her mouth, ”Hey, why don't you just live here with me? I can give you everything you want, so you don't have to scrap around for it on the streets, you know.”

Coating her tongue with some kind of powder, Siola lightly bites it. She then responded, ”Hmm… you said you have kids, I don't want anything to do with them.”

”Mmm… I'm sure you can handle them… just like you did to me.”

”No thanks” she said with no hesitation, and then added, ”I'm not into boys.”

”They're adult though? The girls are cute too. I'm sure you'll like them.”


Siola closed the makeup powder and put it down. She rotates the chair she sat on and face Mona straight in the eye. As she tilts her head, she said, ”What, you think I'd go for them like a mindless hound?” her lips twitched, slightly clicking. She then added, ”… I'm not walking around to just grabs chicks left and right without a reason. Speaking of which, didn't you say you were going to tell me where that cockroach went? I don't have time to play with you here.”

”Hmm…” as Mona slightly plays with her own pussy, she moaned seductively, ”Ahhh.”

Siola quickly turned her head around, trying to suppress her lust.

”Hnn… Now that I know you can do so many things, I kind of don't want to tell you about that.” chuckling, ”Besides, it has been a week already. He might've already run off somewhere unreachable now.”

Her eyes change to red, she covers her bosom with a blanket, but let out a huge portion of them for Siola to see. The latter flushed in red, and because she's trying to hold her arousal, she frowned her eyebrows.

Siola swallowed her saliva, and peek at her. Starting from her feet, strong and muscular. Her ankle, her legs… juicy. The pubes she was showing, Siola can see it… a stripe. Unfortunately, the lower bottom is hidden. Her eyes were fixated towards it, she wants to see it! Even though she has been looking at it in full view for the past week, it is still not enough.

Going up the ladder, she saw her curvy hips. The sporty six-packs combined with her slightly brown-ish skin… sexy is the word for it. The upper, or more like, the bottom of her bosom are being covered. But going to the left, she saw the thick sweaty armpits that she got. Siola accidentally let out a drool but she didn't notice it dripping from her mouth. Mona seeing it let out a grin as Siola's eyes locked to her gorgeous upper chest, and her cleavage.

”Better wipe it out before it dripped”

Siola's eyes widened. She was startled by it, and quickly wipes her drool.

”My offer still stands. You can live here carefree and I'll provide everything you need. Just help me fix my problem like this every once in a while, and I'll be happy with it.”

Siola shifted her eyes to her, ”…”

Mona added, ”… and you can do… Anything… you want” the look in her eyes already said everything. However, Siola suddenly chuckled, ”I'm surprised you're still thirsty after all of that, guess that goes for me too. But still, even able to tell that how long has it been, that's a Cyborg for you…” pausing for a moment. She then said, ”But no, I don't want to be wrapped up in your kids' pointless drama.”

Mona narrowed her eyes down to a slit. Even without malicious intent, Siola's words still hurt her. What she said was true, ”They are quite cunning indeed.”

”Heh, how did it end up like that anyway?”

Mona wiggled her lips as she rested her head back to the pillow.

She talked about how she adopted many kids in the past, it was when she and her boyfriend settled down and was heading to marriage. Everything went well at first, but then when her career peaked. The said boyfriend cheated, and that basically where everything went haywire, leading to the state he is in right now.

Their kids were raised with little to no love whatsoever from the both parents, Mona's job kept her busy and she was not able to give proper care for her children.

Though, she did ”provide” them with everything they need, but it kept escalating as time passes by and now that she has reached almost at old age, the said children kept fighting over her inheritance. Indeed, it is too early if we're talking about how long Cyborg can last. But that is how it is for those spoiled brats… they want everything they can get, and they want it fast without thinking about anything else.

Without a doubt, they would do everything to get it... everything.

Every time she talks about it, pains throb her chest. ”Do you know why… Desolate Sector holds more Nobles than the High Sect?”

Siola's eyes widened, she didn't answer the question. Not because she didn't know, but she knows that Mona didn't really expect her to know, thus she wants to talk about it instead.

”Because this place… is comfortable.”

”…” Siola tilted her head, ”Comfortable?” that was unexpected. Siola never thought about it that way. All she cares about is getting more fame and then reached the higher sect, and she already has a goal in mind to go to the highest of them all... the Capital.

Mona paused while smiling, and then nodded. She laid back on the bed, ”As long as you have power, you can do almost everything here, without worrying about anyone or anything else that might bother you.”

”What about the other group?”

Mona opened her eyes and shifted them to her, ”What about them?”


As she looks up to the ceiling, Mona's voice tone change so suddenly, creating a different vibe than before, she spoke in seriousness, ”Siola… if you want it, I can adopt you.”

Siola's eyes widened, ”I thought for sure you were getting serious” she said.

Mona smiled and then turned her body to her, ”I am.”


After a bit of silence, Siola rose from her seat and then lies down to the bed. Hugging Mona and then kiss her lips, she's doing it passionately. Mona too accepted it and opened her mouth. In a moment, they make out with each other.

*Mm *kiss *lick *Mmph *Mmm *Slurp


As soon as their mouth separated, Mona tries hard to take a breath, but Siola didn't let her and continue to make out with her. Taking her tongue and roll it inside. The amount of saliva being shared is immense.

*Slurp *Mm *Ahh


Now that it has separated once more, Mona finally has her air. She looked at Siola in the eye, ”Mm… another… round?” Mona asked.